Genius and Obsession | The Story of Gregg Henriques

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Professor Gregg Henriques, author of A New Unified Theory of Psychology, directs the Combined Clinical and School Psychology Doctoral Program at James Madison University. He is a licensed clinical psychologist with expertise in depression, suicide and the personality disorders. He has developed an integrative meta-theoretical framework for the field of psychology an integrative meta-theoretical framework for the field of psychology and is now applying his framework to researching well-being, personality and social motivation. Henriques teaches courses in personality theory, personality assessment, social psychology and integrative adult psychotherapy. He is married to Andrea Henriques and they have three children, Sydney, Jon, and Lanie.

Links to Dr. Henriques' work

00:00 Excerpt
00:22 Introducing Gregg
03:27 Overview of the Convo
06:39 Gregg's Story
10:35 Suicide Study
17:05 the process of all good therapy
26:33 Psychotherapy Integration Movement
31:25 the science of human psychology
33:24 Evolutionary Psychology
35:52 Justifications Systems Theory
40:02 “The Incident”
43:31 “They thought I was crazy”
49:08 why did it fail?
51:03 Isn’t this just big history?
54:07 Marrying Skinner and Freud
57:16 The Theory Gets Published
1:00:03 The system fails to perform
1:02:58 The failure of Science
1:05:54 Do you have any regrets?
1:09:47 Simple Pleasures: Life and Family
1:11:55 Is truth worth pursing?
1:25:23 how does this help others?
1:21:33 spirituality in psychology today
1:25:19 Ego Death, Mysticism and Psychology
1:26:42 Ego and Egolessness
1:36:50 Making a Change
1:38:52 a healthy mutualism
1:39:28 a final message

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Excellent. Gregg is one of our favorite people and a frequent guest at our channel. Great to learn more about his background and inspirations...


Gregg is a riot, I know this excitement and Lovecraftian madness more than my sanity appreciates.


Serious joy and gratitude for this conversation. Thank you both so very much.


What a great discussion! As a therapist who is still young (and a bit jung) in my career, I found Dr. Henriques super inspiring (Dr. H, if you ever take on new supervisees, i'd love to sign up, lol). I haven't heard of coherenists before this, but I think I might belong in this camp. My current practice is based around helping people make meaning and integrating spirituality into their domains of current existence, which old school psychology scoffs at. I loved Dr. Henriques's definition of the therapeutic alliance (what a gift it is to be in this relationship with others!) and the idea that at the center of psychosocial health is to be known and valued- amen to that! Hope to see him again! (PS: is this the first video with swear words, lol?? I have no problem with it, I was just surprised!)


Greg, love this Dude. grand synthesist of Garden and tree theroy of knowledge. This is epic theologos


Another interesting interview! I like to see you dipping your toes into psychology/psychotherapy. My father is a LMFT and I have had countless discussions with him about therapy and psychology. There is quite a bit of crossover between mysticism and psychology. I absolutely loved your anecdote about the expensive cognac! It was both challenging and inspirational. Thanks again.


Zevi, we're all someone and we all have value brother, especially in our search for answers


These keep getting better and better, keep it up Zav, I would love to see you interact with Chris langan and his talks on metaphysics and his framework for the CTMU and his personal version of the theory of everything as I'd love to see your take on it 😎🤘🏾👍🏾 much love brother


The interesting about this with thing with Greg is that it's a highly ppausible theory but ultimately most cultures are unable to understand ideas that are highly abstracted until later when they are fully integrated into their society and perhaps then more fully understood or realized... Think of giving highly advanced technology to a simple society sort of thing


Do you have any videos or reading on the relationship between Jewish mysticism and psychedelics?


So, the easy problem is resolved by an identification of idea with neural oscillator. It's a nested structure and each nest is a relationship of "outsides": evey idea has an inside ( it must be internally consistent, the outside of the ideas that make it have to fit together (etc.)). The oscillating frequency might be variable by varying the rate of transport of neurotransmitter along microtubules. Sence is when the ideas can oscillate together. Coherence detection is when extracellular electrotonic concentration oscillation can compel via dendritic spines in grey matter, a coupling of oscillators by which two ideas can become one idea. Very much like gears fitting together and it brings to mind "rational" and "irrational" and "real". And "imaginary"; why not!


I've been assuming, hoping that the solution to the hard problem would track with spirit but; i see it doesn't quite. It makes sense to me that tension/compression has quality and a panqualism resolves the hard problem by layers of context. Spirit, tho, seems more about why a thing is: maybe it's a different usage... yeah, different usage so still, the "spirit sown in" could be the quality resulting from the tension/compression from metabolic action, or even the sense resulting from all of that. Spiritually enabled scientism right there


The "justification system" seems to me to grow out of language. I consider ego as an idea of self, which would be a consequence of the justification system. My point is that you can bring self and justification systems to the meditative process while still dissolving the ego, the idea of self.


Culture should have unity growing out of it; otherwise we're stuck in a garden of fascism.


41:00 From what Gregg said, his use of marijuana allowed him to pick up some of the low level concepts in consciousness theory as it relates to information. But he hasn't made any further progress in the 25 years since then.

This has been very disappointing.


I'm very good at avoiding popularity contests. Praise makes me very uncomfortable. ... It *is* about the appeal of *truth* .


Trump doesn't speak in coherent sentences; he just doesn't bother with his justification system.
