🦌 ~ Deer resistant ~ Low maintenance Plants ~ 🌱

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Thanks! Great info. I’m in zone 7 southern NJ, and I’ve also found the deer won’t touch coreopsis, lavender, crocosmia, false cypress or ornamental grass. I also use oregano as ground cover because the deer won’t eat it enough to kill it, but will keep it “mowed” to about two inches tall.


I am in western Washington and on a deer trail. It is incredibly frustrating. Here, they even eat things that are supposed to be poisonous such as potato and tomato leaves. I tried all the stinky sprays, from rotten egg based to hot pepper based to coyote urine (and, how do they collect that, I wonder) with no success. Also tried motion activated water sprayers, etc. Nothing works here. Too many people moving here and reducing both their habitat and predators. Anyway, please keep making videos like this. Thank you!


Good job mentioning Rutgers! Our NJ agricultural experts.


I have been gardening with deer for 17 years, it’s been an adventure. I always like to do a test plant when determining deer resistance (deer tastes vary from area to area and even garden to garden, what a neighbour up the street can grow, I cannot). I’ve had good success with the plants you highlight in this video (except the spireas, I do grow them but they get nibbled so I rarely see flowers). This year I’m testing caryopteris, and so far so good. The foliage is highly scented—an attribute that is very helpful for deer resistance. It’s just starting to bloom, so we shall see if I get to enjoy the blooms. I grow a variegated boxwood as a repeating accent plant with great success—they are very tough plants. You mentioned you spray your garden, do you have a video where you discuss this in more depth? I have had good results with a product called Bobbex (it’s definitely pungent when first applied but I find the scent fades, or maybe I’ve just gotten used to it?) great video! Just found your channel, very informative and helpful.


3 years ago I moved to countryside property, having lived in the suburbs for most of my life, never had to contend with deer...1st yr. In countryside had painful lesson after buying alot of deer resistant plants, learnt Deer Dont Read! 2nd yr. Only focused on what they left alone completely...yucca, iris, native wildflowers, salvia, foxgloves, daffodils, everything else they sampled, or consumed to some degree or another


I watched this video 3x and I still learn. Could you make some more like this? Where you talk about your favorite plants?


Very informative! I feel like a friend is talking to me. I love how you talk about meeting a plant!❤


Thank you so much, I have learnt so much from your wonderful videos 😍


This is so helpful! Please do more of these!


Living adjacent to 6500 acre gamelands in 6b we have it down finally, knock on wood. Spirea, coneflower, Russian sage, creeping phlox, sedums, liatris, salvias, black eyed Susan’s, Agastaches, butterfly bush, barberry, wegelia, lambs ear, and catmint of many types are our main plants. I use Jersey Spider day lily surrounded by Walkers Low catmint to disguise the smell. Around the pond we use water mint which is invasive but works wonders. My favorite newcatmint is Blue Jean Baby. You really can have a beautiful garden in deer country!


Thank you. My experience matches what you said for spirea, box wood, and salvia. So I will trust you on the rest.


Great information! Thanks for sharing.


3rd yr in the countryside have finally resorted to 7.5 ft. Fence around my garden....price one has to pay to have any decent selection of plants and flowers to survive deer. So far they look, but cant enter and it is working. Deer in my area are bold and have even rammed metal fence trying to get in. So it has to be fastened securely.


Thank you for this list! Deer struggle is real here in zone 7b NC


Great video! Keep it up and thank you!!


Great topic. Thanks for mentioning both shrubs and perennials. Where we are squirrels 🐿 are more a problem than 🦌. But I’m glad to learn that catmint and sage are deer resistant. 🐝 love 💕 them 🦌 hate them. Easy to remember.🙂


I like your videos. If you could type up the names of the plants you are talking about, it will be very helpful for us to review and follow. A link to the name will be even more helpful. Thanks


Thanks for sharing your Deer resistant and low maintenance plants.


Here in 2021, we have 11 deer that run through once if not twice a day, have a hard time keeping anything 🤗


I'll send this to a friend, she tries it all an nothing seems to work, good to know about Rutgers, Thanks for sharing that I don't blame anything for not wanting to go near saliva.!
