Emanet 601. Bölüm | Legacy Episode 601

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It’s been 3 months since Seher’s death. Aziz gets blamed for Seher's death, who is actually the victim of a nefarious trap. Topal, who is the real instigator for the murder, takes over the family empire with his brother's blood in his hands, while he does his best to have Yaman imprisoned, but he cannot reach his goal. In the past three months, Yaman is acquitted of the crime even though he was taken into custody for killing Aziz.

After Seher's death, Yusuf shut himself to the outside world. On the one hand, Yaman mourns his dead wife, on the other hand, he wants to make his dear nephew laugh again. But the solutions Yaman found are proven useless. Yaman tries many ways to get his nephew back to the way he was before. One day, a stranger comes to the mansion. How will this stranger who suddenly entered their lives affect the lives of Yaman and Yusuf? Will Yusuf, who closed his heart to the whole world, smile again?

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Yaman recibe llamada de Cuneyt y le dice: recogimos a Kazim en la dirección que nos dio la Sra. Nana. Lo hemos encerrado en el almacén de la mansión como ordenaste, Sr. Yaman. Yaman le dice: está bien, déjamelo a mí. Yo haré el interrogatorio. Yaman a Nana; ¿entonces fuiste a buscar unas invitaciones? ¿Eh? Pensé que creías en mí. ¿Me desobedeciste otra vez? ¿No es así? Mírame Nana Maryam. Nos vamos a casar, pero… Nana: ¿pero ¿qué? ¿O es que me estas amenazando, Yaman Kirimli? Yaman: te estoy diciendo lo que va a pasar. Nana: entonces te diré lo que va a pasar. Tienes que entender que no me puedo quedar sentada en casa; cuando la familia se ve en peligr0. Si voy a convertirme en Nana Maryam Kirimli, así será. ¿Si no me hubiera enterado por accidente? ¿Y si te hubiera pasado algo? Yaman; eso es lo que estoy diciendo. ¿Si te hubiera pasado algo? Se miran, Yaman la besa en la frente no quiere perderla y la abraza. Yaman le dice: estoy realmente en problemas contigo. Nana: No, soy yo. Soy yo quien estoy en problemas contigo. No dejan de abrazarse. Hombre; podemos entrar para la declaración. Yaman: si, podemos… Yaman a Nana: vamos…


The best moments when Nana got out of taxi rushed towards Yaman shouting get out of the car, there is bomb, ,Ferit also shouted Yaman , the moment Yaman came out of car Ferit dragged them away from car, , Nana hugged Yaman so anxiously, she was so scared, she clung to him as if never to leave him, ❤Yaman also was quite emotional took his Nana in his arms, both expressed deep love and concern for each other😍 i enjoy these NanYam moments ❤️ among these disasterous events🌹they both are eachother's strength❤😍


You do understand that we have been led to a point that in each episode we are terrified that we will lose Yaman? We can't fully enjoy the good times because we know something terrible is going to happen.I wish that we didn't know of Halil's departure. If they were not playing with the airing of Emanet, the season would have ended a month ago without us knowing about his new project. Now there is always a dark cloud over us.We are mourning Yaman Kirimli even though he is still alive in the series. Today it was a good episode. Tucan is the new enemy and he is trying to approach Yaman. It was obvious from the beginning that he was a villain. Apparently Yaman destroyed his life somehow. We haven't watched 601 episodes of Emanet for nothing. Congratulations to Emanet and to us for our patience!


Nana and yaman both have their own way to express love
He can't risk her life, he has to protect her ...she can't let him fight alone and be in danger Alone ...
But in the end both are eachother home ❤❤
Love how she ran towards him, hugged him ...how he was hugging her back ..


