12 Keys to Success: Habits & Lessons From My Journey

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These are the habits & mindsets that have contributed to my own success in my journey. I've talked about these points before, but now, each of these points means something deeper to me, as I've added more years of experience in these areas. Thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring this video.

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I’m Aileen, a lifestyle creator sharing knowledge and inspiration on creating your dream life.

Lavendaire is a resource for personal growth & lifestyle design. Follow along and learn how you can create a beautiful and meaningful life.


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Lavendaire is such a queen. She encourages us to love ourselves, take care of ourselves, & be productive while also achieving balance💖


Habits I've started to change :-
1. workout + stretching
2. Drink lots of water all day
3. limiting sugar intake
4. Trying to love myself
5. Read books/ gain knowledge


My notes:

-Define what success means to you-success is relative.
-External vs. internal success- it's more important to be internal succsesful, external success is what material you have. You can be internal succesful right now, because it's just a feeling and when you feel it, you will be external succsesful too.

1. Control your mindset - 4:22
2. Follow your heart & intuition - 5:32
3. Belive in yourself. Trust your vision - 6:50
4. Act despite fear - 8:00
5. Willing to learn & figure it out - 9:00
6. Take action - 12:06 - negative feedback is more useful than positive one, because it allows you to know what your mistakes are and take action to avoid them and improve yourself.
7. Continious learning - 13:16 - read books, articles etc.| When you fail, it means that you've tried. And to fail is ok! It's productive experience.
8. Behave like a pro - 14:27
9. Consistency - 15:50 - small steps to your goal. | Showing up everyday is a *choice*
10. Being commited for the long term - 18:07
11. Leverage habits - 19:15
12. Don't go it alone. Connect & work with other people - 20:20


Drinking water and getting a good night of sleep is so underrated and SO important


" Success isn't always about greatness. It's about CONSISTENCY . Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come. "
- Dwayne Johnson


"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." I love that! I'll always remember that.


Success is a state of mind. It depends a lot on the person. For me, success is about pushing yourself and always do more than what you're asked to do!


1. Control your mindset🧠.
2. Follow your heart and intuition❤.
3. Believe in yourself💫.
4. Act despite fear😨.
5. Willing to learn and figure it out😈.
6. Take action🙋🏻‍♀️💃.
7. Continues learning📖📚.
8. Behave like a pro😎.
9. Consistency😀.
10. Committed for the long term🤝.
11. Leverage habbits🌟.
12. Don't go it alone🙅‍♀️ connect and work with others👭🏻👬.


im 19 and since quarantine, i decided to get aaaall my shts together. I wanted to start right now, be successful in my early 20s, be a boss of my self and Miss Aileen really helped me alot, her vids are so helpful for my mindset, it's therapeutic and soul-fulfulling. Thank you❣️

also your podcast, it's my lullaby whenever i go to sleep🥺✊🏼


I am shocked about the process of Personal Growth Challenge. I did not expect a lot of people to quit later on. Keep going on one thing is not easy. The person who has consistency successes!


For me, the most relevant points discussed in this video are:

1.) Giving more importance to internal success rather than external success - I still struggle with it because my goals are often clouded by what I know will impress others. Even sometimes, when I actually make goals for myself and then they impress others, I forget my personal reason why I'm aiming for them. And then I begin to lose consistency. It's like the external validation from others makes me disconnected from my genuine intentions.

2.) Connecting with other people - I love the quote "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." I also struggle with thinking that I can do it all alone. I forget that things are always easier and more meaningful when they are done with other people, especially with those who will surprisingly get you a lot. It's magic when you meet people lof your tribe. So I should avoid closing my doors to everyone.


saw the notification on my phone, clicked right away, watched it, loved it, and posted a comment!

I love you so much Aileen, you’ve helped thousands of people, including me. Sending love from China your way~ 💕


i love how gentle this is. i had so much resistance opening this video thinking that it's just another one of those videos that would add to the "shoulds" of life to become successful. i'm glad i watched this


"Our success 💫 is determined by what, we do daily. Excellence then is not an act it's a habbit"🛣


Hi Aileen. I just want to say thank you for your videos. As someone who was extremely shy and well nerdy in school, I was bullied often and as a result my self esteem has always been low. I even became a shut in for a few years. I've started to practice self love unconditionally and I've started to feel so much better. It's been an amazing journey though I still have a long way to go. The best thing about yourself is the way you speak in a way that we all can relate to. And I say this, even though I'm not in your target audience (I'm a guy in my early 30s).. Thanks again and continue your good work. You are an inspiration


There are only 4 rules to success
1)set a goal
2)never give up


“you never will be led astray if you follow your inner compass.” yes 💜 thank you Aileen for sharing what you do and helping us connect to the wisdom we carry within. your authenticity and generosity are appreciated so much by myself and many others 💕


I'm reading Atomic Habits currently. It's been great so far. I have been thinking about habits, success and lifestyle for a few days and you made this video. It gave me a lot of clarity. So thank you and always love you❣


"internal success" love that concept


Thanks for being so inspiring, this is really good lessons that everyone should hear, let's grow together
