Is Monster Hunter Rise good enough? | Deep Dive Review

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0:00:00 - Intro
0:05:51 - HR1: To Build a Monster Hunter (Graphics and Performance)
0:25:48 - Gathering Quest: Why am I making this Video now?
0:28:02 - HR2: Of Doggo and Dango (Story and Setting)
0:47:56 - HR3: Mastery of the Blade (Gameplay and Structure)
1:21:25 - HR4: Yokai of Legend, Lords of the Kingdom (The Monsters)
1:43:46 - Gathering Quest: Event Quests and Paid DLC
1:58:22 - HR5: The Sites of Glory (Maps and Environment)
2:16:02 - HR6: Warrior Garments (Armor and Weapons)
2:34:23 - HR7: Kingdom Come (Sunbreak Improvements)
2:50:30 - Gathering Quest: A Game with no Content?
3:01:19 - HR8: The Apex of... what? (Failed Content)
3:19:48 - HR9: 'Tis an Affliction! (The Endgame)
3:42:10 - HR10 URGENT: Is Rise Enough? (The Answer)

Links mentioned in the video:

The History of Monster Hunter, by SuperRad:

Action Button, by Tim Rogers:

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it is finally done. now i schleep.

- Bubbly Dance already existed in MHGU. No clue why I forgot that lol.
- TU3, which released while this video was being edited, introduced a new Melding Type called Aurora, which allows you to meld a Talisman with a specific Skill in Master Rank.
- Palamutes can be made more effective than Palicoes through specific builds and are often preferred by Speedrunners. However, the overall utility of Palicoes still outweighs that imo, so the point in the video still stands.


Monster hunter Rise is an incredible game, but I think I will still always prefer how immersive world was, finding monster tracks and exploring for monsters made me feel a deeper connection to the game than with rise.


One thing to note to your HR2 section:
During Sunbreak's "Gathering of the QUrio Quest", not only was there a huge thematic presentation in the mission, it actually had real effects on gameplay as well. During the missions, except for the target monster, NO LIVING CREATURES EXIST. That also means NO endemic life. This includes Hunting Helpers, Traps (like the Thorny Toads) AND Spiribirds. You were FORCED to take on the quest without a couple of the Game's unique mechanics.
And this being the only mission like this, it not just gives you that impression of "something is really wrong" with only thematic presentation, but it SLAMS IT INTO YOUR FACE with gameplay effects that you, as a player, actually feel.

There are a couple of other things worth nothing, but I'll leave it at that.


After playing my entire life, MHW is what finally convinced my brother to join me on hunts. 1500 hours later we still duo every day.


I actually really liked the scout flies and the whole tracks mechanics tbh. Once you leveled up the scout flies it also didn't matter you could track easily with the flies.


magnamalo felt underwhelming to me because i was EXPECTING him to have a few appearances before the real fight going into it, much like almost every flagship monster there's ever been. so when i got to his little 3 star village quest i was expecting at any moment to be on the floor in a scripted death before he does some cool shit and then runs away, but instead he just dropped dead!! super underwhelming, absolutely no build up and the fight felt super anticlimactic because i could tell i was supposed to be afraid of him but he was just a pushover that got exposition 20 minutes before he died


Having watched the whole video, I think the core reason why I was able to thoroughly enjoy rise for what it is is because I knew what I was getting. I knew it wasn't gonna be world 2 at all. I knew it would be gameplay/combat focussed and I really enjoy that. I love world and rise for seperate reasons, so I don't think it makes a lot of sense to compare the two. After all both are amazing games, in which I've spent thousands of hours.

good vid!


I'm absolutely in love with the way you presented and organized this video, very cool


On the topic of difficulty from HR3: While there is definitely less of a focus on mastering the monster fight, I think what rise replaces that with is mastering the weapon due to the abundance of options which is part of why Rise is so fun to play. However, at that point it comes down to what you want to get out of it, as you can get moveset mastery out of other action games while the monsters are unique to monster hunter. Most would probably want a balance, though that's probably easier said than done.


