Best critter for power | Plug Slug Tutorial | Oxygen Not Included

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Plug Slug power plant! Now with more metals!


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I like how these are kinda like the beeta. In the right climates, plug slugs emit a lot of energy while asleep, while beeta, in the WRONG climates, fall asleep and basically imitate Chernobyl.


Do keep in mind that if the plug slug STOPS being either in a liquid or unbreathable gas, the smog/sponge slug egg chances will go back down to 0. Nice guide!


use the smog slugs in a ranch above the plug slugs, no power needed to remove the hydrogen :-3


He says " I think they are going to nerf
Then proceeds to explain that you need THREE metal volcanos to run 8 plug slugs on full support. (300g/s of metal)

I can run a fully self contained low dupe evenuatly to NO Dupe labor, with ethanol that even produces cold oxygen for one dupe
(with a little extra and have excess power from it the system of about 200w/s or a tiny bit more.)
Yeah that seems like a lot of setup/space to do it several times, but it is done with wild lumber plants or with some outside help as needed a few farm planted lumber trees. That even cools the base

The plug slug dream is nice, but highly overrated. due to the metal needs


That's a pretty cool idea with the gas lock. Small tweak you can do: you can switch the airflow-tile and the pneumatic doors, so the tile is at the bottom. It will have absolutely no effect to the gasses traveling, but your dupes won't have to jump down twice and then back up again. With ladders at the side it will just be a straight line for them, while still having the same benefit of the gas lock.


By the time they crawl to the top you don't get 100% up time at night. Again, making them even more worthless.


9:07 little echo inspecting a volcano! Don’t forget your atmosuit little fella!! :) thanks for the deep dive into plug slugs :) very interesting! And I always thought that they would be great for early power generation without relying on wheels if you had access to them :)


Slugs are a little OP right now and you're probably right that they'll be nerfed.

Thanks for the tutorial, what'll you teach me next I wonder.


I heard a great suggestion of dropping a single smog slug into your rockets. They will remove all the carbon dioxide your dupes will be exhaling. Both power-free and space efficient since you won't need a gas pump or any kind of filter.


Maybe smog slugs could be used to clean up the air supply in a base? Especially with flatulent dupes, there's often little blobs of hydrogen, CO2 & natural gas running around that are not worth the effort to try to trap with pumps


You may want to have the smog slug at the top of the range instead of the gas pump to save power ;)


Experimenting with tame plug slugs, turns out you can feed them 60kg of metal every other day and still get 1600w during the 75s of night.

One wrinkle: hydrogen is produced only when the slug is fed so H2 out is halved too, averaging 1500g/cycle. Compare that to the electrolyzer which produces 67, 200g/cycle of H2 and the hydrogen generator which consumes 60, 000g/cycle. The H2 thing is not a significant part of the plug slug's value IMO.


I just started a new colony with the Sweet Dreams update on the marshy asteroid. First time I actually used the slugs tamed. 16kW of power during the night before the 100th cycle. Not bad xD
And by collecting the hydrogen and using it for power allowed me to get the super-sustainable achievement for the first time and I didn't even had any power struggles along the way for all the 239 cycles it took me. The only downside is you can't pen them in a small ranch area like you can do with hatches and the rest.


Love it…I’ve previously tried to figure out pug slugs. This change in their diet makes them potentially so useful. 🍻cheers


So Pip tutorial when? A Pip ranch can easily turn into a Cuddle Pip ranch and Cuddle Pips are actually insane. They don't get cramped or overcrowded until over 24 eggs/critters. I've made a crazy 9 wild Arbor tree ranch with 20 Cuddle Pips and usually 3 eggs and I bet that one Cuddle Pip ranch could support over 7 dupes alone with BBQ with the only cost being grooming/hugging time.
Great video as always.


Hey Echo, ive a request for you, im not used to rockets in the DLC yet, can you make a tutorial about the whole space travel topic?
Also, im loving the ranching tutorials, cant wait to see about the Pokeshells and the new morphs


I personally use smog slugs in a carbon dioxide area to fill canister bins for soda machines... Not a super use but it was one I did. As for the sponge slugs, I just used them in a salt water area to soak up and store brine and salt water... Wasn't great but I didn't have to send dupes in to make any kind of liquid system for it aside from the pipes.


Edit: tl;dr the variant Slugs, I like to use as mobile gas/liquid pumps, rather than having to put down a bunch, to get all the gas/liquids out of a room. They don't cost any power, just some metal, that can be made sustainable with metal volcanos.

Edit2: For your Ranch Setup, I'd probably move the Feeder setup closer to the ceiling. That way the hydrogen doesn't take a long route up to the airflow tiles, potentially causing that lightning strike scenario where right as it's deciding what egg to lay, the plug slug is surrounded by hydrogen because 4 of its fellows just ate and a bunch of Hydrogen just poured into the system.

Closer to the Airflow Tile, means less travel time out for hydrogen to cause problems. Also, if you put airflow tiles under the ranch, and build another ranch for Smog Slugs, they will siphon out the Carbon Dioxide, and prevent the Plug Slug ranch from becoming a problem.

I've found the best use for smog slugs, isn't in collecting the Hydrogen Plug Slugs put out, but policing the unbreathable gasses that tend to flood around my base. If you can cool them enough Smog Slugs can survive, they provide an sustainable way to constantly expand, without having to use up a bunch of power, building a room, then sticking a ton of pumps down. Plus, Smog Slugs can move when the gasses do, so that pump you put to capture Hydrogen as it floats up to collect on the ceiling, that keeps sucking all the Hydrogen away in a small area, can be snagged because the slug will go to the Hydrogen, suck it up, and put it in the reservoir, rather than constructing 5 or 6 gas pumps.

As for the Sponge Slug, the same thing applies with liquid pumps. Instead of putting down 2 or 3 of them, put a sponge slug in the room with the liquid you want pumped, and the slug will travel to the liquid, instead of waiting for it to spread out, getting sucked up, then spreading out another small puddle.


I was gonna say you could use the sponge slugs as a power free way to clean up liquids that comes out of some buildings instead of having it going into a pit with a hydro sensor and liquid pump but you still need power to automatically feed them.

I would say your plug slug ranch would be improved if you used smog plugs to pump out the hydrogen at the top instead of a pump I guess?

It seems like the value of the variants is being a part time living liquid or gas pump. Not sure about their output but maybe they could work better at sorting large amounts of liquids or gasses?


Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like in a perfect world you get up to 230 Watts from a plug slug after you spread it across the cycle and factor in the hydrogen, and an average metal volcano can handle about 3 plug slugs, meaning you would sacrifice the entire output of a metal volcano for less than 1KW of stable power
