Emanet 615. Bölüm | Legacy Episode 615

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It’s been 3 months since Seher’s death. Aziz gets blamed for Seher's death, who is actually the victim of a nefarious trap. Topal, who is the real instigator for the murder, takes over the family empire with his brother's blood in his hands, while he does his best to have Yaman imprisoned, but he cannot reach his goal. In the past three months, Yaman is acquitted of the crime even though he was taken into custody for killing Aziz.

After Seher's death, Yusuf shut himself to the outside world. On the one hand, Yaman mourns his dead wife, on the other hand, he wants to make his dear nephew laugh again. But the solutions Yaman found are proven useless. Yaman tries many ways to get his nephew back to the way he was before. One day, a stranger comes to the mansion. How will this stranger who suddenly entered their lives affect the lives of Yaman and Yusuf? Will Yusuf, who closed his heart to the whole world, smile again?

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Highlight of this epiosde
A great performance by Halil and Nanuka ...
Halil...when yaman was running and entered in to the mansion, his expressions before entering in to nana's room and when he saw her lying down on floor with her hands tied, and knife near her heart, when he said to ferit that he will burn the world if something happen to yusuf...
I felt all his pain, anger, felt that even he has no wound his heart is bleeding to see his family like this 💔
Nanuka scene especially in hospital..her expressions, her despair, her helplessness was so evident .she acted like a mother who wants to be with her child even If she has to die herslef and nothing else in the world matters any more .
Bravo ❤


No hay derecho que lo que se esperaba que fuera una historia donde el bien y el amor triunfaran sobre la maldad y el odio, se convirtiera en la mas sangrienta historia de horror 😮😢 y crueldad que vergüenza que el mundo vea eso. Y al pobre Yaman despues de mostrarlo todo el tiempo como el super heroe, lo hicieron quedar como el más grande de los idiotas e ingenuo hombre en un solo capitulo. Me parece que quien escribe estos libretos tiene una mente retorcida y maquiabélica y si es una mujer peor 😮 no le corre sangre por las venas, sino veneno como el del personaje tan horrendo que se inventó. Por mi parte no volvere a ver ni una sola novela Turca por que la mayoría son iguales. Les da pena las escenas de demostraciones de amor ❤ pero no les da verguenza mostrar tanto salvajismo. 😢 Dios perdonalos por que no saben lo que hacen 😮


Ne zor üzücü bir şey küçük bir çocuk çaresiz korku içinde olması kalması. Berat Rüzgar bu duyguları başarılı bir şekilde seyirciye ulaşa bildirdi. Berat Rüzgar aferin sana


Wow Yaman is at hospital 😢 but when Seher was fighting for her life Yaman wasn’t there what a betrayal 😢😢


✨ Aquí sigo en la lloradera 😔😔 la desesperación de Nana 😭😭😭 el miedo en la cara de Yaman y Yusuf, esa angustia y dolor, y todo es cada vez peor 💔💔 no lo merecen ellos, ni nosotros 🤦🏻‍♀️
✨Nana es una guerrera, no le importa lastimarse por no quedarse sentada esperando a salvar a Yusuf, esa desesperación, lo ama como a un hijo 😭😭❤️
✨Ahora sí Ferit se preocupa por Yaman y su enemigo, cuando solo ha pasado detrás de Ayse y sus lloriqueos 🙄😒
✨Por lo menos Aynur, Adalet están bien 🙏🏻, aunque la tía está en coma 🥺
✨El papel que está haciendo el actor que interpreta a Zehir es increíble, hace que yo odie tanto al personaje🤬, que ni siquiera quiero seguirlo a él en las redes sociales aunque no tenga nada que ver 😒😂😭


The episodes starting from today is going to be like a horror movie.. The fear in Yaman's face watching dead people at the entrance of the Mansion, blood all over inside his home, his dear ones lying in pool of blood, his fear to enter Nana's room assuming she is dead, the grief and helplessness that his little nephew has been kidnapped, Nana completely heartbroken and in deep grief that Yaman and hers Legacy has been snatched away, the fear that the child is in grave danger by being with a venomous snake, Zehir's evil intentions, poor baby Yusuf scared etc etc.. Yaman, Nana and Yusuf are suffering so much..
Emanet Season 3 is ending but by giving us lot of pain to deal with


Pobre yaman toda una vida sufriendo, parece que la escritora lo disfruta


What carnage, what poison...the script writer should know we come here to be entertained and not depressed...we are attached to the characters in the series...no need to kill them


Tuncay is still there n watching. I hope he can help Yusuf.


