[MHS2] Highest DPS Monstie Build

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Tidus on a roll with that Stories 2 content! Congrats on 10k my man, keep up the great work


If ya swap the thunder speed gene with the thunder power gene in the corner, then swap the dragon speed and the fire power genes, you could have an extra speed bingo, if I'm visualizing this correctly.

I only saw this because I was trying to optimize this build for ultra voltage instead because aesthetics matter more to me at this point. Gotta respect the rule of cool! :p

I really like the build(or else I wouldn't put this much energy into it) and I like how in depth you get when explaining how it functions and where the numbers are coming from.


Salut ! Je suis super content d’être tombé par hasard sur cette chaîne, qui plus est tenue par un français ! 🇫🇷 Ça fait plaisir de voir un compatriote dans le min/maxing sur ce jeu, je pense que c’est une espèce rare ! 🥲 Tes vidéos sont extras continue comme ça 👍🏻


Such good content man, instant sub!, easily best in-depth vids on mhs2. (Silly question, did you source these stats or is this from your own testing? Would love a link to these stats if possible). Anyway, really appreciate your work, super helpful! 10k 🎉


In my astalos video I talked about this very slightly im glad I ain't the only one to figure this out


Salut merci pour ce build juste insane ! Petite question comment ton rajang crit autant ?


hey tidus, i love youre content and somehow youre the only one i found so far who actuslly knows what hes talking about and talk math

i roughly understood the smg formula now, but would you mind making a vid which explains it in detail and with several real examples which are pretty common

for example what i still dont understand
how do stimulants+ ele boost work, additive on top like other skills or is it concidered as atk stat which gets multiplied by the active buffs
what about cheer, do buffs stack, what about whetstones, can you stack pump up + pink rathian skill yada yada
i mean i kinda figuered out the meta but still didnt understood it :p

also whar about the skill dmges of the hunter
is sns always better then gs
how does a double attack get calculated and so on
i would be glad if you could either show us youre datamining friends or just make a vid of it :p


not related to the vid Tidus but wud u say that sacrficing a 10% type bingo on a build is worthy if its in order to put a good gene ? sometimes im like "10% bingo isnt that crazy anyways", idk if know what i mean but keep comin the good work anyways !


I was using this on my Boltreaver and was blown away by how much damage it did to a thunder resistant monster. I definitely don't have an optimal build (for one I'm using azure voltage instead of pump up because I like Boltreaver's blue charge), but this attack is really strong


I think this is a good place to ask.

When you're hatching an egg for your Base Monstie you're building, do you care about the +3/2/1 Values to Health, Attack, Defense and Weakness added randomly? I personally try to but I'm wondering if i'm wasting my time with any bonus or maybe aiming for Attack and another matching modifier :/


wow this build is identical to mine, good to know i'm not crazy and i did something worthwhile, thanks for the much more accurate calculations than mine.


I made a regen tank Nergigante, could you maybe do a video on that to compare and explain how the recovery stat works? It's not very clear in game.


Just realised, vengeful ice drill works the same as this (alternative for the same build with ice)


ooooh, alway assumed those "low hp", even the ones that don't specific the % where all from 50% and less, if its right from the moment you lose just 1hp it makes it so much valuable
also do you know if it's true dancer has the attack/defense boost always active, and only the speed buff is tied to full hp?


This is very similar to the Nargacuga build you showed in the Critical System video (also with Heroics, Vigilance, Critical Eye and Pump Up). Back then, you said you wouldn't really recommend that build. Is the build here superior just because of Vengeful Thunder?


Salut a toi Tidus, tout d'abord merci pour tes vidéos et d'ailleurs j'en profite pour m'abonner, j'avais juste une question l'application que tu utilise est-elle exclusive a l'app Store ou en existe t'il une pour Android car j'ai beau chercher je ne trouve pas ?!


Now, you've covered damage builds, but what about tanks? Is there any merit to having an undying/support monster in pve?

I'm thinking of trying a challenge playthrough where I can't lose a heart or I have to start over, so im curious. Extra points for things that are early or mid game.


Thank you for sharing this build. May I know why is your Rajang dealing two damages when you use vengeful thunder while my Boatreaver Astalos only deal one damage when I use vengeful thunder? Thank you.


kind of a dumb question, but on lets say an ice monster wich weak point isn't thunder, would vengeful thunder or vengeful ice move do more damage with that 30% attack difference?


does the crit gene increases the crit rate additively or multiplicative, cuz I thought it was supposed to be multiplicative according to one evidence I saw
