STOP Doing These Terrible Deadlifts Mistakes (SAVE YOUR SPINE!)

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Inside of this video we are talking about The Most Terrible Deadlifts Mistakes.
2:05 STOP Wearing the Wrong Shoes
2:42​​​​ ​​​ STOP Rounding the Back
4:04​​​ STOP ! Avoiding Lockout
5:08 STOP Bending the Arms
6:20 You don´t Engaging Your Lats
1:17 You do Not Pressing the Floor
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The positioning of the bar leads to one of the most common deadlifting mistakes that causes back pain: You start with the barbell too far away from you.
“Often I hear people say, ‘Oh, my shins bleed when I deadlift. What am I doing wrong?' I say, ‘Nothing,’” Okay, it's not that you want to get all banged up, he clarifies, but the fact that you're keeping the bar close enough to your shins shows that you're in the right position.
If you start with the barbell too far away from you, you’re giving yourself a poor line of pull, he says. And that puts more of a strain on your lower back. It can also take away from engaging your hamstrings and glutes, which should be the major players in the lift.
For deadlifts, it’s important to choose shoes that provide a hard, flat sole, as close to barefoot as possible because it will provide the right support, improve your posture and protect you from injury.
A rounded back compromises your ability to stabilize the body and transfer force from the lower body to the upper body. Pulling a deadlift with a rounded back will limit strength production and muscle recruitment, making it not only dangerous but less effective.

Failing to keep a neutral spine also exposes the vertebral discs to more direct stress, which may directly lead to a disc herniation or “slipped disc,” which can cause serious pain and require significant recovery time.
Begin each repetition with a neutral spine. Maintain body awareness to be conscious of any change in posture during the movement. Pinching the shoulder blades back, “puffing” the chest, and tensing the abs are effective cues to hold a strong spinal position.
If you find that you have trouble maintaining tense abs — also known as a braced core — you may need to address the issue by a) practicing bracing your core by deadlifting lighter weights and b) directly training your core more often.
By skipping the lockout position, overall muscle recruitment is drastically reduced. The powerful muscles of the glutes are maximally recruited and fully contracted in the top position. Lockout is also the position which allows the majority of back muscles (lumbar spine, lats, and upper back) to become more highly activated.
While there are 3 grip options: double-overhand, mixed grip, and hook grip. There are however some drawbacks particularly with the mixed grip that may be compromising your deadlift performance.
Mixed grip is often chosen as a stronger alternative to the double-overhand grip, however with one arm facing up and another facing down, without adequate upper-body mobility this position may be placing you in a twisted position and lead to muscular imbalances.
A better alternative to the mixed grip would be a hook grip, however, it does often take some practice as it likely will be uncomfortable at best.
Your lats are responsible for holding your shoulder, or scapula, in place and so without proper lat engagement, your shoulders are free to move during the deadlift.
It’s easy to make this mistake because, visually, it looks like not that much is happening with your legs beyond just levering the weight up. However, applying force directly into the ground under you is the key to getting the bar up.
A good way to also picture this is by thinking of the ground as a leg press machine where you are physically pushing it away and eventually straightening out your legs.
Breathing and bracing go hand in hand and often novices and beginners haven’t been taught the proper technique before trying to deadlift or are under the impression that you have to breathe while exercising in order for it to be effective.
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The deadlift can be a problematic exercise for many people.On the one hand, it’s arguably one of the very best back exercises out there, and is almost indispensable for developing a well-rounded, muscular physique. And for many people, it’s also the exercise where they are lifting the most weight, in terms of sheer poundage.For sure, there is something very satisfying – almost affirming – about being able to pick up hundreds of pounds from the ground. But then there is the other side to the deadlift… Compared to many other exercises, it is extremely easy to do it incorrectly, with poor form. In fact, the majority of people deadlifting are doing it wrong.This means that they are not getting as much out of the exercise as they could be, and are often really risking injury in the process.But not to worry – to help all of you deadlifters out there, we’re going to go over all of the most common deadlift mistakes.