In the hospital,
Nana to Yaman: Does it hurt very much?
Yaman: Very much! But, if you do the dressing, it will pass! Butit eill be a difficult for you!
Nana: I have done even the operation for you! Do you think, i will not be able to do?
Then, Nana kissed on Yaman's cheek and she told him: It is enough for me, if you get alright! ❤❤ You be with me! ❤❤( Ah, Nana is melting Yaman's as well as our hearts when she herself is melting!! 😍😍🥺) I am very restless! But, you will get angry! Ni crying now!
I know that fellow will get through his punishment and i know it! I will get two teas and come!
Then, Nana went to the canteen! 😅


When Nana came to hospital all worried about Yaman, 😍the moment she opened the door she showed her concern for him in her Nana style, 😂😍 I AM NOT GOING TO MARRY YABAN, Yaman who knew her love behind her words he pulled her on the bed, told her but i am going to marry a goat, 😍Yaman told her whether we will fight, but he will always protect her, 🥰😍 how beautiful his love is, Nana melted, she was so scared, she came into his arms and hugged him so passionately she expressed her emotions so beautifully 😍, her hugs, her concerns to Yaman heals Yaman's wounds 😍🥰, both got relief in eachother's arms ❤😍Its lovely to see our NamYam so be in love, 🔥😍


Nana came to the hospital and she was looking for Yaman! 😢😢
When, she finally found Yaman in one of the room in the hospital, she opened the door and she went inside!
Nana: I am not marrying a wild ( Yaban) like you! Do you understand! 😅😅
Yaman: But, i am marrying a goat like you!😅😅
Nana: I am very angry with you! Didn't you tell me that we both will continue together? Why didn't you take me when you went after the low life ! Don't you see? Don't you understand?
Then, Yaman pulled Nana to him and he made her to sit next to him on the bed! Then, Yaman told Nana: Actually, you are the one who didn't understand!
You are my first duty to protect you! Even if we were married for 100 years and even if we had this fight, i would still do the same thing to protect you!
Even if we spend every day fighting, it will be like this! I will find him and i will finish him off! Do you understand?
Nana: I understood! Nana, in a very emotional voice, told Yaman that they both would fight a lot with each other! 😅😅❤❤ Let us do it! I accept it! Enough, if you are with me! Then, Nana hugged Yaman very lovingly!! ❤❤❤




Ese beso que Yaman le dió a Nana fue tan hermoso. Ambos transmitieron su preocupación por el otro ❤


When the shooting between Yaman and Zehir's men was continuing, the man, who was shooting at Yaman so far, entered the warehouse and Yaman held him and asked him, for whom he was working and at the same time, some one aimed at Yaman and shot a bullet at him! Even then, Yaman could beat the other guy for the last time and that guy could able to escape from there! Yaman picked up his pistol from the floor and he came out and he started to shoot at the guy who escaped from there, but Yaman could able to see him, bit far from him!
Yaman to himself: You won't be able to escape! I will find you all! I will destroy all of you from the roots!! 👏👏👏
Then, Yaman dropped that pistol down, and he went to his car to rush to the hospital! 😢😢


Yaman came to the mansion and he told his assistant Cuneyt to stay there and he alone went to question Kazim to find out about the where abouts of Idris! When Nana was walking restlessly in the garden, Yaman came there and he told Cuneyt to take care of Kazim!
Nana to Yaman: Did you talk to him, did you come to know about him( Idris)
Yaman: Yes! I am going to get him!
Nana: I am also coming!
Yaman😊😊: No! You are not coming!
Nana: You can not stop me!
Yaman: So! Ican not stop you! Isn't it!
Then, Yaman just lifted her and carried her over his shoulder and went inside the mansion.
Nana: Leave me, ! What are you doing! After, Yaman left Nana there and he rushly closed and locked the doors! Yaman, from outside the doors to Nana: You will learn to listen to my words like this, Nana Maryam!
Nana was very angry and she shouted: Open! I said: you open!
Then Yaman told the security guards that the main doors of the mansion will not be opened till he comes back to the mansion!
Then, Yaman got into his car and he drove away!
On his way, his car was blocked by Acar's car! Both, Yaman and Acar got out of their cars and they walked towards each other!
Yaman: Who are you that you dared to block my way?
Acar: Calm down! The resson for this was i just wanted to be with you! I was wondering about you! I learned from my sources that they have put a bomb in your car ! Look! Your enemy is very damgerous! Let me help you!
Yaman: I don't ask any one for help!
I will solve my own problem by myself!
This is how it was until now! It will be like this now!😅😅
I am telling you, don't meet me again!
Then, Yaman got inside hiscar and he drove away very fast! 😅😅


I believe that Khalil himself is sad about leaving the Yaman character. He thinks that is the best. He reminds me of his attitude towards Nana when he fired her from work and he did not want to let her go. Because he loved her and attached to her, but in order to resist his feelings, he says to himself, "This is what we need to happen." I think that is Khalil's feeling, as it is difficult to leave a character who lived with all its details and feelings for three years, just as it is difficult for us, the followers, to have the Yaman character disappear. Perhaps if the third season ended with a happy ending and the work continued as a new story in the fourth season, perhaps it would have been easier. In general, these feelings are because we are still in the event, but with the passage of time Yaman will create a new character to relate to, and we, the spectators, will follow new characters that we love, and we will not forget Yaman’s unique personality, a character that remains in our minds and hearts.