Definitely what they could have one with Apex armor was similar to what Allmum parts did for the base Ibushi and Narwa armors by letting you upgrade them further to add a new special skill.
For example, take Apex Azuros parts to upgrade the base Azuros armor and weapons that till not only update/change the stats and skills on the armor/weapons as well as give them that darkening dragon element effect


The biggest reason I prefer Rise over World is the monster roster. As you said, the variety is much better compared to World's, the new monsters do a great job of mixing their mythological motifs with designs that stay true to the Monster Hunter creature philosophy, and the cast of returning monsters are really exciting. We have highly beloved monsters like Valstrax and the Magalas, Astalos and the crabs are treats, and seeing Espinas really opens the possibility of seeing more Frontier monsters in the main series.
However, you bring up a really good point over how the monsters in Rise/SB lack the ecological details from World, and having them just aggro on sight only gives the impression of video game bosses.
It's a shame, because it makes an otherwise better roster less memorable than the weaker one that came before it.


After watching the entire video, I'm so happy someone finally made this. You are awesome. Great work.


I like MHR, and just started playing a couple days ago, but I still prefer MHW overall. In world, the monsters feel (to me) more intimidating and publishing. They're big predators that stalk and kill you, whereas Rise just feels like generic battle time. Mechanically, the fighting in Rise is a lot more fun, but every fight so far is pretty easy to just jump into and go, rather than all the stealthily studying my opponents from a safe distance beforehand I did in World.

Also, what really sold World for me was the tracking aspect. I LOVED having to find footprints and marks on the wall to track down the monster, rather than just instantly knowing where my quarry is and chasing it down. MHW really feels like "Monster Hunter" to me, and MHR is kinda just "Monster Fighter."


If World had the more varied roster of Rise, it could have been a 10/10 for me. Just cause it's my favorite game doesn't mean it is perfect, after all.


The point about Partbreaks around 1:31:20 is a bit misleading since World is the outlier here, in every Game, except World, Rathien will still poisen you after you cut off her Tail, and since Rise started development as a follow up to GU rather then World, and had to go throu some big developmental shift because of World success, i can also see why this Detail may have been overlook


too many people hate on the Devs, when what deserves the distaste are the directors and leads who control the business model. The devs only do what they are told, putting all of their effort into into what they are told to. The business model of a company is the true problem.


I would honestly love if the next Monster Hunter have the combat of Rise, with the immersion of World. Makes me wonder how the next game will top it, or how they’ll keep the gameplay fresh.


Rise is odd in comparison to world and especially MHGU but I think the data leak, Pandemic, and the team doing things like switching from loading zones to seamless zones changed a lot of things they had in mind originally. It just feels like due to world success they had to implement things that they didn’t initially intend to. Even though rise was a bit rocky I’ve still loved both games. Also outstanding review and especially theming, listening to the HR segments was fun!


As a vet from MH3U, I'll say I've preferred Rise overall, and then Sunbreak took it to another level. World really did create a living, breathing environment but it had so many flawed mechanics and gameplay designs. The map designs, including the base hub were annoying to navigate. Unskippable cutscenes, bland weapons and armor, and so many important mechanics and tools hidden behind side quests that the game never goes out of its way to bring attention to. Rise scales things back a bit and stays closer to the original formula for MH. What's really important in Monster Hunter, what makes unique and attractive to such a wide audience now? Is it the attention to detail in ecology and designs, the cool gear, the combat, the weapon variety, the characters, the story, the music, the maps? Maybe not even Capcom knows for sure 😂 but I appreciate the ways in which they try to improve the formula, MH has always been the kind of series that only gets better.


The point about it being more friendly to newcomers and casual players resonated with me. I tried playing world on my friend's computer, but the mechanics were kind of complicated and I didn't understand the appeal of the fights, awkwardly moving around trying to hit a monster when both of us are kinda slow...

The Rise demo drew me in instantly. Now I have hundreds of hours in Rise and Sunbreak, and I want to play World+Iceborne now that I have an appreciation for how the weapons have totally different feels and it takes some practice to get into the flow of a new weapon, but it really works and feels satisfying once you get it.
