Immortal Technique on Occupy: 'It's not that we're back, it's that we never left'

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Immortal Technique talks to Luke Rudkowski on May Day at Union Square.

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you are just one trying to create fear into each person thinking and believing hate into people that you don't i can already tell you are probably hatted by a lot of people or is very lonely and try your hardest to get a job but really you sit at home with mom and see is agree with you so you try to find something to prove that you are the best... alex admits he needs money to improve info wars and to pay his staff but also money is great motivation for anybody you should get some.


So, in general, I think people who solely demonize "religion" as the root of all evil are not doing a good job at finding the root cause, which is the mindset behind destruction itself. They seem to think that if we all the sudden became a fully secular society our problems would be solved, but this isn't so. . . perhaps we might be slightly less superstitious, but we'd still have rampant evil in society, because we never thought to fight against evil itself, no matter what form it takes.


Yes, but if one is to fight evil, one must recognize it. Evil is not an institution or a group. It's a mindset: a psychology. Evil can use virtually any institution or group to seek it's ends, so long as the people involved engage in the destructive mindset of evil, and vice versa. Religion is just a bunch of harmless folk tales if nobody is willing to harm each other over it. . . Think about that.


just because evil will still exist doesn't mean we shouldn't fight against it. I'm not saying that a state religion is the sole cause of this country's problems, but I'm saying that the assumption of a state religion is a big part of it. Christianity specifically is the cause of many problems. Women's health, gay rights, and the idea that America embrases all religion by not establishing a state religion. It's not so much the religious texts or its philosophy, it's the people who interprets it.


The blame belongs with those in power who have chosen not to use their authority to right the wrongs of the past and present. We've only been existing without the money or authority to change anything. All we have is our speech and it can get you arrested (enslaved) these days, especially fi we try to get into publicity or the media. Thank god for the internet.


I think it's a bit too hard to say that ALL cops are doing one thing. Just like any group, there is a large variety of personalities. It's a bit harder in the NYPD which is known as one of the top 5 most corrupt police precincts in the country, and probably ranking even amongst third world countries. They've been that way forever over there.


I wish these people would spend a little longer contemplating and discussing what the true root of the problem is before getting signs and singing kumbaya.

I know there's the impulse to just go out there, but activism and protesting should be the very last step, after many many hours of deliberating.


Ron Paul loves Freedom. We need to put an unwavering conscience and human spirit in office. One that will prosecute any and all corruption no matter how high it goes. When that happens, America will become a truly equal and Utopian society.


Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you-
Ye are many — they are few.
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)
How true is this poem for this day and age .


Heck yeah "ManoftheClouds!" Without the internet, I'd probably be some neo-con or Liberal who actually believes that the Dems and Repubs are actually any different from each other. Needless to say, RON PAUL cured my apathy.


please separate religion from our government. America is a secular nation made of people from every religion. This freedom of ideas is what America represent.


What sort of conversations go on in fully secular societies like North Korea? They still have all the evil, more than we do, in fact.


his voice is very powerful, its great that he is as political as he is, liked him before most knew about him


Just rush the policians while they're sleeping, theres thousands of you that hate them lol


its we the people against the elite. time for the people to win :) Ron Paul 2012


I get goosebumps whenever I listen to immortal technique preaching his knowledge


thumbs up if you want Immortal Technique to be a guest star on Alex Jones show?


You are saying that as if I didn't agree with you about ending the FED, gtfo. End the FED is just one thing...I could go on and on but since you are on Ron Paul's ball you won't listen to me.



And people don't listen to me when I tell em Tech could spit


Dude Fuck Yeah. Got to let them Po Pos know they part of the 99%
