Dice Tower Live Q&A - with special announcement

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Join us as we announce the plans for Dice Tower Convention in 2020, as well as Tom answering your questions live!

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Alright, let me add my thoughts to this whole thing. First of all, let me say that I'm in no way bashing Dice Tower or Tom or anyone else on the crew. They're all hard working people and have done a lot for the community, and I have nothing but respect for them. That being said, these are terrible changes.

The choice of hotel is... beyond perplexing to me. I used to work at The Florida Mall, so I am more than a little familiar with the area. The hotel, while nice, isn't really a good fit for a convention like this, but more than that, parking there is an absolute nightmare, and the whole area around The Florida Mall is super trashy and super busy. Traffic around there is an absolute nightmare, so for locals that want to come from home, it's going to be a massive pain. If the Caribe Royale was no longer a fitting option, then there are plenty of other convention focused hotels in the area that are much, much better. I honestly thought the choice of hotel was a joke at first, so, yeah.

In regards to lowering the capacity of the convention, that's going to be another big issue. The convention is getting bigger. It should be expanding, not downsizing. All this is going to do is create frustration, since presumably the same number of people (or more) will be wanting to attend, but won't be able to. Tickets are going to sell out faster, and people are going to be upset.

Another issue is the lowering of the number of vendors. Yes, the open gaming is fun, and what most people come for, but some of my best memories from the con are going to talking to the vendors, meeting creators, playing games with them, seeing what's coming up, etc. The vendors are a big part of the con for a lot of people, and taking them away and focusing more on open gaming is turning it into less of a con, and more of a glorified game night.

My last big issue is the date, but that's been an issue for a while. July 4th is a terrible time to have a convention, especially in Orlando. There are a lot of locals that go to this con (or want to go) but can't because it's held over a holiday. Either they have to be with their family, or they have to work. Remember, it's right next to Disney, Universal, and Sea World. All three of those places employ a good chunk of locals, and all of them make it stupidly difficult to be off on super busy holidays like July 4th. And for people that aren't local, the cost of flights during July 4th weekend can get ridiculous. I myself have actually had to miss the past few Dice Tower Cons because of the dates, and that sucks. It really needs to be held on a less inconvenient weekend.

I love DTC, and I want to see it get better and better every year, but unfortunately this is pretty much taking several steps back, and I feel it's only going to hurt the con and leave fans more frustrated.


Take this from the perspective of someone that just went to my first DTC with my family. I loved DTC and as we drove away Monday morning to go home my wife, who isn't the biggest gamer in our family, was already set to schedule next year. I volunteered 20 hours, met lots of great people, and played lots great games. Most of all my whole family had an amazing time.

All of that said this all feels like a big church breakup and having been through a couple of those its not fun.

Coming out of this I hope DTE and whatever con comes from the DTC folks both thrive. There is room in Florida for multiple great conventions. I don't see why everyone needs to take sides and attack the other side.

With all this being said I know for my family i cant make a decision for next year without a lot of research. Local people and Google searches point to the DTE venue as being in a potentially dangerous location and that is not something I choose to spend my vacation dollars on. I dont take my family on vacation to tell my 8yr old we can't go out at night.

Perhaps research will change my mind but at this point it breaks my heart to think i wont be going to DT convention next year.


You're wrong, Tom, I didn't go to DTC to see you. I went bc it was a really nice convention at a nice resort. I liked the size and won't have minded it continuing it grow. Vendors are a big draw for me. I don't really care how big the library is - its a gaming convention, there are always games available. Events are another big draw. I can play games at home - events only happen at special events, like conventions. All around this sounds like a massive step backwards for me and DTC, which is really disappointing to me bc DTC was quickly becoming one of my favorite conventions nationwide.


I *really* like the policy of deactivating badges for attendees who hoard checked out games. I've run quite a few libraries and play-to-win sections at conventions and its always frustrating when people do that.


Any way we can change future conventions to the weekend after 4th of July. It makes it hard for people with families to attend when its around 4th of July weekend.


Tom, Sam, Zee, and all others of the Dice Tower.

Please keep up all the great work and thanks for all you do! I think it's great that you are always looking to better the experiences for convention goers, viewers, and your fellow gamers.

You guys have inspired me to influence my family with our gaming lives. My wife and I have built a nice library of games due to watching you guys over the last several years and we have spread our love of games to co-workers and many immediate and extended family members. I really noticed it when we introduced Cosmic Encounter to our other couple that we game with a few months back, and went we went to their house last week to have game night, the high school graduate brother of one of them came too with his friends after the couple had introduced them to cosmic as well. I really enjoy seeing the love of gaming spreading through my friend and family circles and I point to you guys as a core reason for that. Your love of the hobby is infectious even over the internet and I can't thank you guys enough for all you do for the hobby. Keep up all the great work and all you guys do!!

Thank you,


Well there's always Escape Winter Con, which is the same folks that ran DTC


So, when we getting Dice Tower Europe/UK?


Been to the con when it was small and when it grew. This seems like a huge step backwards, I would get not growing even more, but this sad. I got so many of my friends to join and come along, had more wanting to come next year. Now, people will be fighting over tickets. I respect that it's your decision to make, but just personally sad to see the experience go.


I have been to a retreat of 150 people or so and thought that was amazing, I dont know why people are complaining about 1800 people being too little.


I agree with the lawyer. The area around the Florida Mall is notoriously a high crime area.


People don't get to meet the dice tower guys?

I went to the first cruise which had only a couple hundred people and the only interaction I really had with any of the big names was Tom quickly teaching a game before he want to bed. Dropping down to 1, 800 isn't going to fix that issue.


Good luck Tom! We (our crew of 10-15) have gone every year except for one (a serious injury and extended recovery prevented myself and my wife in 2015) but I have my doubts about 2020.


The Havert's are SO AWESOME, so I am sad about them not being in charge, but Tom and team are awesome too. And I am pretty happy that the size is reducing, it should bring back the "glory days" when the con was the perfect size, and it felt more like a big family. As much as I would love to see DTC compete with the country's largest cons, (and they certainly could with their trajectory) keeping it smaller means having full control over the quality of the experience. I haven't missed a single DTC and won't miss a single DTE.


I am not sure I would fly all the way from Montreal to get to an unsafe area, Canadians love their low crime rate. Plus I loved the crowd, why downsize... I also loved the warewolf events, I hope you wont cut that.


So can I buy a ticket without buying a hotel room?


How about dice tower Northeast? Maybe in Syracuse NY?


The hotel's website does not list microwaves as one of the amenities.


Just want to add a word of support for Dice Tower East... I know you guys will do a fabulous job! I totally support the smaller size and focus on open gaming - this is exactly what I have always wanted from DTC. I never wanted to see it become bigger and bigger and be muddled up with tons of special events that take the focus off gaming. Just want to let you know that some people definitely do support the changes and are excited to attend next year!


Best of luck with the changes! Hope it works out. Grace and peace.
