how we spend our days

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is, of course, how we spend our lives.

In which John talks about Annie Dillard, productivity, and the relative value of haircuts.

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“The great philosopher Hank Green” 🥺🖤 I love that so much


"You will always struggle with not feeling productive until you accept that your own joy can be something you produce." 🤯
This video was so comforting to me today


" 'You will always struggle with not feeling productive until you accept that your own joy can be something you produce.' -- Hank Green" -- *JOHN GREEN* That needs to be a poster.


This is actually a perspective that has been developing for years in the disabled community, where the reframing of “productivity” is absolutely necessary in order to correctly reflect that disabled people lead full, meaningful lives regardless of how much time we can spend working, socializing, etc.


Something about picking up kids from school feels like the most sacred ritual. I’m only 23 and I don’t have children, but I occasionally pick up my little cousins from school and it’s so special to me. I feel so unsure about my life right now - being 23 sucks and I’m very lost- but I feel so lucky when I get to find joy in doing things like driving to gymnastics and watching my cousin learn how to do a handstand. I’m not sure what my life will look like but I look forward to finding more of those rituals. ❤️ thank you John


Philosopher Hank Green, Hank has another job again...


Like the best Vlogbrothers videos, this was profound, funny, helpful, thought-provoking, and uplifting, all at once. Thank you, John. I needed this today.


If this is how I can spend my life, listening to intelligent people give intelligent commentary about life, I am satisfied with that.


I redefined what "productivity" means to me a couple of years ago. I'm a serial procrastinator and I used to spend an exorbitant amount of time browsing reddit or watching youtube whenever I was putting something off. This made me feel bad because killing time on reddit makes you unhappy in and of itself in addition to feeling bad about not being productive. So what I did was redefine productivity to include things that made me feel good, whether that be playing a nice video game or taking a walk or baking a cake. As a result, when I felt that I was procrastinating I decided to reschedule the thing I was putting of till later and instead actively do something that made me feel good. The following day I would then feel better and be more ready to deal with the work I needed to do.

Since then I've drastically reduced the time I spend on reddit and I end up being more traditionally productive as well. Today I've been really productive workwise because of the very productive nap I took after lunch.


John’s hair pre-cut reminds me of the time I met John back in 2017, I was having some pretty serious digestive issues and eventually I had to try and see a doctor. I tried to find a doctor in town but there was NOT A SINGLE DOCTOR that my insurance would cover. So I was forced to drive to DC and pay for a hotel to see the proper specialist. At least I had a decent view of the Jefferson Memorial, was almost at the top of the hotel…Anyways, I was informed that I would have to get a colonoscopy as part of my visit, so they make you take this medicine to make sure your, ahem.. tubes are all clear. So turns out I was up all night pooping my brains out and didn’t get any sleep AT ALL. Eventually it’s time to get to my appointment so I shuffle to the elevator, the doors slide open, and who is standing there but effing John Green!!! I found out later he was in town for some book he had just released… If I could poop myself anymore I would but I was tired and looking like a mess of course, but managed a good morning as I walk in. As the doors are closing John hovered his hand up and down over the buttons and asked, ‘where you headed?’ A very nice gesture...
I parked in the garage on the bottom floor so I answered him, turdless, “All the way down.”


You’re really speaking to me today, John. I’m in a transitional period where I’ve been rather idle because I want to choose the “best” thing to do next. But in trying to figure that out, I’m not actually doing anything with my days that I can enjoy or be proud of.


As someone who's currently trying to start my professional career, it often feels pretty bad just to take time for myself instead of putting in more applications or following up on emailing about applications. So this message is a real uplifter, thanks 😊


Hi John, for what it's worth: I AM going to see AFC Wimbledon take on Arsenal tomorrow. I'm going to wear a blue and yellow t-shirt that says "as sunny as possible"- which feels like the right approach. And I could not be more excited.


I was almost expecting a "future John" ending with a haircut saying "Hank, I will see you on Friday"


Honestly, this is why I started Karen Puzzles, so I can feel productive while doing my favorite hobby. Though of course, it's turned out to be exponentially more video editing than actual puzzling 👀

I hope you get to do a gradient puzzle one day. Let me know if you need any recommendations!


i commented on hanks video last friday about this, but my family is moving thousands of miles across the ocean from new jersey to sweden. i find myself treasuring each and every single day i have left here with my friends and doing a bunch of fun things i otherwise wouldnt have done. each day is an adventure and a lovely capsule of memories that i will treasure. the time crunch that the move overseas has given me has in turn made me a friend who loves a little harder, a friend who smiles a bit more. thank you john and thank you hank for all that you do. dftba!!


This was the sentiment and revelation I needed today. Thank you John.


Wow I needed this. The Hank quote, all of it, just wow. I’m taking a semester off of school and I’ve been struggling with it but I do make my own joy and that’s productive. Gotta live up to my middle name.


John please make more of these about productivity, life and taking action. They help me regain perspective and is very refreshing than most of the ‘productivity’ stuff on the web.


My partner and I have been sharing meals and listening to vlog brothers together on Tuesdays. Today, while enjoying sandwiches (and a break from work) in each other's company, we realized that was the most productive we've been today. Thank you for that gift.
