Acupressure For Heart Health, Circulation, Sleep and Worry: Shenmen (Heart 7)

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Learn how to locate and massage the acupressure point called Shenmen (Heart 7) for:

- heart and circulatory health,;
- sleep problems;
- relaxation;
- emotional stress;
- calming the mind thereby alleviating anxiety and worry.

#janicetucker #spacetorelax #acupressurepoints #acupresssure #shenmen #heartcirculation

This video is taught by myself, Dr. Janice Tucker, Chinese medicine/acupuncture practitioner and the founder of the Space To Relax Programme of Qigong video lessons.

NOTE: This video is for beginners who want to learn some simple acupressure points and techniques as part of a general healthcare routine. It is no substitute for a consultation with your healthcare practitioner if you are experiencing any symptoms which concern you.

I’m Dr Janice Tucker. Since 2000, I have been sharing medical Qigong with thousands of students and clients to help them live healthier lives; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

These simple methods will show you how to:

• relax mentally and emotionally to reduce stress;
• enhance your health by adjusting your breathing and posture;
• practice medical Qigong meditations to calm and clear a busy mind;
• use morning Qigong exercises to get a great start to your day and manage any pre-existing health conditions;
• energise your body and put a spring in your step so that you feel younger.

My passion lies in adapting Qigong exercises for people aged 40+ so that they feel relaxed and energised, not exhausted, at the end of their practice. I love to share my knowledge with students from all walks of life, and these Qigong exercises are suitable for both beginners and those with more Qigong experience.



You must not rely on the information in this video as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or another professional healthcare provider. The information provided here is of a general nature. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of the information in this video.

By partaking in any Qigong exercises shown in my videos, understand that you do so at your own risk, that there is the chance of physical injury and that you release and discharge Janice Tucker from any and all claims that may arise. Always seek medical advice before embarking upon any exercise programme.

Рекомендации по теме

Easy to find with your explanation - thanks!


It's amazing how many acupuncturists tell you in great detail how to find a point, but never tell you with what pressure or how long to massage it!


I like the way you show exactly the spot to press. It can be confusing for novices.


perfect, so clear and easy to follow thank you.


Just discovered you Janice and loving the ckear succinct advice. So many YouTubers take 20 minutes to get to the point. You go straight to it (in more ways than one😊)


Hi, great video, love acupressure
(& acupuncture), they are very effective
for me.. Question: Is there not another point near the top of the ear also called “Shen Men”?
Thank you..


Can a person take accupressure points for heart after Angioplasty..
Please reply


Im having sinus tachy5on ecg but for no reason uts palpitations and chest pain even when i sleep ..God knows im fraid of heart dosease and attack...Or frequency ..


Crazy, my maiden name was Sheneman!!!


You just know she lives on her own and has a cat
