Kickboxing Cross Training Blend | Heavy Bag Workouts | Combo Of The Week Series

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Kickboxing Cross Training Blend | Heavy Bag Workouts | Combo Of The Week Series
Heavy Bag Workout Early Download Release

This is a non-stop, heart-pumping, calorie-torching workout. Got a a heavy bag hanging unused in your home? Time to take advantage of this insane training tool that will allow you to 'super-charge' your workout! Tired of all the workout DVD's that use flat, studio set ups to film their workouts? Sick of staring at paid professional models demonstrating moves?
Step into my class. I bring you directly into a real, legit kickboxing class complete with real people and real energy. I use the pace of the class to push you to your potential and keep the workout at the optimum level. This is a conditioning workout that focuses on burning massive amounts of energy and developing your sense of balance, power, speed, and 'Improv Striking' (IS) which is a key focus in my class. You'll develop the ability to strike without thinking- your body will react to a situation immediately.
This is where the magic happens... As your strikes get faster and more powerful, your body fat begins to melt off and you'll start to see muscles you never realized you had! You'll be "Crushing It!" in the freestyle rounds in no time at all! This is the key to transforming your body, and it's NEVER BEEN AVAILABLE in your own home UNTIL NOW!!!
You'll get:
Instant access to a class that is designed to enhance your heavy bag workout whether you're a K-1 Champion or a kickboxing-cross training enthusiast. It's all here. I have designed and developed this class to burn the most amount of energy with the least amount of effort.
Yes. With "The Least Amount Of Effort"-- Of course, your body will be exerting great effort while it's torching bodyfat. But your mind won't! I promise you won't be wondering how much time you have left while you're taking THIS class! That's because I've carefully designed the language of the class to put your mind on auto-pilot and your body in overdrive!
You've never felt ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE-- I've taken the principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and incorporated them into my method. This causes you to 'free your mind' of thought-- the workout killer! I focus my energy to put your mind in the Focus Zone. In this zone you will perform at the HIGHEST possible level. Your strikes will be delivered with your entire body! You'll create waves of energy and unleash them on the bag!
I've perfected this method for the past 13 years. I teach up to 16 classes a week with up to 100 people per class. You can't find this type of training ANYWHERE ELSE. I have proven that this is the key in getting people to the NEXT LEVEL. I have dedicated my life to learning the best ways to bypass people's limitations and SPEAK DIRECTLY TO THEIR MOTIVATORS..

The Front Kick: This was one of my most effective techniques. Its what I call the "jab" of Kicking . I would constantly throw this technique to my opponents midsection and face. This would keep him at bay, while at the same time allow me to setup other techniques. This kick is so effective because it is closest to your opponent and is thrown in a straight line. (the shortest distance between two points). This kick is also thrown by using one of the smaller areas of the foot, the ball, which makes it more difficult to defend against. I find that a lot of people neglect this kick because of the possibility of injuring their toes. This is why it is important to practice proper form. The best way to accomplish proper form is to drills in fighting form.

Training For The Front Kick: From fighting position - raise knee to target - extend straight into target with a snap - return to starting position Note: can be done with front or rear leg.

RoundKick: (Right) If used correctly this kick can give you incredible results. The Round kick is one of the most commonly used kicks in the sport. I have seen fighter solely use this kick as their total arsenal and become somewhat successful. Its the kind of kick that can be thrown from a couple of angles, the 45 degree and 90. The 45 degree kick will allow you to have more speed but will reduce your power. It will also allow you to setup your hands easier. While on the other hand, the 90 degree kick will give you greater power , but will sightly put you in an arkward position for punching. You will have to adjust your body, which will slow down the time between the kick and the punch. The important thing is to know when to use each kick. For example, If I wanted to land the harder blows with my hands, I would often throw a quick 45 degree kick to temporarily distract an opponent and immieadiatly follow up.
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