Once You Learn These Life Lessons, You Will Never Be The Same (Wisdom from Elders)

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We bring you the wisdom of older people who share their most valuable advice.

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Once You Learn These Life Lessons, You Will Never Be The Same
Life lessons you can learn from those who've lived through it all?
From handling tough times to finding happiness in the little things, these lessons will change the way you see the world. Watch now and discover how their experiences can help you live a better, more fulfilled life. Don't miss out—these insights might just change your life forever.

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing—that’s why we recommend it daily.” —Zig Ziglar

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Learning These Life Lessons Will Change You Forever (Advice from Old People)


A woman who has been without a relationship for a long time realises she doesn’t need one, and is at peace with her own company.


You know why? It's not to avoid pain. It's because you have finally figured out what you want isn't people but peace.


27years single after being married 18 years. I raised my son alone and after I just wanted not to have to take care of anyone else! Freedom to do as I pleased was more important than trying to be with someone. Alone doesn't always mean lonely.


Single for over 40 years.I would choose peace of mind and freedom over anything..💕


At 65 I’ve been single for 23 years. Loving my life and freedom!


Been divorced since 2007. I do NOT want another man in my houae. I like my freedom and not having to deal with someone else in my home!


I’ve had 3 marriages. The first 2 were abusive. After a dozen years on my own, I met and married the love of my life. A man who knew how to give and receive love, kindness and understanding. Sadly, I lost him during Covid 😢. The best 17 years of my life. I have no desire to spin the wheel again. I have loving fulfilling relationships with friends and family. Why tempt fate.


Single due to valuing peace more than a relationship with a man/child!😂


I was 39 when my husband died at 43. I tried a few times to reengage but when you have met your soulmate there is no one who is going to take his place.


Been on my own for 26 yrs and love the freedom.🎉


I lost myself a few times with men, never again!!!! Don't waste yourself making someone happy while you suffer. Peace of mind is priceless!!!!


Anyone, man or woman, who has been without a close personal relationship for a long time, tends to become more isolated and less and less likely to form a close bond with a new partner. It takes a lot of courage to open yourself up to the possibility of a new hurt when you are still smarting from a previous painful relationship, so anyone who is prepared to put themselves out there to try relationships again is to be commended. And for some of us, going solo is the best of choices and can provide the best life for us. There are no easy solutions and life is not a one-fits-all situation! Good luck to everyone out there, live your best life, whatever that life may be ❤!


Wrong most woman know their worth and won’t settle for less.


A woman who is alone is "complete" unto herself. She might CHOOSE a relationship but she now KNOWS she will be fine without the need to raise some adolescent in a man's body.


A woman who has been single for awhile doesn't want a new relationship!??? WRONG. She's just more cautious and she knows what she wants this time and so she waits while still searching...HELLO...


I was cut off silently .
It was intended to punish.
But it was magnificent.
I acted devastated just to feed the egos of the zero contact doers, played as despondent and hurt, but inside; I was leaping for joy .
After a while the zero contacters tried to invite me back into the circle of trust .
I remained at respecting their zero contact . And didn't accept the offer .
Because they got it right the first time .


I (48 F) have been single 10 years and I long for companionship. This hyper independent, 'dont need no one' cliché of a mentality is why I ended up so alone. Some women may thrive like this, but not all. I won't settle, but I do pray to meet someone I connect and align with.


Amen to that!!! I will never cohabitate again. I love my freedom and solitude and my doggies❤


1:00, “If you are a Giver, remember to SET YOUR LIMITS, because the TAKERS don’t have any!” 👍🏽