After the death of Idris, in Yaman's room, Police officer to Yaman: Well! Thank you for the information, you have given! Get well soon!
Yaman: Thanks Police officer!! May your work be easy!
Nana: Something would have happened to you!
Yaman to Acar: You were on the right time! What were you looking here?
Acar: I don't give up so easily Kirimli!
Since the day, i found out that you have enemies, i had put five of my men behind you and when you were going to the warehouse, those men lost the track of you! But, they saw that you were injured at the last moment! I put my men in the hodpital to visit you!
Yaman: Then, you heard that Idris has come to the hospital and then, you came after him!
Nana to Acar: Good that you were here!
Acar: Let me go now!
Yaman to Acar: Acar Gurkan! Yaman extended his hand to Acar to shake hands with him! 😮😢 I will be waiting in the mansion for you, on Monday!
Acar: I will definitely be there!
Then, Acar walked away from that room!


Who missed Idris? 😁 Bye bye.. you gave this series a colorful fight 😢 We hate u that much...but at the same time we're going to miss you 😘 becoz u are funny sometimes specially those dancing moments with Kazim 😅


I like how Yaman and Nana are wearing the same colors clothes!


In front of the police station, Ferit told Yaman and Nana: We all survived a great disaster! Get well soon!
Kara to Ferit, : Commissioner! Can you take a look?
Yaman got a call from Cuneyt: I had gone to the address which Nana had given to me and i have the man called Kazim with me!
Yaman: Okay! Let me do the questioning!
Yaman to Nana: You were going to look for an invitation? Wasn't it? You didn't listen to my word! Didn't you?
Look at me, Nana Maryam! We are going to get married! But?
Nana: But? Are you threatening me, Yaman Kirimli!
Yaman: I am telling you what would have happened?
Nana: In that case, i too will tell you, what will happen! When the family is getting threatened, you have to understand that i will not be sitting at home ! If, i can become Nana Maryam Kirimli, i will be only like that! I thought, you will understand that i will not stay at home, when our family is in danger!
If any thing had happened to you?
Yaman: If anything had happened to you?
Then, Nana looked at Yaman and he kissed her forehead and he hugged her so warmly! ❤❤❤


When, Yaman reached the warehouse, where Idris was locked up, he got down from his car and he had his pistol in his hand! Idris was walking restlessly and he was telling to himself: There is nothing in the news and there is no sound from Kazim too! What is going on? What the hell is going on? I am trapped in a cage! Then, Idris started to hit his own head! 😅😅 Yaman was approaching the door of the warehouse, Idris heard some sound snd he was so scared and his eyes were set on something! Then, the fat guy came in front of Idris!
Idris to that guy: Where is your boss?
I am bored here! Enough! At the same time, Yaman got inside the warehouse through the door! Yaman didn't find any one there and he told: God damnit! Then, he came out of the warehouse and the moment, he was at the door, some one shot a bullet, which passed very closely to him! Then, Yaman understood it was a trap and he told to himself: God damnit! Yaman too started to shoot few bullets at the enemies!
At the same time, the fat guy of Zehir got a call from his boss and after few seconds, the fat guy told Idris that his boss Zehir wanted to speak to him!
Zehir to Idris: You are not anything of demon, you are the Demon ! But, you became his apprentice! Kirimli is alive!
Idris: God damnit!
Zehir: If it was not for me, now Yaman would have cried like a cotton ball!
So, you will not get out of this place! Do you understand?
Idris: I understand! 😅😅


