Farid Tries to Rescue the Quran after Debate Disaster!

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@FaridResponds posted a video responding to Sam Shamoun’s claims in the Bible vs. Quran preservation portion of the recent Fresh & Fit debate. David Wood, Hatun Tash, and the Apostate Prophet examine Farid’s answers.

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My post, Confirming

S 2:41 And believe in what I have sent down confirming what is with you and do not be the first kafir of it. And do not buy my verses at a low price and me then you fear.

S 2:89 And when a book came to them from Allah confirming what they have, and they used to ask before for victory over those who disbelieved, so when what they knew came to them, they disbelieved in it. So Allah’s curse is on the kafirun.

S 2:91 And when it was said to them: Believe in what Allah has sent down, they said: We believe in what was sent down upon us. And they disbelieve in what is behind it, when it is the truth confirming what they have. Say: So why do you kill Allah’s prophets before, if you are believers?

S 2:97 Say: He who was an enemy to Jibril, he sent it down upon your heart with Allah’s permission, confirming what is in front of it and as guidance and good news for the believers.

S 2:101 And when a messenger came to them from Allah confirming what is with them, a party of those who were given the Book chucked Allah’s book behind their backs as though they do not know.

S 3:3-4 He has sent down upon you the book in truth confirming what is in front of him and he sent down the Torah and the Injil Before, guidance for people, and he sent down the Furqan. Those who have disbelieved in Allah’s verses have severe torture. And Allah is mighty, the one of vengeance

S 3:39 we read: Then the angels called him while he was standing, praying in the mihrab. Allah gives you good news of Yahya, confirming a word from Allah, and a chief and a continent man and a prophet among the righteous.

Qur'an Problem: How did John confirm Jesus?

S 3:50 Confirming what is in front of me of the Torah and to permit for you some of that which had been forbidden to you and I have come to you with a sign from your lord, so fear Allah and follow me.

On Abrogation and the Relationship between Islamic and Mosaic Law

S 3:81 And when Allah took the covenant of the prophets: What I have given you of a book and wisdom then a messenger has come to you confirming what is with you, you shall believe in him and help him. He said: Have you ratified and taken my compact upon that? They said: We have ratified. He said: Then bear witness and I am with you among the witnesses.

Was Muhammad the Last Messenger?

S 4:47 Those who have been given the Book, believe in what we have sent down confirming what you have before we efface faces and repel them onto their backsides or curse them as we cursed the companions of the Sabbath! And Allah’s command was done.

S 5:46 And we sent on their tracks Isa son of Maryam, confirming what is in front of him of the Torah, and we gave him the Injil. Therein is guidance and light and confirming what is in front of him of the Torah and guidance and exhortation for the fearers.

S 5:48 And we have sent down to you the book with truth, confirming what is in front of him of the Book and governing over it. So judge between them by what Allah has sent down and do not follow their desires when some of the truth has come to you. For all of you have we made a bill and a curriculum. And had Allah willed he would have made you one nation but to test you in what he has given you. So race to goods. To Allah is all your return then he informs you of what you used to differ in.

S 6:92 And this is a book; we have sent it down, blessed, confirming that which is in front of it and that you may warn the mother of the villages and those who are around it. And those who believe in the hereafter believe in it and they are guarding over their salat.

S 35:31 And which we have inspired you with of the book. It is the truth, confirming what is in front of it. Allah is an expert in his slaves, a seer.

S 46:12 And before it is the book of Moses as a guideline and a mercy. And this is a book confirming in Arabic to warn those who have done wrong and good news for the good-doers.

S 46:30 They said: Our people, we have heard a book sent down after Musa confirming what is in front of it, guiding to the truth and to a straight way.

S 61:6 And when Isa son of Maryam said: Banu Isra’il, I am Allah’s messenger to you, confirming what is in front of me of the Torah and as one giving the good news of a messenger coming after me, called Ahmad. But when he came to them with the proofs they said: This is obvious magic.

AHMAD OR THE HOLY SPIRIT? – Answering Islam Blog

More of the Incomplete Quran Exposed: Who or What Is Ahmad? – Answering Islam Blog


Kudos to the dawah gangs all over the world, because Islam is too difficult to defend. Defending Islam is like defending earthquakes


I love Hatun.
She's so real .
She's so sincere .
She's so smart .
She's also super courageous/brave .
She's amazing .
She's not moved by flattery, either .
God bless her !


Islam is getting so cooked and I’m here for it 😂


I’ll never forget the shock when Hatun was struck by a grown muslim male at Speaker’s Corner in broad daylight. It put muslim immaturity and their reflex-violence out there for everyone to see! inappropriate in every way.


It's always important to point out to muslims that the Bible is 10 times longer than the quran, so whenever you point out surah differences and missing verses, you have to multiply that difference by a factor of 10 for it to be a direct comparison to the Bible. They LOVE to make direct comparisons when they say the quran is memorized by people and the Bible is not. The Bible is ten times longer, so there really is no comparison in that regard, but if they want direct comparisons? Ok, the 5 surah difference between the Ibn Masud and Ibn Kab quran would be the equivalent of FIFTY CHAPTERS of the Bible. If they want direct comparisons? It's REALLY game over for the "perfect preservation" arguments lol


I hope Farid accepts the invitation to join the boys


Two people just died, one of them is Muslim and the other one is Christian...
The angel of the grave (munkar nakir) first asked the faith of the Muslim

Angel : Who is your God?
Muslim : Allah
Angel : Who is your prophet?
Muslim : Muhammad pbuh
Angel : Which direction you pray and bow to?
Muslim : The Blackstone in Mecca Islam holy city.
Hearing that the angel send the Muslim to the Blackstone to stay there forever.

Then the angel asked the Christian
Angel : Who is your God?
Christian : Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit.
Angel : Who is your prophet?
Christian : We have many such as Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah etc.
Angel : Which direction you pray and bow to.
Christian : We pray and bow to "Our Father who is in heaven".
Then the angel send the Christian to stay in heaven forever😇😇😇


Know Islam = No Peace
No Islam = Know Peace


Intelligence and Islam cannot live in the same universe 😂


I love David Wood. But the simple way is the best way. Explaining the Trinity simply as to a 6 yr old has been the most efficient to begin and refer back to the KISS principal. You can always expound on the 113 personalities and who their book is such a ludicrous conceptual disaster in stark contrast to the beautiful simplicity of the Trinity. Just a suggestion. Complicated is always available.


Out of topic by David's skin looking so healthy and glowy


i'm sleepy so i read that as fried rice instead of farid tries xD


If everyone becomes honest tomorrow, Islam will die even before the day ends.


I love you three and just a few others, have defeated Islam soundly, case by case, year after year. God can turn a mighty enemy host with just a few warriors for truth.


What is the name of the only religion on earth where their clerics preach war and vi o lent ce. I forget the name?


Imagine if Christians acted like this…

New Christian:what!? theres different biblical manuscripts?

Old Christian: BOOM, BAM, POW, WHAM!

New Christian: ok Im sorry, nevermind…


I think Hatun made the best argument for Christianity ever, spending eternity with Mohamed and no ice cream seems like a torture beyond what I can bare


Our sister Hatun Tash 🙏🙏🙏 God Bless Brother in Christ David


Farid, is acting like he's a big shot but sam would destroy him too 😂.
