2024 Was Conan's Worst Year... Why?

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2024 was a bad year for Conan Exiles. Bugs, instability and poor execution was the name of the game across the Age of Heroes and Age of War, creating new problems and exploits for almost everyone. As we move into 2025, what are the solutions the community needs? Today I'll be proposing them. Enjoy!

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Colonizing Conan Mod Collection:
00:00 - A Rough Year
00:14 - Age of War
01:13 - Age of Heroes
01:44 - What Went Wrong?
04:15 - Solutions

#conanexiles #ageofheroes
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What were your biggest issues in 2024 that I didn't cover here? I'll be trying to forward any additional feedback!

ALL my Conan lore videos:


No one asks for a bug free game, what's going on with Conan is that with each release we ONLY get new bugs. New bugs making new features unplayable, old bugs reappearing and new bugs on old content. How can anyone assume that Funcom wants these fixed when they have not even tried to fix a single one of them. My estimation for their goals with this is to just let it slowly die while making the minimal possible effort and squeeze whatever money they can out of RPers still playing the game. I love this game so much, even a small bugfix release would buy my respect back for them. But even that seems like an extremely optimistic scenario.


One word: "Dune" - and that will also be full of bugs and ignoring the player base.


Better communication would be amazing. the "community managers" never talk to the community, so I am unsure what they are managing.


I am a huge fan of Conan Exiles and would like to continue playing. Sadly, most of my friends who used to play the game with me have moved on to other games, primary due to all the bugs. Your review of last year was spot on. I would rather see no new enhancements to the game for the early part of 2025 if Funcom can just fix the existing bugs and make the game stable again.


Funcom refuses to listen to criticism or fix their game.
I finally stopped playing and I was as diehard a player as someone can be, but even I have limits and the bugs and sheer lag that plagues this game have surpassed my patience.
Unless they can fix/improve these issues I can't justify spending anymore time on something this frustrating to play.


We been telling them for a long time what Conan needs. They are busy making that Dune game almost nobody cares about, the Dune hype already died down.


As predicted, the "we're now spacing more the updates and get rid of battle pass TO WORK BETTER !" was in fact "we don't care anymore, only the overpriced bazar matter now (well, more than ever) Ah yes, and Dune too, even if we said "LoL DiFfeReNt TeAmZzZzZzZz !"


Development is the exact same as any other company that bases its income on production. What we have isn’t a dev problem, it’s a management problem. The FOMO bazar isn’t a problem (it’s something I detest but it’s not a deal breaker) but it’s an indicator that cash over quality is on someone’s mind at Funcom, that first order priorities aren’t first order. Nearly every problem in business comes down to bad management or bad management policies (like too many chiefs).


We need an Age of Bug Fixes. I don't expect the game to be bug free, but I do expect it to be playable.
My girlfriend and I put an insane amount of hours into this game from 2020 till early 2024, over 1000, it was our lockdown game. We got the platinum trophy, bought every dlc, had a private server that we were paying for, did the battle passes, we loved this game.
But the bugs killed it for us. She uninstalled it months ago, I don't play anymore, but keep an eye on it still. It's just kinda sad seeing the state of a game we once loved so much.
And for crying out loud, give us a native PS5 version already! There's a Series X version, so why no PS5!?


Thank you for the Video. I think you spoke for the majority when you said that you are still passionate about the game and the property.
We all want the game to continue and prosper.
Have an awesome 2025!


3:49 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019…. Not only are the worst bugs ever present but they make PvP changes that make the game less enjoyable.


Sehr guter Beitrag, ich stimme dir voll zu. Viel Hoffnung habe ich bei CE leider nicht mehr 🙁.
Ich wünsche mir von Herzen, dass es wieder aufwärts geht. Ich habe dieses Spiel über 2.400 Stunden gespielt und es hatte wirklich Spaß gemacht.
Jetzt müssen erstmal die Entwickler liefern und einiges (!) reparieren bevor ich mich wieder einlogge.
Warum machen die Entwickler das Spiel nach und nach kaputt? Das Verhalten der Entwickler/ von Funcom gegenüber der Community ist keine gute Werbung für weitere "Produkte" aus dem Hause Funcom/Tencent.


I loved conan exiles, but official servers are usually what i play on, even on other survival games like ark or dayz, but here issues like sky bases, mesh bases or duping are a huge issue


If everyone stops playing for three months at the same time - one full quarter. They'll fix the problem


I quit the game after age of war. Don't see the point of playing after they disable legendary tier repair. Farm again and again until you finally get the legendary weapon or armor u want. Just for it to break and not be able to repair. Now I understand why players moved to pc so they can play with mods that reverse this *fixes*.

I play on pve and always liked conan. When they started implementing battle passes, I completed them entirely, but I can't comprehend the thought process to reason the removal of the fun factor for a game...


YES! 100% I would be so happy for an update without any new content if even the biggest things can be fixed. I got on my single player world and at just one base there were 14 (yes I counted) thralls that were fallen through the mesh way down Ithe void.
I love the game but you are right that even when I have reported things it feels like nothing gets looked at.


They haven't done much to fix, especially on consoles. Almost 3 months, Age of heroes and no update to fix all their screw up.


The fact we still can't see the player count on servers makes the game looks dead to new players and also frustrating to try and find active servers too. Cant connect conan to twitch coz of bug and cant buy products in shop coz of a bug. So many reasons its dying and its a shame coz its a great game and could last forever with love and attention from the devs😢


The prices of bazaar bundles have gone up...a lot! And for so few cosmetic items. I miss the old DLCs...it give me something to look forward to like a mini Christmas. Now, I have to wait and see what will be offered in the bazaar with no announcements of new bundles.