Fallout 76 STOP being over encumbered fallout 76 simple fixes

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Welcome to another fallout 76 videos, in this video we are going to talk about when you are over encumbered fallout 76 when you are over encumbered in fallout 76 it is really annoying and can stop the enjoyment so in this video I am going to show you how to fix the over encumbered issues with some simple things.

We all love fallout but we also all hate being over encumbered!

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Also the Excavator power armor (available via a quest) is worth getting because it only weighs 10 pounds in your inventory, but when you wear it, you can carry 100 pounds more.


Consider installing an Ammo Converter in your CAMP; that way you can exchange the ammo you don't want for ammo you do, rather than just having to drop it. Also, the 'Batteries Included' perk (drawn against Intelligence) has the same effect on energy ammo as 'Bandolier' does for ballistic ammo (up to 90% weight reduction at rank three).


When im carrying too much stuff to fast travel, i fast travel to atlantic city boardwalk, then from there to whitesprings refuge, it lets you for some reason, then i can just sell and scrap at whitesprings. Best thing i learned on youtube


Another tip (dunno if he talks about it here as I'm typing as I'm watching) is to not buy legendary modules until you need them. Each one is 0.25 and they start to add up real quick at late game, just buy them when u need them. I've also noticed that with bandolier perks etc it doesn't work when you stash it. It's only on your person. Takes the piss lol


How to manage your weight in FO76:

Step 1: Pay monthly for Fallout 1st on a triple A game that you've already paid $60+ for.
Step 2: Profit.


Game is getting old without being able to fast travel. Got rid of lots of stuff. Did the suggested perks. Still not there yet.
Sucks when you complete one part of a quest and the next part is on the other side of the dang map!!!!


and with the nuka cola effects you can forget about meds and use the colas and food to get your buffs... for healing and rads. I keep 20 stimpaks mainly because in pc by typing H it uses healing without having to use my action wheel for that and a few flavored mentats (5 at most) and 5 buffstats and I am done. Magazines and Bobbleheads, alcohol and food can give you the extra buff that you need :D.. I am over encumbered now because I pack too many weapons :(


My problem is I have too many chems in my box


That’s super wack that the ammo and junk stash is for paying monthly only that’s so stupid


As a non Fallout 1st member, I can actually manage my weight by equipping a Junk weight perk with 75% less weight + a gear with Junk weighs 20% less legendary (I don't know if this stacks with another) and I carry the heaviest stacks available, a Grocer Backpack, Traveling merchant perk, Bandolier, Batteries included, Bear arms and Deep pocket mods, I rarely pick up 1-2 star Power armor.

And I don't loot everything, I just get what I need for the day.


Where and how can you sell items in the shop


I like having a lot of aid and alot of food or drinks. I'm better with melee than guns. I really love outfits.


i trade between my characters in private world
