How Many Fish Can You Have In a Saltwater Tank?

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PUMP THE BRAKES! Is adding that saltwater fish to your reef tank going to overstock it? In today's episode of BRStv Answers, Thomas is in to discuss how to properly stock fish in our saltwater aquariums. He's covering it all from tank dimensions to how to choose the right community fish for your reef tank! Let us know in the comments how you prefer to stock your aquarium!
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Amazing video Thomas: I agree and dis-agree on the clownfish
I’ve done 7 clowns 4 different kind in a 105g 4 foot tank but u will have to add all the clowns in at the same time and also have plenty of things for them to host (otherwise it definitely won’t work like Thomas said)


As someone who both buys pet store fish and catches wild fish, I just say a lot especially on the latter. Like give me 2 12” nets and a plastic bucket and maybe a fish trap and Im off to the beach to catch fish in the shallow rocky areas where fish like damsels and wrasses live in.

Now back to the question. I just say a lot because I keep all that I catch and they seem to adapt well to captive life especially when I try to replicate their world as much as possible


I just go diving, bring home whatever I think looks cool and see what happens lmao, it’s like I’ve got a David Attenborough documentary in my living room coz there’s always something different going on. like the time I woke up and found one of the snails I bought home with a starfish in it’s mouth, I now that the snail homie with the pointy shell, big red foot and long eye thingy is not safe for my tank. I also accidentally grabbed a hermit crab when I was getting snails and he got hungry and ate most of my snails but I kept him instead bc he’s cooler than snail and I don’t have an issue with algae atm so it’s calm.
I should start selling coral too, I’ve found some straight up jewels, can’t even lie
It just occurred to me I can get angel fish and other typically non reef safe fish and just feed them coral haha. I’d have an issue taking it from the ocean but I’ve watched this reef bleaching my whole life and my little ≈20cm frags that I bring home rlly don’t make a dent compared to what climate change is doing..
The place I used to go diving with dad was so magical.. WAS, now it’s just big piles of crumbling limestone skeletons.
Hope you enjoyed my lil ramble, congrats for making it to the end


10 in a 75. No protein skimmer. 10 gallon water change once a month. Feed 2-3 times a week.


I need to get some anthias and some more green chromis so I have more schooling fish.


What do you have to say about Clark’s anemone clownfish temperament i have two in my tank rn to start with


No regal blue tank in a 40 gal? What, are we the tang police? 😜

(Joking of course)


Are all these videos just being re released
