Magical Properties of Lovage Root

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All that matters at Lovage Root is love. Lovage Root is almost always used in love spells, regardless of the sort of magic. It's a wonderful ingredient for spells intended at love, romance, or conceiving children. Love and romantic entanglements are attracted to Lovage Root, which is regarded as a potent sorcery ingredient. The Sun and water are symbols of Lovage.
'Love parsley,' another frequent name for this feathery plant, gets its name from its inclusion in old formulas for love potions. "Levare" is a Latin word that translates to "comfort" or "soothe." Depending on who you ask, "Lovage" could be a straight translation of the Middle English word "loveache." I'm leaning toward a more scientific explanation: The name "lovage" comes from the Latin term "Ligurian," referring to the herb's ancient habitation in Liguria, which covers the Italian Riviera. The name was so muddled by Chaucer's time that it became "love-ache" or "love parsley" in English. Growing and selling Lovage was a common business practice for nineteenth-century Shaker religious communities. Beauty and love herbs, as well as purification and psychic slumber, are all related with the herb.
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