Richard Dawkins Outrages Atheists

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Episode #158

The Comfort Zone is a half-hour, weekday program where we answer your questions! Jam-packed with biblical insight, real-world answers, and a lot of fun, this program will stir you up to reach out to the lost!

Hosted by: Ray Comfort, Emeal ("E.Z.") Zwayne, and Mark Spence.

Each episodes revolves around evangelism, apologetics, witnessing, and theology.

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Most atheists that I have had dialogue with, do not use the term "independent thinking" (though that IS part of it) but instead, most believers are accused of being incapable of "Critical Thinking" (as if this gift was only imparted to them). I'd like to say this on the subject; Much "Critical Thinking" led to my conclusion on the matter, that God does indeed exist.


In the beginning there was nothing. Then BANG! There was the universe. So much for the atheist world view... :)


Amen Dawkins is only being consistent and we shouldn't be surprised. Unregenerate souls won't act morally.


If you're an atheist why are you so concerned with our God? Why are there atheist organizations full of people who  go to great lengths to argue that we are nuts to believe in God? If you don't believe, what difference does it make to you that we do? You don't see Christians using vulgar language to explain why Hindu's are wrong, you don't see us getting red faced and screaming that allah is a false god, we peacefully pray for those folks. So you disagree, simmer down already.


The 180 movie was awesome. Great Job. I’m pro Life always. I hate abortion. This breaks my heart. 😢.


God is the prime reality from which all things come... Argue to the cows come home but thank you lord for saving my backside!


I'm making an off topic request. Is it possible that you guys could discuss helping people who are dealing with Self harm or Suicide? I spent the past summer doing this but I feel like I completely screwed up, and like I wasted my time.

I'm feeling lost and I just need some answers. I've seen God work in my life, and I know he is real, but now I can't find answers. PLEASE make the video. I really need it


Oh wow! Dr. Mike Shermer was behind Dawkins, I remember Shermer, Kent Hovind debated him, Kent obliterated him.


12min in he talks about Hitler facing judgement…what if Hitler repented before he died? won't god have to forgive him 


Its funny how Ray's friend tries to argue why Christianity is true with circular logic that could be used for any other worldview or religion by saying its true because Jesus said so and he is God. The same non-argument could be used by any other religion or worldview ie "Islam is true because Mohammad said it was and he's a prophet of God" Then he asserts that Richard Dawkins needs to stick to Biblical science not "theory". There is no such thing as Biblical science:, science is science and theory is key part of it: germs and gravity are theories too, and a they is by definition supported by a body of evidence for it to be accepted. Then Ray uses the debunked straw man called Hoyle's fallacy to try and debunk evolution. The whole "would you submit to God if he were proven" argument conflates a separate question. For example, if Moloch was real you probably wouldn't burn your children alive for him, but the fact you still wouldn't doesn't mean that's the reason you don't believe he's real. 


Many people misunderstand the nature about his statement. It wasn't the content of what he said that was important but the structure.


Ray could you make a video explaining why there is no gravity in space like you said on twitter?


Logic has never been the strength of Ray Comfort. He was complaining that people put words in his and Ken Ham's mouth and now he does the same. I thought it said something like "Treat others in the same way you wanted to be treated" in the Bible. Obviously the origin is not from the Bible. 


14:50 This video spoke to me. It seemed to be thematically inspired by the triumph scene in the Wachowski bros _V for Vendetta_. Very powerful, if you are a liberty-minded individual. I had goosebumps watching that movie.
I guess, the connection that I'm trying to make is, I loved that movie. _Loved_. That was until it occurred to me that one of the people that Guy Fawkes was trying to assassinate was King James, as in _the King James Bible_, shortly after the start of the work.
I'm not a KJV-Only, but I won't watch that movie anymore. These creative folks can be very clever. I suspect there are other Christians that may have missed that point. Holly-wood.


YouTube thinks I'm a narcissist, puts MY comment as Top Comment here when I come back to look at other answers, lol...


its impossible to convience these aitheist that god is real just how it is impossible for an atheist to convince me that theres another truth, its something you received spiritually to undestand


I feel like I just listened to 12 year-olds; boys that are afraid of their fathers...


Why can these guys make so many judgements but you can't say anything to them? They laugh and scoff but get defensive if someone catches them off guard. It's pretty hypocritical if you ask me.


You can't say you know Christianity is true. You cannot know anything involving religion for sure and you are quite pompous for saying so. It is a belief and not a fact. You do not know if Christianity is true.


I was wondering if I can watch tv shows like how I met your mother. There is some bad content in it but I don’t get affected by it. So would you say it is a sin