Debo reconocer que hoy si que me sentí shockeada totalmente en llanto. Sentí cada escena como si fuera real la de yaman al descubrir el terror de la mansión, pero su cara temiendo lo peor al entrar en la habitación de yusuf y de nana. Cuando encontró a nana no lo podía creer, dios y ella seguía viva nuestra guerrera
Pero la escena de nana recordando lo que veneno le hizo y desesperada sale de su habitación del hospital buscando y llamando a Yusuf desesperada 😭 sentí su dolor la de una leona que perdió a su cachorro la de una madre que no sabe que pasó con su hijo. Una madre es Nana para Yusuf y hoy lo ha demostrado yaman intentando calmarla pero nana le dice lo intenté pero no pude protegerlo me desgarro y aún herida se escapó y amenazó al tipo de la escritura yaman llega y dice yo estoy más loco que ella, nana se le abre la herida en el hospital nana está sin corazón sin Yusuf a su lado parte de su corazón está muerto y yaman lo sabe.
Y termina con nana y Yaman en el hospital donde el le dice cumplirás todos tus sueños tras la llamada de la amiga de yusuf 🥺


Ahh, That is absolutely not fair for Yusuf to witness this kind of horror. Please please 😢


Birinci sahne: Fevkalade bir sahneydi PEK SARSICI. Halil İbrahim Ceyhan gerçekten rol unu karakteri derin bir şekilde anladı sevdi (( Ta birinci sezonun birinci bölümün sahnesinden )) Oyunculuğu çok inandırıcıdır Rolu nu yaşıyor yetenekli bir sanatçıdır.


Hats off to Halil and Nana for their fabulous performance today. ❤
The pain, the torture of being separated from your loved one and to see them in physical pain, to see your home that was your strong castle of love and harmony . The castle Yaman built for his family, guarded it always with his own blood and took bullets and faced dangers for the safety of his loved ones . Yaman an epitome of strength, determination and an army in himself .today he passed through the worst torment of his life seeing his mansion in blood, the way Yaman ran all the way, to his home, found lying in blood from his guards to his hala and Nana, when he found about Yusuf kidnapped by Zehir, he passed through a hell of pain, 😭😥 he called Yusuf, his dearest with such a pain in his voice was so unbearable for us all . 😭😥😔


💔💔💔I was impressed by Nana how affected she is by Yusuf's disappearance (it was clear how much she loves her little bird). I personally liked the connection that was created between Nana and Yusuf (two souls who suffered a lot in life due to the lack of maternal love).... I want to congratulate the performance of the actress Nanuka because she knew (like a real mother) to convey the pain of the character Nana.... Well done A sad episode because Yusuf is still in the hands of that psychopath (snake) but surely Yaman (or maybe the real Tuncay) will save him even with the price of his


