Sally's abandoned Southern cottage in the United States - Unexpected discovery

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Somewhere in the middle of the Georgia countryside, there is a house that is barely still visible from the street.

Behind the foliage hides a sign of destruction. This wooden cottage is being swallowed up by mother nature.

This property was once the home of Sally and Henry, who had a daughter together. Today, the photos of them and their relatives only collect dust and slowly but surely fade in the light that shines in. Plant roots wriggle their way in while all their belongings seem left behind.

Around the turn of the millennium, Mr. Henry passed away and Mrs. Sally remained as a widower. She was a cat lover and lived in peace for a decade before eventually dying of heart problems.

What remained now is a place of serenity that has gone for an infinite sleep.
Enjoy another adventure in the USA as I will tour you through their former home and tell you their story.


Abandoned USA Series Ep. 2: Sally's Abandoned Southern Cottage in the United States - Unexpected Discovery
#abandoned​ #urbex​ #USA
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I hope you enjoyed your trip to my country!! It truly is sad how bad homelessness is in the US, and how our government doesn't do much to solve the problem. It's getting worse every year. I'm glad you're back on Youtube! Be safe out there!


That was so nice of Susie to let you stay at her house!!!


Awwww Maureno. I hope this finds you well my friend we have all been so very worried about you. Glad you are home. Stay safe dear boy. Bless you! I will love this. So missed, you were!
And Lesley. How are you too??


My wife and I really enjoy your videos. You are a true professional and have a very nice presentation voice. Your camera work is also excellent. Hope you continue to recover and improve and will have much happiness and success in your future life.


I truly appreciate what you said about the homeless. If more people had a heart full of compassion, this world can be a much better place. There plenty of space and abandoned homes that can serve a positive purpose. Unfortunately our world is infested with greed and selfishness. It breaks my heart. I was once homeless with my 3 sons and spent many cold and hungry nights and I have never been a drug user or alcoholic. I became homeless to get away from a very abusive relationship. I don't know how I did it, but I managed to get a job, put my kids in school and get a degree and raised my boys to be responsible, caring individuals. I had the ambition for my son's that I love, that I truly sacrificed to give them a chance in having a normal loving life. I had NO help. I remember thinking gosh it would be so nice if I just had an opportunity to get on my feet. People starred but never reached out and I was too ashamed to ask. But thanks to someone up there who kept us safe. If I won the money, I would build little homes for the homeless and help them get sober and give them a chance, because all homeless people are not bad...


WOW I'm surprised you found such a pretty place that is full of 80's stuff, I love it. That furniture looked more durable than you would find now at a decent price. Those hazelnuts or acorns ... sign of squirrels.


Wow you guys! I'm glad you teamed up together! And you were just a state below me. I'm here in South Carolina, near our state's capital Columbia and the University of South Carolina! Georgia is one of my favorite places probably because my Great Aunt and Uncle lived there with some of my favorite cousins and we visited frequently. Susie is absolutely sweet with a beautiful home. I hope she warns you about Atlanta driving! I hope you guys enjoyed your first Thanksgiving. It is a blessing to have someone so lovely to share it with, good friends and new friends and new adventures! You are off to a fantastic start! Always so respectful to the properties you visit. During the fall it gets dark really early and continues until December then the days slowly get longer. I hope you enjoy the USA. We won't have the historical culture that goes as far back as the UK & EU but there is a lot to be seen and discovered. The historical content and buildings are just as fascinating as a new Country was being formed. I'm excited to watch this series. Take care, stay safe and I know you've already passed our area but maybe next time stop by South Carolina-The Palmetto State. God Bless! xoxo Kat 💕 Love One Another


So happy to see my two favorite explorers together! I hope you're both well and safe. The round object above the closet isn't a's an older fire alarm. Thank you for being so respectful and polite in all your great videos! A big thanks to your fans who gave you a place to stay!


The floor covering is called carpet and usually stretched and held by tack strips at the edge. This flooring is still common in American homes but a growing trend in homes is to have hard surface floors such as tile, wood, or luxury vinyl as it is cleaner and easier to maintain. The couch is called a recliner. I have one that is electric but older style had the handle.


Thank you Maureno for bringing attention to the homeless problem we have here in the United States, it is commendable of you. 🤝


The fireplace in Henry and Sally's house is called a fireplace insert. They are much more efficient than fireplaces and many people replaced using their fireplaces with these inserts.


I am so grateful you are able to post again. I missed your respectful explores. Hope you enjoyed last Thanksgiving in the states. I was so very worried about you the last couple of months. Very grateful for your recovery and return home. Lots of people care about you! Peace to you from the woods in Oregon. 🌞🌲


Love love loved seeing you guys hugging the Georgia sign!!! I’m sitting here smiling for the first time after having 5 teeth pulled.. my mouth hurts like hell but at least I’m giggling…💜 you guys!


My mom has an old sewing box just like that one, except it’s dark brown. She has had it for decades. Once when I was growing up, we started finding nuts stashed in places like that in the basement. Turned out to be a large family of mice had moved in. We found nuts for years! Also, my grandmother had a Rolodex just like that one. This episode brought back some memories for me. As an American, this series will be fun seeing things common in the US that you are unfamiliar with. I have learned so much about European culture just from watching urbex. I hope your stay here was at least mostly enjoyable.


Hi Mo! I love your first impressions of America. I’m so happy your got home. I truly hope you can look back at good memories from USA! I won’t repeat the same explanations that everyone has already, except for the baseball cap in the first home you liked. The NRA on it stands for National Rifle Association. Continued prayers for you❤️from western New York


Welcome to America! Some of us go through this all the time. Bad tire, impatient drivers, rude people. But you survived and did a terrific explore! Thank you.☺


Hello guys so happy to see my two prefer explore again not so far from me this time. I'm Quebec, Canada. By the way. what you saw in the window is a air conditioner and not a heater ! Take care and have a great time in America !


I am amazed at the abandoned places that you are finding. I am from Wisconsin and was so looking forward to your explores in my country. Thanks for the tour. It was entertaining to see you sit in the recliner. You both have fans who love you all over the world. Stay safe.


Love to see you and Leslie working together. You are both my favourite urban explorers. Wonderful that you still have US videos to show after your horrible experience in Vegas. Come back to Canada to explore . You are welcome to stay here. Can't wait to see more of your videos. I am sure that the nuts are from squirrels. What a wonderful find. Thank you for sharing your adventures with us.


So glad to see you back making your videos for your followers. But most and foremost importantly you are back home safe and sound. We love you and pray you can continue your journeys but please don't do this alone.
