THE COSTS of our REFIT 😱 Full Refit Beneteau 57 teak deck, Raymarine instruments, lithium batteries

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THE COSTS of our REFIT - A question so many of you have been asking - what are the costs of your Full Refit Beneteau 57 in Turkey. Unless you buy a new boat every few years, a refit of a sailing boat will be part of your sailing life. So in this sailing episode, we reveal all our costs - teak deck, Raymarine instruments, lithium batteries, rigging, hull wrap, antifouling and more. One thing we learned a sailing yacht refit has a huge amount of costs refit sailing yacht. Especially the unexpected ones. But having a boatyard that feels like family and you fully trust, is one of the best decisions we could have made. So join us in this chapter of our sailboat project, sailboat refit of a Beneteau 57.

PS: next week we have another beautiful video about hybrid sailing - after that one we will be back with our weekly sailing vlogs!

Special episode - the costs of our refit

⏱ Timestamps
00:00 Intro refit sailing yacht
00:20 Pim - other Refit of a Beneteau 57
08:26 Costs of our Refit in Turkey
09:23 Why we did a refit
11:40 Breaking down the costs for our Refit
12:03 travel lift, pressure wash
12:16 keel separation
12:26 unstep and step the mast
12:37 replacement teak deck
14:18 hull wrap instead of paint
15:13 Finsulate anti-fouling
16:00 small jobs
17:11 total amount for the boatyard YachtWorks
17:28 lithium batteries SuperB
18:26 interior and bimini replacements
18:55 instruments Raymarine
19:48 screwed by boatyard Angalar
21:06 selecting boatyard YachtWorks
23:36 some sightseeing before revealing the full amount
26:30 Our experience with the refit in Turkey
27:48 reveal total costs of our refit
28:11 downside refit in Turkey
28:39 tip - contact your insurance before during and after the refit

Thanks for watching, we really appreciate you following our journey every step of the way!

Benjamin, Rianne & Gerben

Feel the Breeze family | a business coupe exploring the world with their kid

Filming: Rianne & Gerben
Editing: Pedro Wessels

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Рекомендации по теме

This week is a special episode, one a lot of you have been emailing us about. What are the full costs of your refit? So in this episode, Gerben does a full breakdown of all the costs. In reply to this comment and in the description you can find the extra information. Next week another special episode about hybrid sailing. The week after, we are back with our weekly sailing vlogs!


One very special episode, so professionally done, so informative, above and beyond the norm, thank you for your amazing production, Paul


I'm a bit late watching this week's video! 🤣 I was happy to see the "Alkmaar" sign - my sister and her family are visiting the Netherlands later in the year. They are doing a "trace your roots" kind of tour since her and my ancestors are originally from Deventer (±1680's), and on their tour they couldn't resist going to the legendary cheese market there. Gerben - I just have to take my hat off to you. I can imagine how trapped you must have felt when going through those troubles. I know exactly how fortunate you are to have had someone to love and support you in that time.

I agree it is a whole bunch of money to refit the boat, but the result is impeccable. I would say you got a whole lot of value in that deal.

Lots of love to you all.


A good honest post, Well done, Life is not a rehearsal - ENJOY


So refreshingly honest about your life and business problems. Nice to see honesty!
All power to you, keep sailing, living, loving and enjoying!


It's so nice to see 30, 0000 subscribers
you will be at one Hundred thousand in no time.
You have come a long ways your presence on camera is very natural now
This was an excellent episode!!!
The wrap is taking hold over here now
It's the rage in Florida
Maybe you could explain how easy it is to clean the wrap just a thought.
My health is improving I've gained 3 pounds
With all my love Denny from Minnesota


Dear friends, I apologize for the absence in the last two videos. I'm moving...! With the death of my father, we decided to sell their apartment to help with the costs that my mother has every month. Today I found time to watch this video and, as always, I loved it! When I started following you, Perfect Sense was just being renewed. So it was really cool to watch this video with all the details of the renovation. Kisses & hugs from this old Brazilian sea wolf.


Great episode, you come across as an honest guy, a rare and important quality these days, i wish you and your family look and look forward to more episodes.


This was one of the best episodes. Feels genuine and shows that buying a 15-year-old boat, you always should put away a considerable amount to make it seaworthy again. I have been under the impression that LiFePo4-chemistry is very safe, not like the Li-ion chemistry that caused the bad reputation about batteries that caught fire. Thanks for sharing all the costs. It helps with my own calculations. Cheers.


Wow! Thank you, Gerben for your amazing vlog, and Jeez! what a jaw-dropping cost for a scary! I know it was what was required and necessary for your sailing adventures. In some strange way was well worth it, and essential.
Again, Thank you for the insight it was a very informative vlog, and such an easy vlog to watch.
You guys are an absolute inspiring couple to watch/follow on YouTube. Thank you ever so much.


Hats off to you guys, you have discovered like i have a taboo subject most youtube sailing vlogs are reluctant to discuss- the real cost of things and experiences. please tell us the costs of everything you do. top job. the landy guy.


What a fantastic video— and as always— the rare candor in revealing the costs of the refit! I also thought Gerben in the stockade giving his thanks to Rianne was so touching!!! I finally have found time to watch the latest videos (electric yacht & OBR interview for Ocean Race) — plus; great scenery of your home country!!! As ALWAYS— fantastic vlogs! 🧡🧡🧡 Michelle


One more detail that I thought was fantastic, it had subtitles in Portuguese, for the first time in your videos...!!! Really good! 👊🏼


Nice, nice, nice!!! I was watching this episode with a smile on my face)) It's so familiar for me... every job done on your boat, every amount you told)) It is nice that once you've made such a big refit you become a specialist!


Love the idea of wrapping, plz keep us updated on how well it's working.


Excellent video presentation, amazing journey that you have been on and blessings to the family especially your beautiful wife and son 🙏🙏💕💕⛵️⛵️⛵️


Zo, dat is wel een hele dure zeilboot geworden . Je hebt wel de aller, allerbeste accu 's die er bestaan . Ik ken dat bedrijf door andere vloggers, die zijn hier heeeel positief over, maar wat een geld . Wij hebben semi tractie accu 's en een 3500 generator en 2 165 ah vetus accu 's, 2 90 ah startaccu 's en een 75 ah startaccu voor de generator . Mijn eerste pakket accu 's is 18 jaar meegegaan, dat vond ik echt geweldig. We koken elektrisch, geen gas aan boord. Maak je niet te druk over het geld, geweldig dat je Rianne bent tegengekomen en dat daardoor je leven deze kant op is gegaan, het heeft zo moeten zijn en ookal wil je zo graag voor je gezin zorgen, misschien doe je dat door ze gelukkig te maken .


Thank you, your inspiration is priceless and goes a long way.... blessings to you guys and safe and joyful journeys.


Really excellent presentation . Your focused, clear fast run through of the refit was excellent. I loved the part that also included your business mistakes. I had a simular situation when I bought a $2Million apartment complex with my brother and trusted him and did not read the loan documents. Cost me a insane amount of money. Trusting someone when we should not. More acknowledgements of these mistakes is helpful. I realized that what is so .


Well done great video! Thanks to you, I got to know YachtWorks and started an overhaul on my boat with them since January 22. I can only confirm if not applaud harder for their quality of work and speed of response. Indeed, not the cheapest in Turkey! But you want your beautiful baby to be well taken care by quality people, not the cheapest quoter. Special thanks to Can and Emre, great to get to know you guys! Great Job YachtWorks!!