Hoy empezaré con una frase reflexiva.
"Sólo durante los tiempos difíciles, es donde las personas llegan a entender, lo difícil que es ser dueño de sus sentimientos y pensamientos"
(Antón Chéjov)
Yaman😔….en una impactante desesperación, corriendo, tratando de evitar una tragedia en la mansión, desafortunadamente no logró llegar a tiempo y la escena con la que se encuentra es catastrófica, ha visto los estragos del siniestro Acar, ....la primera imagen una Adalet golpeada, Yaman busca inmediatamente en los cuartos y encuentra a tía Akca lastimada, busca a Yusuf y no lo encuentra, llega al cuarto de Nana y ahí…. ahí se encuentra con otro letal momento, ella está amordazada, golpeada y herida, Yaman desesperado, no puede creer lo que está viendo, Nana le dice qué Acar es Zehir y que se llevó a Yusuf 😔…le dice qué lo encuentre, ...Yaman ve la nota del malvado, dice qué le quitará a su Legado como él lo hizo hace 6 años, cuando le quitó a su hijo ( desquiciado, él fue quien lo mató 🤦) …ahora Yaman tiene la misión de buscar y encontrar a Yaman pero también tiene qué cuidar a su familia 😞
Yaman en el hospital, ha llevado a toda su familia…. tía Akca con una contusión cerebral, está en coma, Nana fue operada, está bien dentro de lo que cabe, Aynur y Adalet están delicadas y Yusuf desaparecido, en manos del demente 😵‍💫 pobre Yaman está en una situación sumamente complicada, Ferit está presente para dar su apoyo, esperemos que está vez cumpla con su deber de policía, porque últimamente solo anda en problemas personales.
Y nuestro pobre bebé manos de ese demente, ese demente que le hace saber qué está bajo su poder, que lo aterroriza al decirle que no volverá a ver a su familia, pobre Yusuf con carita de tristeza, miedo y desesperación, llorando pidiendo qué su tio lo rescate🥺
Y nos ha destrozado el corazón 💔 ver el sufrimiento de Nana y Yaman….esa escena de Nana levantándose de la cama del hospital para ir a rescatar a Yusuf, su angustia y desesperación, llamando una y otra vez a Yusuf y un Yaman que como el gran pilar qué es, se mantiene inquebrantable a pesar de su dolor.
Nana se ha calmado, pero ahora por su cuenta buscará indicios de Acar, ...el grafólogo puede saber algo …y ella acude a él, lo intimida y …después llega Yaman y con sus métodos infalibles, logra que ese hombre le de una pista ( (un carro)...le pide ayuda a Ferit para que busque indicios del carro en la dirección del grafólogo, ...pero Nana se ha vuelto a lastimar y de nuevo tienen que ir al hospital….y otro momento difícil…la llamada de la amiga de Yusuf, la pequeña Öykü preguntando por él 😢😢😢…. qué tristeza para Yamancim y para Nana 💔💔😭😭
Hoy voy a concluir con un par de frases interesantes
"En tiempos difíciles puedes perder la alegría, pero no la esperanza. La esperanza es tu guía."
Paulo Coelho
"Los tiempos difíciles nunca duran, pero las personas fuertes sí."
Robert H. Schuller


Little Yusuf is so scared, 😥 this zehir in that dark room with a snake slithering around, is so tormenting for little Yusuf.😔😭 Yusuf called out his amca in this darkness he has a hope that his amca will find him .❤


Sera que essa escritora, lê os comentários dessa série? Se lê, sabera que tds nós, estamos com muito ódio dela, e não vamos acompanhar mais nada dela.


Por isso que gosto da nana tem o sexto sentido que todas nós mulheres temos ela falou pra yaman qe não confiava nesse homem .essa é das minhas


Por favor com tanto sofrimento o final do episódios deveria trazer um pouco de alegria para nós


Majority of the viewers are still in shock and traumatized by the horror, graphic violence, and heinous crimes committed by Zehir. Today’s episode was mostly repetition and playback of previous horror and violence and the viewers are just as traumatized as little Yusuf is. How irresponsible of the script writers to write such a script for the talented child actor Berat Ozkan especially when such a scenario is not in line with the storyline of Emanet! Reiterating that Halil Ibrahim Ceyhan is an amazing actor! There was no dialogue but his expressions showed exactly what Yaman is feeling at the terror he witnessed at his mansion….of course he is angry that little Yusuf has been kidnapped by the psychopath but his expressions also showed a feeling regret for trusting the fake Acar enough to leave him alone with his family and going away on a wild goose chase when they needed him the most…..his expressions showed if only he had stayed at home he could have prevented this terror showered on his family! Halil Ibrahim, always an actor par excellence! ❤. Nana Stambolishvili played the role of Nana extremely well………the viewers could feel her pain on losing little Yusuf and not being able to protect him……..her regret could be felt on not fully following her instincts and trusting the psychopath although at the beginning she was suspicious of him! Great acting by both Halil Ibrahim and Nana! ❤❤. As for the acting skills of Zehir, one can safely say that he is a C class actor! Idrees (Merdan Kardan) was the most talented villain of the show!
