FAITH TALKS ✨| How do you see yourself?

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Welcome to Faith Talks! ✨

In this weeks episode we're discussing the question: How do you see yourself? The way we answer this question directly impacts the way we walk through life. Do you see yourself as a beloved daughter, or son of the creator of the universe? Standing confident and secure in that identity? Or like the complete opposite?


00:00 - intro
02:10 - Being bullied
05:50 - How do you see yourself?
09:45 - You are a city on a hill!
12:00 - You are not your past
13:58 - You are chosen
15:00 - it's not about your appearance
17:30 - it's a journey
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You have no idea of how much you are positively impacting us with this faith talk. I love how you didn’t let your hardships break you. God bless you endlessly ❤


Im 37 and still get bullied because of how I look. I have a lazy eye and ppl call me ugly all the time. I always try to think of positive things and not let ppl get me down. I have to tell myself that God loves me actually as I am and other ppls opinions dont matter.


Amen. I used to dread reading the Bible until I truly, deeply realized that God is good and only wants good for me. I had to go through so much pain to truly understand who God is and it made me hunger for more of Him.


Amen this week I’m gonna remind myself that I am only pleasing an audience of one 🦋and yes I remind myself of 1 Samuel 16:7


I could so relate. I recently had to get delivered from the Spirit of Rejection because I had experienced so many traumatic periods in my life and because I didn't fully understand God's love and the way in which God looked at me I always seeked to be validated etc. Now that I've experienced God's love I'm being changed and transformed especially in the way that I look at myself. Now calling myself worthy, loved and chosen.


I found your channel a few weeks ago and I will say the Holy Spirit lead me to your YouTube. Your videos are amazing. God bless your day beautiful


This really hits home. I see myself as flawed. Growing up, my mother would always cursed me out and yelled at me she never said I love you. I always felt like I could do nothing right. As a kid I was bullied a little, but instead of letting them know my feeling were hurt, I would make fun of myself to try to beat them to the punch. I never wanted anyone to be mad at me. I'm a people pleaser. I never felt pretty, or heard, or valued and most times I still don't. This has affected my relationship with my husband and my children. I have a problem being vulnerable with anyone including them and I have a difficult time connecting with my children. I know I need God's help to fix what's broken in me and to mend my relationships. I fear that because of this I have created insecurities in my children, which is something I NEVER wanted to do. Please pray for God to move in my life in a mighty way to help me especially in this area with my family.


What is this?!! GOD has just been leading me to various paths since last week. A friend of mine recommended a book for me on purpose, finished the book yesterday and today I'm seeing this??!!! GOD is showing me who I Am TO BECOME! God is indeed using your channel to be a blessing in my Life. You said something on one of your faith talks about the Holy Spirit changing you and you allowing Him to take charge. I have decided to allow Him walk in and through me! Amen! ❤️🥂


You don’t know how much your videos are keeping me afloat-l thank God for you every day- May the Holy Spirit keep working through you.


AMEN! Knowing the love of God is the most fulfilling thing ever!❤


Always speaking life, I needed your channel! Thank you God!!


The past is the past. He is a God of a second chance and oh how he loves us. At such a young age sis you are truly blessed to lead Jesuses calf's. God bless and protect you. Amen and Amen ❤


God loves me so nobody can tell me NOTHING 🖤 love that sis


Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing about your traumatic experience of being bullied at school.

I salute your Mum for making every effort to move schools to protect you. GOD bless her. She loves you. Almighty GOD restore your relationship with her. I’m 54 and mixed race raised by my Xhosa Mum. During apartheid in South Africa a mixed race or “Coloured” person couldn’t attend an ethnic African school. So family friends ‘adopted’ me to give me an English surname in order to be enrolled into a so-called ‘Coloured’ school. All this to protect me from being bullied in a school for ethnic African children, because of how I looked. I’m surprised to learn this is still happening. How sad to be bullied because of one’s racial makeup. Maybe a topic for future a future Faith Talk? In South Africa mixed race/ so-called “Coloureds” face subtle discrimination/bullying from ethnic Africans. We are referred to as amalawu / uncultured people.

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct thy paths.”


So interesting. I have only been "overweight" since adulthood. As a child and teen I was always slim. I am learning to love this body. Sometimes my words and attitude say the opposite and I notice people's reaction to me, they will often say "why do you say that about yourself, no you're not what you say." This shows me that people don't see me in the negative way I see myself. It isn't easy but I'm learning to see myself the way Jesus see me ❤ I am beautiful, I am wise, I am loved and worthy of love. I am unique. I am intelligent.


Your curls are just extra popping in this video!


Im going thru the same thing.

I dont feel confident bc I attach my confidence to my appearance.

I'm very short (4"11), have a baby face and my body is also very petite (not at all voluminous) so im often mistaken as a child or a young teenager.

But I know the truth that it's not our outward appearance that qualifies us, but God's righteousness & power.


Hey Deborah! So my school days I would never like to relive because I literally had very few friends I myself was spoken about at school because of the way I looked ! So now as an adult I have grown into self confidence I don’t need anyone’s approval, I’m confident in my skin. I have never cared about what people’s opinion of me were as long as I’m carrying myself the way Christ wants me to. But I was very unpopular at school it did suck but I learned to love myself and be around people who genuinely wants to be around me. But learning to have god as my friend is the best thing ever 🙏🏽😊❤️ I love your faith talk sessions😊


God was definitely speaking to me here especially what you said about Him seeing us as Jesus. I’m in a season of transition and if I’m honest loneliness and I noticed today at my new church I was behaving a bit timid. These faith talks always open my eyes to something I’ve been missing from God and remind me to have some more time with Him


Listening to this video and this is connected to last weeks faith talks… because of my self esteem I was in a 10 year relationship with a narcissist, well not a relationship, a marriage! I did not leave until YAH changed me! It’s a lot to tell in my story but this relationship was so bad I end up in a mental institution and even tried to end my own life more than once! YAH took me through an amazing process, I am no longer in medication, after that YAH changed the way I dressed, then He got me to stop wearing make up, my skin started glowing like glass! Today I know exactly what go I am not because of who people or the world say I am but because of who Abba says I am and with that I have no desire to be like the world, I have no interest in acting like the world and when I’m told I’m weird, narrow minded, unfashionable I rejoice because that only means I am more like Yahusha and less like the world!
Furthermore when you understand who you are at the eyes of Abba you will not accept just any relationship! Someone asked me what I want in a relationship and I said YAH and they asked what kind a man I want and I answer the man that will give his life for me like Yahusha gave his life for the church! This same person said “ok I’m not interested” 😂
