Coding Interfaces for Python - Jupyter Notebook and Google Colab

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In this lesson, we'll learn all about Jupyter Notebook so we can use it as our coding interface throughout this course.
We'll quickly compare it to Google Colab, and see where one has an advantage over the other.
We'll also talk about Jupyter's Kernel & Colab's Runtime, as well as demonstrate what some of the buttons do.
By the end of this lesson, you'll be comfortable with using both of these interfaces and understand most of their features.
In the next lesson, we'll start learning the Python syntax and be able to put our software knowledge into use.
We'll quickly compare it to Google Colab, and see where one has an advantage over the other.
We'll also talk about Jupyter's Kernel & Colab's Runtime, as well as demonstrate what some of the buttons do.
By the end of this lesson, you'll be comfortable with using both of these interfaces and understand most of their features.
In the next lesson, we'll start learning the Python syntax and be able to put our software knowledge into use.
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