In the opening scene, when Yaman was sitting in his car and when he was about to start his car, Nana got down from the taxi and she ran towards Yaman, shouting " Yaman stop! "
Ferit, from the police station, he came running shouting, Yaman! Let's get away!
Nana: Don't start the car!
Ferit: Get out of the car!
The moment, Yaman got down from his car, Nana ran to him and she hugged him, while thanking God!
Yaman: What is going on Ferit?
Nana: They tried to kill you! They put a bomb in the car there!
Ferit to Kara: There is a car in front of the police station, in which a bomb has been placed! Inform the bomb diffusing team immediately! It is urgent!
Nana hugged Yaman so lovingly, as if she didn't want to be away from him anymore ! 😂😂❤❤❤ Yaman bey, though he didn't understand Nana's sudden reaction, he really liked it!! 😂😂😂❤❤❤


After Nana went to the canteen, to get two teas for Yaman and Nana, Idris, who was hiding and looking at Nana, started to walk and he stood infront of Yaman's room and he took the pistol which he had hidden behind his jacket and he entered Yaman's room, suddenly, while holding a pistol in his hand! 😱😨 The moment, Yaman saw Idris, he sat on his bed and Idris, pushed his mask down, so that Yaman can look at him very clearly!
Idris to Yaman: This time, it's your end!
When, Yaman was about to get up from the bed, Idris: Don't even try! You will die Kirimli!
Then, some one from the backside of Idris had shot 2 bullets at Idris and blood started to come out of his mouth and then he fell on the floor! Only then, Yamam could see that the person, one who had shot the two bullets at Idris was Acar! Then, Acar moved forward towards Yaman and Yaman got up from his bed and he looked at Idris! (Lastly I think, Idris told, while looking at Yaman: I didn't forget anything! 😮)
Then, Yaman looked at Acar !🥺🤔
Acar looked at Yaman!!🙄🤨


Nana y Ferit evitaron la tragedia de la bomba 💣💥….y Nana corre para abrazar a su amado, lo hace con tanto amor pero también con el terrible miedo a perderlo 🥺
Yaman regresa con Nana a la mansión, la carga al estilo Kirimli 😁 y la encierra en la mansión, no quiere ponerla en riesgo….recuerden qué como buen estratega y líder, tiene qué evitar distracciones….y Nana es su debilidad.
Y el mentado Tuncay ( ya me cae mal 😠) insiste en ganarse la confianza de Yaman ….pero Yaman como un león 🦁…sabe que ese hombre es peligroso, huele el peligro.
Yaman ha llegado al almacén a donde encerraron a Idris, ...luego tenemos una balacera, Yaman terminó con un leve rozón de bala…. Idris, dándose a la fuga, ayudado por los hombres de veneno 🤦
Yaman terminó en el hospital 🏥….Nana llegó corriendo 🏃‍♀️..tal y cómo lo haríamos nosotras…😁…es qué imagínate, te avisan que tu hombre está herido, vas corriendo 😉….se pelea con Yaman, los dos son un par de tercos, pero lo hacen porque se aman, no conciben la idea de perderse 😔…ese bello abrazo 🫂, Nana se refugia en el pecho de su amado ( lo ama tanto ♥️) y ese besito de Nana en la mejilla de Yaman😘, ....Nana eres la medicina para nuestro bello hombre 😍
Idris…Idris sólo fuiste un medio, serviste de peón….ese Tuncay jugó perfectamente sus cartas y utilizó a este cobarde, el trabajo de Idris es acabar con la vida de Yaman, todo está arreglado, el arma escondida en el baño del hospital, y llega para acabar con Yaman y qué pasó???? Qué llegó Tuncay y fue este quién acabó con el cobarde de Idris de una manera simple y llana.
Ahora ese hombre logró su cometido, hacerse de la confianza de Yaman, este hombre con secretas intenciones, con juegos rastreros, entrara a la vida de Yaman 🙄😒....es un verdadero Veneno.
Para los momentos oscuros vistos en el capítulo, les dejó unas frases de un estratega militar que cambió el rumbo de la historia, ojalá nuestro bello hombre pudiera aplicarlos 😉
"Solo con la prudencia, la sabiduría y la destreza se logran grandes fines y se superan los obstáculos. Sin estas cualidades nada tiene éxito.
Porque, mi grandeza no reside en no haber caído nunca, sino en haberme levantado siempre.
Y la verdadera victoria no está en ganar siempre, sino en no rendirse nunca"
Napoleón Bonaparte
