The One Feeling You CAN Trust When Choosing a Good Man

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The One Feeling You CAN Trust When Choosing a Good Man

You’ve opened your heart and had it broken. You’ve poured yourself into relationships that started off promising...but ended in sorrow. You’ve tried dating different types of guys but the only thing they seem to have in common is that they all disappoint you in the end. You don’t trust your own judgment and you’re afraid you’ll never figure this out. In the next few minutes, I’m going to explain to you how you can learn to trust yourself and make better choices with men in the future. Stick around.

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Also consider how you feel about yourself you're with him.


So simple and so true 👌🏻 absence of anxiety is the detrimental factor that reflects the quality of a relationship


This is so true!!!! I have this now with my new man. Zero anxiety ❤ bliss! 🥰


Thank you!
Unfortunately many people confuse anxiety with being in love. And many people break it of when they don’t feel butterflies.

I am looking fore the comming home, calm feelings


Doesn't it get more nuanced if you are a person who suffers from anxiety anyway? I've always battled a bit with anxiety due to a traumatic upbringing, had therapy for it, and it's a lot better these days. But I still occasionally get triggered by small things even though my boyfriend is very consistent and caring and have to "coach" myself through them. I gather you're not talking about people who suffer from anxiety anyway?


Thank you for reconfirming and validating with my truth and what I’ve become so clear about in finding love. This is how exactly I want to feel and I’m committed to finding it and not wavering.


So SPOT ON!! My twin flame and I had three years of anxiety and relationship coaching. My current bf is a sigh of relief!!!😻


This is good, super anxious with my woman


Thank you so much for that. I felt exactly the same recently, So peaceful, that it feels strange ! 😍


Talk about cutting to the chase, wow, Evan! You are so correct, if couples are happy, they do not need a dating coach. Thanks for this very pertinent video.


E, always on point. Sometimes I didn't listen but you were always right.


No way. U just popped up on my homepage.. I've made up my mind, I'm remaining single, love is pain. Thx for the advice though ☺️


Hey Evan, love your podcast. Was wondering if you could make a video on how to navigate a relationship when the woman earns more than and/or is in a more socially respectable profession than the man. In particular, how to get a sense for whether such an arrangement would work, how to ensure insecurities and imbalances don't arise, and also how to navigate societal pressure to conform to strict unwritten gender roles. Thank you!


Thanks so much for your good advice. 🙏


If I feel compelled to watch, then...


Not sure how to reconcile this advice with conflicting advice about how to fix communication issues in relationships.

For example, all those videos and podcasts on how to better communicate your needs to your partner, “don’t expect him to be a mind reader and spell out what your needs are“, how to fight fair, etc. are all those useless in your view?

And is it really reasonable to expect everyone to find the perfect person for them “right off the shelf“ so to speak with no need to adjust to each other at any time come on no need to “work“ at a relationship, etc.?

Or, is it that you finally found a woman so easy-going or so self sacrificial that she doesn’t demand anything from you, which of course is every man’s dream?
I’m very skeptical.
