Ray Kurzweil: The Top 3 Supplements for Surviving the Singularity

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It depends on your definition of the singularity. The term itself is a mathematical construct, but in Kurtzweil's use of the term he means a time where we no longer understand the technology around us because it is itself evolving by itself. That's not yet the case as computers are not (yet) designing new computers by their own logic. But yeah, you can say that we have always inherently had the drive towards a singularity. The universe itself will "end" in a singularity.


you sir just made my neo-cortex happy!


If you do not wish to participate in Singularity do not... But you will live in a world where it will be possible... I can not think of anything more exciting than the era I was fortunate enough to live in.


Ray Kurzweil has a well documented history of being more right than wrong, by quite a margin in fact. Why a troll would pick him to doubt sounds very Dunning/Kreuger.


You can excuse my arguments as fantasies if you like, but our anti-aging technology will be mature within 20 years. It's a plain fact that a lot of people alive today may not ever have to die. I think overcoming death is an earmark of an intelligent, technologically advanced civilization. We're at the knee of the curve, and the technological singularity will bring transcendence. Bio-engineering, Robotic Engineering, Computer engineering - all these technologies and more will make us immortal.


very little info but from wikipedia "...through the lengthening of short telomeres and rescuing of old cells."

This sends up a red flag to me because potentially conflicting studies that have shown the effectiveness of old skin cell exfoliation. AKA you don't want to rescue old cells you want to sluff them and keep the young ones


Say he is wrong... that the singularity never really comes. But in the interim, you learn about your health and take better care of yourself. You become more mentally alert and you feel better physically, thus improving the quality of your life. So even if you take heed only in moderation, wouldn't it be in your best interest? In short, I don't have to agree with him 100 percent to benefit from his genius.


Not harsh at all. I'm not offended one little bit. The point is, we protect and preserve the mona lisa because of it's preciousness. There is only one, and after it's gone there is no more. That makes it equal parts precious to insignificant. These molecules which are mine ARE immortal, they're part of this universe, and in this universe. For a while they've come together to be me. Yes, I'm selfish & materialistic - and I live life as a series of moments. A leaf in the wind has no choice.


Yes its really interesting. I also found a connection between snake gods that were the bringers of wisdom. In China (the wise dragon), in India the Naga, in central America Quetzalcoatl, in the middle east religions the Snake from the garden aka Satan. So very interesting they all saw the snakes as a source of wisdom, but not just snakes but powerful giant flying talking reptiles... What the heck inspired them all?


My point is that atheism is a very small factor in one's personal philosophy. When you are discussing what defines your position on the nature of existence, the things that you don't believe generally don't play a role. For instance, if you took the Bhuddist's position on existence, you wouldn't say that it's defined by their atheism, more so their belief in reincarnation. Because our positions are more definable by the things we do believe in, rather than the things we don't believe in.


Wow and my dr just told me my vitamin d levels were low, good thing I got a heads up and bought some vitamin d supplement pills


Leonardo Divinci made JUST ONE Mona Lisa painting. The work of art is priceless, considered beyond value of money. If Leo had painted an unlimited number of these works, then they would be worth NOTHING! It is the temporary nature of life that gives it value, meaning, purpose, content. But the universe doesn't care we're here - we have too. It gave me this insignificant pile of molecules, and I want to keep them for as long as I can. You see I LOVE living, I LOVE life. Mine is mine to keep!


I take fish oil, vit C, b100, D3 (5000iu), multi, I'm 24


@Biktuh It's a sliding scale. The further we progress, the more time is added to life expectancy. Though you may have aged 10 years, life expectancy might have grown 5-10 years in that same time. At some point in the near future, life expectancy will start to out pace aging. Kurzweil is on record as saying he believes some baby boomers will be alive in 2099. In 20 years, surviving an additional 70 years might be expected rather than an outlandish belief.


Yes, but this takes us into the 'implementation' details. If you have 1 cell that has 100 replications left before the kill signal and the cell divides, how many copies does the replicated cell have? 100, 99, other?

Also, I'm going to hit you slightly on the details. If cells are able to reproduce a set number of times then you are not reducing the number of times the cells have to reproduce you merely are increasing the duration between new copies.


Truth is technology still didn't prove to significantly extend human life span. It did vastly extend AVERAGE life span because it simply allowed more people to have access to basic nutrient needs. But basic life span? Despite all the today's technology the oldest living people are still like 120-year-old (which was perfectly possible since the days long past with the right diet and physical exercise). I sincerely hope he's right and people will be living through 200 years or so around 2050.


the idea is that once a cell has been rescued out of the critically short telomere zone, the p53 gene is deactivated turning it effectively into a young cell again.


Remember that story about Adam and Eve? the snake represented Lucifer or Prometheus who for the Greeks stole fire from the gods and gave to men (fire meaning knowledge) and for this both characters were punished. So the very thing that makes us different from a dog, or a bird "knowledge" was denied by God? and yet offered by Lucifer?
Do you really think the bible has not been tampered with? what does the Catholic church jealously keep in their vaults that they omitted from the bible?


I OD on vit. A!!! took me to the hospital....almost killing my liver.


Well said. Technology is technology; the consequences of it is often unpredictable.
