What Could Have Been: Godzilla '94

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Taking a look at what Godzilla 1994 would have been like had it not been cancelled in favour of Roland Emmerich's Godzilla 1998.

0:00 Intro
0:34 Writers
1:28 The Hunt for a Director
1:49 Tim Burton
2:05 Roland Emmerich
2:22 Jan De Bont
2:49 A Revenge Story
3:40 Godzilla’s New Origin Story
4:12 Capturing Godzilla
4:44 The Gryphon
5:06 Godzilla vs The Gryphon
6:00 Casting
6:11 Designing Godzilla
7:07 CGI
8:42 Motion Capture
9:04 What Went Wrong?
10:02 Roland Emmerich

Gryphon vs Godzilla footage created by the incredibly talented Tarrell Christie, with models by Byneet and Adrian Parkinson

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The Godzilla design they had was absolutely amazing it's a shame we couldn't see it on the big screen


It's crazy that Roland Emmerich refused to film this script because he wanted to do "his own thing" and he ended up remaking The Beast from 20, 000 Fathoms for his version of Godzilla.

Also, if he wanted to do a more serious Godzilla all he had to do was take a look at the original film. Honestly, the studio shouldn't have insisted so much into giving the film to someone who clearly wasn't interested.


Stan Winston's design for Godzilla and the '94 script looks and sounds like something good enough to come out now. I'd definitely go see it in theaters.


Fun Fact: Guillermo Del Toro Was Considered To Direct Godzilla (2014), But He Was Busy With Pacific Rim (2013)


This Godzilla plot should be brought back and made into a movie. Probably as a standalone Godzilla movie that is not part of the Monsterverse.


The Mayor and his assistant in the 1998 film were named after Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel. Two film critics who had always excoriated the Directors early work.
When Siskel and Ebert reviewed the film on their show, they gave it their worst review, called the filmmakers spoofing them "petty", and said *"If you're going to go through the trouble of putting us in a monster movie, why don't you at least take advantage of having the monster either eat or squash us"*


So, if Tri-Star had forked over the cash, they might still be in business and we would’ve seen a Stan Winston Godzilla on the big screen.


getting the same people who worked on jurrassic park is actually an amazing idea


Bonus Fact: Hellraiser creator Clive Barker was also at one point hired to pitch a storyline for TriStar in 1993. His pitch would've been set in the future of 1999 during the Y2K paranoia in New York City with the world on the verge of collapsing. However the studio rejected his pitch for being too dark. I mean this is the same guy that made a movie about demonic gimps that pull people's skin off with chains. What were they expecting?


Tri-Star: Don’t make Godzilla a rubber suit because it will be too silly.

Also Tri-Star: Give Godzilla a sidekick!


Damn, that scene with the gryphon head on the Statue of Liberty at the end was such a cool finishing move


It still amazes me how the 98 movie wound up costing more than the movie Jan De Bont wanted to make. Overall, G98 is not really the worst Godzilla movie and is a decent monster flick. It’s just that Tri-Star wanted their own Jurassic Park and not even the studio cared about the monster. I still remember to this day Emmerich ranting about how he has to hear about how his movie sucked all over again when the 2014 film was about to release. Godzilla definitely destroyed his reputation, that’s for sure.


There was an earlier attempt of a American Godzilla film back in
1983 called *"GODZILLA: King of the Monsters in 3-D"* with Steve Miner
— who directed the first two *"Friday*
*the 13th"* sequels — hired as the director and Fred Dekker (who was not a fan of Godzilla) wrote the screenplay.

Demi Moore *("Ghost")* and
Powers Boothe *("Tombstone")*
were considered to play
Dana Martin (a female journalist)
and Peter Daxton (an eyepatch-
wearing US Navy Colonel) with
Raymond Burr (who played "Steve Martin" in the 1956 Americanized
Cut of the original 1954 Toho film *"GOJIRA")* considered for a cameo.

The SFX were to include stop-motion animation by David W. Allen and a planned full-scale animatronic head of Godzilla created by the Oscar-winning FX guru Rick Baker.


That Gryphon design was goated. You can still technically use it in a future movie.


Now, THIS is the Godzilla movie we deserved!! It's too bad that it was too expensive and risky to make at the time.


no matter how hard people hate about the Godzilla in this movie, he will still forever be my fav design for a Godzilla


Despite liberties taken, the story actually sounds pretty good. It would have been interesting to see if made, but I’m sure there would be backlash because of changes to the mythology


The fact that they scrapped Godzilla ‘94 because it cost too much money, even though the Roland Emmerich film ended up costing way more, will always make my blood boil.


Though it is such a shame that Godzilla '94 was never made, at least the failure of Godzilla '98 eventually led to the monsterverse.


I read the script for the 94 film, it is so fun. It's infinity creative with big ideas, yet mixed with pulpy monster fun and dark humor. It's a lot more fantasy take on Godzilla than the more sci-fi nuclear version. But it's honestly a better concept imo
