Is Mexico a Threat Next Door? - VisualPolitik EN

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El mandato de AMLO ha llegado a su fin. ¿Qué balance podemos hacer de sus seis años al frente del gobierno mexicano? ¿Ha logrado Manuel López Obrador la gran transformación política y económica que prometió para México? En una serie especial de vídeo aquí en VisualPolitik te lo contamos. En este primer capítulo te hablamos de corrupción y crimen.

#Mexico #America #AMLO
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Corruption in mexico is so institutionalized it will be hard to get rid of by any politicians. Bribes work when getting arrested, with pharmacists, with paperwork you need move through beuacracy quickly etc. after living there for a couple years… it just becomes part of how you interact. Don’t miss that!


If mexico does not have criminals or corruption, they would be one of the strongest nations in the world


Americans never address the problem of addiction on their part, that has gone so out of control that it’s funding multiple paramilitary cartels and keeping their lights on, and also the weapons brought into Mexico is never mentioned. What is being done about keeping people off drugs and stopping the illegal trade of firearms?


Politicians claiming they will improve their country 😂.


The corrupt and the criminal are going to create a society free of corruption and crime.

Umm.... OK.


It'd be great if his proposals had more concrete results, which it doesnt not appear to at the moment


Mexico has EVERYTHING to become not only a regional power next to the US, but also a world wide power. It has cheap labor, a young educated labor force, natural resources, land size, access to Pacific & Atlantic Ocean, no regional enemies or threats, friends with the US & Canada (no one other than the US would dare attack them, attacking Mexico would result in direct Us involvement) ever growing foreign direct investment from all over the world, a growing tourism sector, among the richest culture. Mexico’s only problem is itself.


Sounds like all he did was, I can’t and won’t improve the country but I can say good things to make you feel better about the country.


AMLO keeps a "live and let live" woth the cartels. They keep the violence out the street, the govt wont directly interfere. The lead lady candidate has a similar mind set.

Obviously they want to expell the cartels but with their vash membership, wealth and willingness to commit public violence against anybody, it's easier said than done. The US could help but it would cost citizens their lives and property.


America stop sending weaponds to México


It's so hard to fight corruption once it has saturated society like this. It's also basically impossible to defeat the cartels given they have an infinite drug money pit right next door. Only US drug legalization can destroy their income source and that will never happen.


The “Hugs not Bullets” policy is a long term solution. The name makes it seem that the government will let the cartels do their thing in peace but that is not the case. Hugs not bullets is meant for the young. Cartels recruit young men that don’t seem to have a future. The hugs are scholarships and internships to keep them off the streets and out of the cartel hands.


Is Mexico a threat next door? Aren't you European 🤣


Bless Mexico rise to progress, Blessings from america.


Amlo should've taken a page out of Bukele's notepad when it comes to dealing with violence and lack of security.


The most amazing thing is that people supported (and support) AMLO as an alternative to PRI and like 50% of candidates of MORENA came straight from PRI... *MORENA is just PRI rebranded.*


normally you need good peace and security to create prosperity, and you need good prosperity to create peace and security.
"doesn't work for war tho."


Producing drugs in Mexico and South America and selling them in North America and in other parts of the world has basically become an international business with enablers in all levels of governments and at the executive levels in many multinational corporations.

I think there is an equal duty and responsibility on both sides of the supply and demand sides of this business to try and control it and try to make it legal and legitimate.

I am sure there is some illegal and criminal activity that goes on in the production and selling of liquor, beer, wine, tobacco and pharmaceutical drugs but governments and the businesses that produce and sell them for the most part compete and operate according to rules and laws that have been agreed to.

If the countries that produce and consume drugs recognize that they are both equally responsible to produce and enforce legislation that can transformer the drug trade into a legal business, there will probably be a significant reduction in the gang violence that presently controls this business.


Yes we've said that for years. 37 assassinations isn't normal.


Mexico's prosperity relies upon its relationship with the u.s. Let's hope she acknowledge this simple fact. Stop the victimization attitude and get on-board.
