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Welcome to a video where today we're going to be taking a look at Liminal Land. A theme park with an extremely dark past. Everything about this place from the rides to the accomodation seems off, almost living. Then, disaster struck which forced the immediate closure of Liminal Land. Where were you when it happened?

Creator: @LiminalLand

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Hey, Ryan! Here's something I noticed: the name of the company CHARON Corporation is named after Charon, also spelled Kharon, who isa character from Greek mythology. He is a psychopomp who is famous for being the Ferryman of the dead who entered Hades, the Greek underworld. Combined with Moloch, I think CHARON Corporation was purposefully luring in people as sacrifices to Moloch, functioning as the Ferryman. As for the adults, maybe their disfiguration is a way the park marks the unworthy or discarded. Almost as if Moloch is picking and choosing who he wants as a sacrifice.


Aloha Ryan just wanted to say:
26 minutes on a rollercoaster _is_ a long time, given rollercoasters run for 1-2 minutes, maybe 3, and some can top 90mph (which is really fast for a rollercoaster). Now, this rollercoaster anomaly doesn’t look like it’d do loops or something like that, but it still has drops and sharp turns, and it could be moving very fast.
Now, I’ve rode a rollercoaster @ 90mph and rode it 5 times in a row, and after the 5th time, I felt dehydrated and dizzy. Now imagine being in a non-stop loop for 26 minutes. You’d probably pass out.


Hi Ryan! Something I just looked up about the ride at 21:25 is that it's named the Chrysanthemum. The Chrysanthemum is a type of flower which is sometimes colloquially known as the "flower of death" and has become associated with death instead of life in some European cultures due to its prominent use as a GRAVESITE DECORATION. 

So yeah. That's not terrifying at all.


I was exited when he found the code as “Rite of Passage”, a term I had researched prior. If you don’t know the rite of passage is a concept detailing a transitional stage, usually a ritual.

A rite of passage is comprised of three stages pre liminal, liminal, and post liminal. Liminal spaces and liminality itself both are derived from the middle stage which is described as “the period between stages, during which one has left one place or state but has not yet entered or joined the next”


What I found much more unsettling is that one part of the attraction articles keeps mention of waiting employees. For example, in Subliminal land, it mentions to find an employee, and if they can't, then go to the EXIT signs, which leads to an employee. It's really weird and the fact we have a letter from a employee shows they don't know either.


The little bit of shade thrown at Disneyland was a very nice detail!
In the actual history, Disneyland did suffer a decline in the mid 70s early 80s after the death of Walt Disney and the focus had shifted to Disney World and Epcot. Disneyland's attendance picked back up around 1985 after George Lucas helped make Star Tours and thrill rides like Space Mountain and Big Thunder replaced the older tamer rides.


Im really loving that Ryan’s doing a lot more anlog horror type of videos. Makes me so happy to see he’s enjoying them as much as we do


I do like the addition of AI generated people because AI can't ever make a person look like an actual person, especially expressions as there is ALWAYS something wrong.


I think it's an interesting detail how, in the images of park attendees, it almost always seems like children are screaming at something they find scary while the adults are malformed to look like they're enjoying themselves. Perhaps it's a sort of illusion or forced perception on things. Maybe the parents and other adults are forced to feel extreme happiness in order to shield any feelings of pain or discomfort, whereas the children are getting glimpses of just how exactly "the park is alive". Maybe the kids, as the sought after sacrifices, are getting visions or glimpses of what exactly is hunting them - or a glimpse of what their fates might be, either in terms of their deaths or whatever lies after.

This is a very interesting concept as a whole. I'm excited for more content on Liminal Land!


Hey Ryan. If you loved Liminal Park, I have another analog horror series based in a theme park: Arcade Acres. It's a small analog horror series set around the forgotten Arcade Acres Amusement Park. It follows 29-year-old film blogger Gregg K as he tries to remember a park that he went to in the 90's. There's currently only two episodes with a third in development and should be released some time soon. I suggest giving the series a watch.


The deep uncomfortable and eerie aura after the final death shown only to abruptly cut to the recommended video of Mascot Horror dying made me laugh way too hard


The reaction video’s of Ryan are literally the best video’s ever


Here's a small theory I have. Maybe the people who created Liminal Land worshiped the Moloch guy. They could have built the park to lure people in. Also, the "clean energy" thing kinda stuck with me. Maybe there was some sort of ancient ruins there that gave off a certain energy, and the CHARON people could have attempted to utilize it.


This....felt like such a different video right from the start and the thumbnail too- Ryan always keeps leveling up in his skills as he keeps making more videos and I admire him for that, keep up the good work man you're absolutely amazing 🔥


"OHH SHE BECAME A BOWLING PIN!!" I can't, I can't... That shit me die laughing


I have a theory on the Moloch thing, the people who founded the amusement park are members or leaders of a cult that is worshipping Moloch, so they made a bait for children (the amusement park) to get separated from parents and literally "sacrificed" them for the sake of Moloch.


it’s pretty obvious that whoever made this was using AI art for each of the pictures but i’m all in for it, this is something that not a lot of people use bc of the controversy when it comes to AI art but in this case i love how the person uses the creepiness of it too make it seem more.. unknown and unsettling


I like that Ryan is further expanding the type of content he pumps out. Been a fan since 2017, and I gotta say, he's one of the few channels I still consistently watch because of how he does things here.


I'm so glad you covered this. It's pretty fascinating and covers two things I really like, liminal spaces/backrooms and messed up theme parks. I love the story behind it and the terrifying photos.

Based on what I've seen and other comments on this video, I think Liminal Land wss built as a way to sacrifice children to Moloch. I think the theme park itself could be sentient, and warps itself to make people get lost in it and to separate parents from children. It also has some mind-altering powers to make people want to stay in it despite the dangers. I'm not very sure about the deforminities though, maybe people who get deformed are humans who are not suitable for sacrifice, and get rejected by the demon.


this is probably the most terryfying analog horror ive ever seen, especially the deformity of maria at 14:19
