You are not crazy. You are not alone.

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You want more from your life than an ordinary existence. You want to live, chase dreams, take risks. You want to laugh, spread love, spread joy. You have ideas. You have passions. But everyone says you're weird because you won't conform. You aren't weird, and you definitely aren't alone!

Timothy J. Ward

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Many people who tell you that you are strange or crazy are actually jealous of you, your freedom and your nonconformism


Most of my adventures have been solo because I can't find anyone willing to live a little. I stopped looking decades ago. You're correct; many people live their lives based on other people's expectations. I call it the friends and family plan. In my experience, those are the folks that will hold you back more than your worst enemy...if you let them. Even though they feel they are looking out for your best interests. You're better off reading books authored by explorers, adventurers, and trusting your instinct.


We all awaken at a different ages. I'm 64 years old and I was married for 37 years. My wife passed in April of this year. The day after she died I went and bought a Travel Trailer, the next day I went and bought a new SUV to tow it. I quit my job and started cleaning out the house. I had already decided during the past 12 years of being a caregiver to my wife what was going to happen when that day came. My new purpose is to live a minimalist lifestyle and travel with my best friend Patrick, my 100lb retriever. I remember the feelings of wonderment and curiosity about the world and life that I had as a child and I want to revive those feelings once more before my time to depart this world arrives. My family thinks I'm crazy and my friends all say they envy me and that they too would like to do the same thing. So who knows maybe we all will meet at some time and someplace. We are not alone.


I quit my job in January. I love my life. I know people with wonderful jobs and horrible debt. I like not having to take orders.


Always remember, don’t follow the crowd unless they’re going your way!


I have felt this way every since I was a child. The world seemed so ass backwards to me. When I got closer to adulthood it became more and more apparent to me that what the world/society deemed normal was not gonna work for me. Fast forward to the present, I am more confident and at peace now because I was able to create my own space where I can do what I want, when I want, with anyone I want, as much as I want.


Hello. I ended up in an asylum when I was 15 years old. I was diagnosed with chronic depression. I was locked up for 4 months. My problem was that my mind got stuck on sadness. My mother hit me a lot, and she drank a lot. I was stuck in a state of mind of pure sadness since I was 5 years old. Lost my childhood from that moment on. I had to find my way out. I couldn't get out until 1996. This is when I started to live life the way I wanted. Had my own place, and felt better. I stopped listening to people.


I'm definitely misread and misunderstood. Most of my life has been surrounded by others happiness and wants. 47 yrs later I'm choosing Me. Mental Peace & Freedom. Another day closer. I appreciate all the comments here, especially your videos 💫


You be preachin'! Yes, I have been feeling "crazy" and "alone " for years. The people I know would never believe the life I really want for myself.


Thank you! Got fired from my job today but it’s a blessing because I don’t think normal and thank god for that! Perfect timing Tim! I needed this exactly now !❤


I totally agree with your philosophy. I spent my entire life pushing to achieve the American Dream. What I didn't realize is that the American Dream is nonexistent. I became exhausted from trying to keep all the balls in the air. Six years ago I resigned from a tenured professor job in Colorado and moved to a small southern town. I now live on 1/3 of what I used to make. I realize I need very little to be happy. Be well. Sending you a virtual hug!


I realized this during college. Nearly everybody was partying, drinking, doing drugs, buying lots of useless expensive shit. I had the urge to fit in but never did fit in. I gave up trying to fit in when I was 19 and just carved my own path in life. In my first job, people always encouraged me to fit in, especially one boss who told me that drinking was a necessary social thing. I'm allergic to alcohol, its not my loss. I don't want to be surrounded by people who are as shallow as that. I've always felt alone and crazy, but I realized that fitting in is not the best thing in the world. Today, I just be who I am, stand up for it and never impose it on anybody but myself. Whatever floats your boat. Thanks for this video, man! I love your ideas.


You are not crazy. You are simply going through a spiritual awakening.


You're speaking the truth man. I always knew i don't want the "normal" life a.k.a get a "good" job, get married, buy a house in the suburbs, have kids and what not. Nothing wrong with that if it's really what you want, but something tells me a lot of people do all that not because they really want it but because they think it's the only way. Or at least the only "respectable" way or smth like that. It may work just fine for a lot of people but it doesn't work for everyone. Idk but slaving away at some job for like 45-50 years just to barely be able to pay a bunch of loans for things i don't really need just don't seem like a good life from my perspective. They tell you that you need to have this and this and this in order to be happy but it's really just "the market" talking. What's the point of having a fancy house and a bmw and 2 kids and yada yada if you have to work like crazy to afford all that? Absolutely nothing, not for you unless it's your idea of a good life of course. But it makes your company happy, and the car dealer, and the bank, and the minister of finance in whatever country you live in. But their happiness ain't necessarily your happiness. Sure, simple living, minimalism and all those things ain't for everyone either but it's nothing crazy about not wanting the mainstream. The crazy thing is this idea that everyone should fit in the same mold and if you don't it's smth wrong with you. As long as you don't hurt anyone, follow your own dreams and wishes, don't live just to look good in other peoples eyes. Sorry for the novel, peace.


I constantly hear that I'm crazy for wanting to live in a van..or camper...for saying I don't want to work any more. Everyone around me has ideal jobs and lives so I'm definitely odd man out. I hear I'm not going to like it. I can you this I don't like the life I'm living now. Constantly working a job I hate to pay rent....bottom line.


I am 25 and after high school I decided to travel. I worked odd jobs and travelled around. I felt truly alive. Now I am graduating from Uni after working in consulting and a tech start up. I’m not cut out for this. Sitting in an office 9-5 (at best), handing my time over to other people. I don’t care about any of this. Glad I found your channel


As a child, the woods really sustained me. I've not forgotten and am making my way back. Blessings, brother.


Slightly envious of those who have reasonably close access to mountains (nobody's holding me hostage, making me live in the city though). They really are therapeutic. That's a gorgeous location.


This video really hit me. I have suppressed these feeling for a long time. I'm not like many other people but for years I've pretended to be like them. I've been grinding away working for over 45 years. I traveled to Thailand this spring because one of my friends moved there. I think he felt much the same way I feel. There's gotta be more to life than work. This video has given me more incentive to live my dreams and not pretend to be this robot. I will quit my job this year and live the freedom lifestyle I've been craving my whole life. My buddy is happy living his life modestly, and last week, married his girlfriend there. I promised him I would be back to find myself there and live the way I should have years ago. Yes I'm walking away from a lot of money (job) but it would be a sin not to live my dreams. Life is short. The clock is ticking people live your dreams now.


I've been different all of my life. And there was a time I thought I was crazy or strange because I didn't fit in. Years ago, I didn't have the internet explaining what introverts or what extroverts or other personality types are. But with that and studying astrology, it helped me to understand myself and my relationships with people. Now I embrace the fact that I'm different and it's okay to be that way. I take being called "crazy" as a compliment because it means I'm not like everyone else. Some of the greatest minds, even prophets were deemed as crazy.
