Spinoza’s Pantheism: Key Concepts

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This video lecture discusses the key concepts of Spinoza's pantheism.


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Thanks! PHILO-notes
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You have done a great job of condensing Spinozan views into such a short video. Although I had to replay a few parts due to how quickly ideas were being brought to light, it was very enlightening. Thank you for putting it together.


Great info but a bit difficult to understand in such a condensed form. I’ll have to do more research on these ideas separately to understand the whole


This explanation uses alot of complex words in order to demonstrate the logic of the hypothesis, i would advise to use examples to explain and define these complex words to help understand the total concept of the hypothesis. To truly understand the concept of the idea`s represented in this video it is paramount to fully understand the meaning of the language used.


Spinoza does not equate the God with the Universe. The Universe is just one expression of God. Said differently, the Universe is an infinitely small subset of the God. Spinoza's God has much more attributes than the Universe. So, Spinoza's Nature is not equal to the Universe we inhabit, as it is often interpreted. Also, the immortality of soul is a derivation within Spinoza's philosophy, which for modern science is a tabu. There are many other differences between what modern science claims and Spinoza's philosophy.


I dont like these AI computer generated videos. Why cant you have a normal human being narrate it?
