Reverse Engineering 101 - The Basics - Star Wars Galaxies Legends Guide

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An in-depth guide to the reverse engineering system in Star Wars Galaxies Legends for the engineer, domestics and munitions traders.

The follow-up video below digs deeper into exotic attachments, different attachments types and edge cases of the reverse engineering system:

Reverse Engineering 102

The Junk Yard

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Returning to the game, again, and needed a refresher. Thanks for the info!


I’ve been wondering about this system for a decade but never looked in to it in any detail. Thank you for the concise guide! The legends team should feature your videos.


This is the best and only good guide I have found on Reverse Engineering, thank you from R3


Yo, I just got SWG legends installed a couple days ago 100% because of my lover of JTL, shipwrighting, and reverse engineering. Thanks for this and other helpful guide videos I've watched on your channel.


The perfect thing to wake up to! Was just making my first crafting character.


Hey thanks for the shout out! Glad people get use from the website!


The RE enhance modules are good for the initial conversion of a statted item into a power bit. Using the enhance modules, 23's should start off as 28/29, 24's will be 29/30 and 25's will be 30/31. Also it's useful to get a second RE tool to keep your stacks of junk in so you don't have to keep swapping it over when you need new mod bits.

Really nice explanation of the RE process, would have been very useful when I started doing it.


Was looking at attachments thinking "Why so expensive?", now I look and think "That's pretty cheap for the amount of work!". Nice walk through man.


Some observations:

1. Video doesn't mention the Bespin Jewelry set for Reverse Engineering. It has +350 Luck (equiv to 10x +35 attachments) and +50 Reverse Engineering "Efficiency" (according to Legends Wiki). Being I'm new to this and trying to understand... I don't know how "Efficiency" relates to the "Chance" your items show, if they're synonymous or not, and if not, how 50 "Efficiency" affects the targeted 159 RE "Chance" ??? I'm guessing Bespin might have come after this video was made, but wondering if you'd clarify regarding Efficiency/Chance. Wouldn't that jewelry set eliminate the need for exotics on chest, shirt, and weapon, and more (like cybernetic arm) for planning purposes for new players looking to get into this?

1. Can you even wear a jewelry set bracelet on a cybernetic arm? Asking somewhere, the answer was Yes can wear bracelet on cybernetic arm.

2. How is it that players make all the mods (Dom, Eng, Munitions) when they're not dedicating 3 toons to it? Answer: they don't. it takes 3 toons dedicated to it.

3. Video mentions exotics and seems to imply RE'ing 35's is part of that process of making exotics... but doesn't walk through steps involved to demonstrate, inform. Some talk of Conversion Ratios. Follow up: Some more info in the 102 video, but still no coverage of how to read the Conversion Rations table.

4. Not seeing Pups covered. Since viewing this, think Luck has no bearing on it, and follows up with ability to make exotics.

Thanks for covering the included segments of RE'ing.


Wanted to find out about how to do RE. Now I know! I'm confused, but I know! LOL! I'll have to watch this a few dozen times for it all to sink in. Thanks so much for putting this together!


going to have to watch this a dozen more times to fully understand it ;)


Thanks for the great vids Napyet. Your stuff really is a huge help. I was wondering if you might have an answer to this. I've got my RE-chance up to 159, luck up to around 1500 and using a maxed RE-tool. When I try to make a PUP with RE-chance I can only seem to get it to +9. I'm then using a 35 PB. On vendors I see people selling PUPs with +11 RE-chance. Any idea of what I could be missing?


Thank you. Any early decent armors or faster transports? I see there is an ITV collectable. Anything else cool like that? I want to rp factions


So I dont have to make a bunch of mod bits, I use 2 RE tools. I put the junk loot in 1 and then close the window and then right click it when I need the bit, then I keep the window on the 2nd tool open so i can just keep dropping the mod and power bit in it to increase the power bit.


Nice guide! i have a problem when i made 35+ always get 1ºst and never get 2st anyone can tell me why ?


Any idea why I'm unable to make a second order power bit with over 300 luck and 23 RE chance?


How do you bake in one extra Re engineering chance on breastplate and weapon?


Me looking at his bank with 333m meanwhile I'm sitting here with roughly 740k :O
