96. What is divine simplicity? With Fr. Chris Pietraszko

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Hey all, today I chat with my mate, Fr.Chris Pietraszko about divine simplicity. This is fun one!

If you want to read some of what Aquinas had to say about DS, see here.


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That quote from the Summa really floors Matt at 38:20. I'm not surprised. The simplicity of God is one of the most profound ideas in philosophy and theology, and rather ironically it is this simplicity that allows us to understand the concept of the infinite in all its complexity. The infinite is NOT merely an endless extrapolation of the finite, nor is it an unreachable concept at the far end of space and time. It does have what appear to us as human qualities, albeit qualities that are related to each other in a unique way.


Amazing, praise God. Difficult though it is to understand, I can’t see how God could be otherwise than this.


I'm definitely interested learning more about divine simplicity and its implications. This was a good warm up on the subject.


This is the best PWA episode you have ever recorded, Matt.


I'll take a pint of chimay instead. You papists make the best beer. Live you guys even though I have some disagreements.


Divine simplicity seems very plausible. I am protestant, but it does seem pretty good.


To speak of God is a limited way of describing Him.


But what about Duns Scotus and Bonaventure's different understanding of Divine Simplicity?


The fullness of divinity (pleroma theotes) is in Christ. Obviously the Father too has the fullness of divinity. So this is the same divinity. They are of one essence.

The bible also says that the saints are called to partake of the divine nature. In the Greek of holy scripture it says that God has energy (energeia energeo, dynamis, etc) Scripture also says that his energy is in the believer energizing them and working in them.

According to the doctrine of Divine simplicity God's essence is identical to God's energy and that there are no distinctions in God.

But if this true then when God's energy is infused in us it is the divine essence the fullness of divinity in us. In which case the saints are members of the Godhead and it's not a Trinity anymore because the Saints become equal to the Father Son and Holy Spirit. That is blasphemy.

Rightfully everyone rejects this blasphemous conclusion

So Eastern Christians come to the conclusion that God's essence and energy are not identical. Instead we believe in a qualified simplicity that is not absolute.

The Latins accept ADS and teach that we partake of created grace.
But if that's true I don't understand how theosis and union with God can be real.

Furthernore if ADS is true and there are no distinctions within the Divinity how can it be Triune? Shouldn't each person in the Trinity be the same person? As much as I love him doesn't St. Augustine say that it is the same thing for God to be as for God to be a person? As much as I love him doesn't modalism then follow? Obviously Augustine rejected modalism. I'm saying he is inconsistent. Fortunately you do not have to be totally infallible to be a very Holy saint!


Thank you for this video. I am convinced about God being Simple---He is not composed of any parts. I also believed that God is Immaterial. However, I am struggling to reconcile Divine Simplicity and God being Immaterial in the case of Jacob wrestling with God. How can God wrestled Jacob and making him crippled if He is Immaterial? Thank you and God bless!


it's difficult to concieve of because it is incoherent


Tommaso d'Aquino si sarebbe bevuto più un bicchiere di vino 🍷😅


But Italians didn't drink beer, they drank wine. 🤓


God can't act either, because action is moving from a state of potentiality to a state of actuality.


Aquinas Absolute divine simplicity is wrong it leaves God out of his creation. Divine simplicity is different from Absolute divine simplicity dont confuse the two!


Why does any of this matter? Do you think the majority of saints in heaven thought about this stuff?
