'Genius' aged four, can name all 195 world flags | SWNS

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Meet the four-year-old "genius" who can name all 195 flags of the world - including Chad, Uganda and Uzbekistan.

Arthur Weekley has been interested in flags since he was three after his dad, Bobby, 30, bought him a puzzle with different flags on.

He memorised the flags and his dad and mum, Jas, 29, started testing Arthur on his knowledge and he is now able to remember every single one.

Arthur's favourite flags include Brazil, The Marshall Islands and Papua New Guinea.

Bobby, a charity manager, from Rayleigh, Essex, said: "If there was a competition in the house, he would win it out of the three of us 100 per cent.

"My flag knowledge has improved a lot than it was before. He teaches me most of the time when it comes to flags.

"It’s all self-taught. We don’t go through and teach him everything, he does it by himself.

"He did a game with the American States and has started learning them."

When Arthur was two years old Bobby bought him a puzzle with different countries' flags on them.

From then, Arthur started remembering the flags of the different nations - including Uganda, Pakistan, and Turkmenistan.

Bobby said: "Now he's four and as well as knowing all the flags, he has now memorised all the shapes of countries and where they are in the world.

"It’s seriously impressive and still shocks us now.

"It’s incredible, I show it off everywhere we go. Everyone loves to test him, and he enjoys the challenge."

Bobby says that people think that he cheats and helps Arthur out but when Bobby is guessing the flags at a family event he "amazes" people.

He said: "He showcases his skills at family parties and I tell people to show him a flag and he immediately gets it.

"People think I cheated and told Arthur before but I haven't.

"It always amazes me every time he does it."

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