Man Feeds Crow Family For Years, Then Receives A ‘Mind Blowing’ Gift From Them

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Man Feeds Crow Family For Years, Then Receives A ‘Mind Blowing’ Gift From Them

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When I was a wildlife rehabilitator, we got in a baby crow that had bad injuries to a leg and wing. He would never fly and we knew he couldn't be released and survive so we kept him as an Education Ambassador for educational programs at schools and other events. We established an enrichment program for him so everyday someone would play games with him. We often played the shell game with him and he was very good at that. He learned to talk and I taught him my name. Whenever I arrived, he always said, "Hi Steve." I was honored by that. I was the only person he addressed by name. I eventually left the organization, and when I went back a year later, I walked up to the his aviary and he saw me, hopped over and said, "Hi Steve."


The crow’s ability to remember faces is well known but when you add this to this bird’s ability to show gratitude it really demonstrates what an amazing creature this animal is .


I wouldn't say it's too unusual. Crows are known to leave gifts for humans they grow an attachment to. If I can ever afford a home I'll be feeding the hell outta my crows and I'll leave out pictures of rings and watches near their feeder too. Ya know... just so they know what kinda gifts I like. Lol.


They saw him as a member of their Murder. There's a story I love about a kid getting bullied. This Kid bullied him terribly, after a while his grandma had enough and confronted his bullies parents, They didn't care. Well after a few weeks they hatched a plan. They learned about crows, and that they will protect humans who helped them or gift them shiny things. So they started feeding them. Week after week. For months. Eventually it gets to the point where the crowd would flock towards them, bringing foil wrappers, coins and the like they'd found. About a week later the bully tried to start crap. He threw a rock at the boy as he walked home. Almost immediately the bully screamed in terror as an entire flock of Crows attacked., Pecking and diving at the bully. He ran home, and the crows waited outside. The parents ran across the street and blamed the boy and his grandmother for training the crows to attack. The mother became aggressive towards the grandmother and was also attacked. She ran inside as the crows again waited. From that moment on until the family moved they were essentially trapped inside their home. Whenever they stepped out the crows dived at them. Eventually they moved and the crows still bring shiny gifts for their human friends.


In Australia, it was related that a man removed fishing-line tangled around an Australian magpie's ankles. A little later the magpie brought along a fellow magpie with a different problem, suggesting:"Can you help my mate as well?" (From an ABC podcast.)


I have been feeding crows around my house for years, ... When one of our cats catches and kills a mouse or a vole or a ground squirrel. I toss it up on the shed roof.
They must be watching all the time because it will seldom stay there for more than an hour before it disappears.
One time I left out two hot dogs that had gone past their fresh date. The next morning I found that there were no footprints in the snow but the hot dogs were gone and a shiny stainless steel spoon had been left on their place.
I cherish that spoon and we always refer to it as the "crow spoon".


If you are kind or mean to an individual crow, the flock will remember the act even beyond the lifespan of the individual crow.


Nice to know that I’m not the only crow lover! I have crow pal, his name is Remedy after the black Crowes Song! He’s been with me for two yrs now and this yr he brought his family! We chat and he follows me and my dog on our daily walks. Real character that one! I’m in 🇨🇦 four miles from Blaine! Stay well!


My dad found an injured crow and brought it home and it lived with us for a few years they are very intelligent. Eventually a group of crows started coming around and the crow went away with them.


The Crows near me, recognise me. My name is Crawcrawcraw, Just three, sometimes they start at two and craw their responses all of the way up to five craw, if I copy them. Then they’ll start again is like they are teaching me. I love crows


I helped a crow once, and he left a brand new car parked outside of my house as a gift. He forgot the keys, though, so I had to hotwire it. I tried to explain this to the judge, but he didn't believe me. My cellmate doesn't believe me, either.


My father used to feed the crows everyday. Sometimes as he was driving on our street going home, they recognized his car and followed him home!


2 baby crows on the ground. *That's an attempted murder!*


I have made 5 new friends during the pandemic. I was chucking a few biscuits for my dogs and a crow swooped down to take one. From that day on these same 5 crows follow us on our walks. They wind my dogs up and come within 2 feet and catch treats as I throw them. I absolutely love seeing them every day.


I love Crows.
They're beautiful, funny, SO SMART, affectionate...
They stay engaged for over a year before matting for life.
Such magnificent creatures


They knew the difference between something made by nature and something made my humans. And they mixed the two in a gift as a symbol of their friendship.


I often parked my car under the shade of some trees where I liked to read, a family of Indian Miner birds would come and sit on the open door and I would feed them.
One day a chick fell from its nest, I returned it and the family started coming into the car and sitting on the steering wheel, some time later one young bird in particular would come and sit in my hand, it had to be the chick I returned to the nest. It felt nice to be trusted by that family of birds.


Crows are very smart. That's awesome


I've been feeding a family of crows for around 18 months here in Shetland, they do follow me hopping from fence post to fence post as I walk the dogs to the beach. I've not had any gifts yet though. And yes that is my real name :-)


We have a treat station at our house for the crows. They have adopted us and often bring us gifts, like a fly over fish drop, or a small dead animal. They will fly along when I walk my chihuahua (who they protect from hawks). I usually stop at a certain spot and once one of them who was flying along with me pulled out a feather and dropped it for me in that spot. You could tell it was pulled out. I treasure that feather. They also follow me to work, a couple of miles away as the crow flies, and will perch in the tree outside the window and peek in at me. They are so funny.
