DIY Smokeless Fire Pit Review, Your Questions Answered!

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In this video I answer the most commonly asked questions about the DIY Smokeless Fire Pit video that I did a couple months ago! Some were great suggestions and questions that I wanted to take the time to address with my personal experience and perspective after having used the fire pit numerous times now!

Items in the video:
12" Retention Wall Pavers

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Good job dealing with the haters. Trying to build something you've never done before takes some courage to get past the fear of failure. But, it's just a fire pit so well done. Can't wait for the next adventure. Cheers from Texas!


Man! I want to so do this! Please do not remove your videos on this! We will be moving within the next year or year and a half and our next house I need to build this!

This is cool beans! Also, you could display professional top quality to people who think they know everything and they’ll still tell you what you did wrong. It worked for you.

The thing that gets me is you are using it… like if it didn’t work…. why would anyone say it does? This is literally FREE help to people!

Thank you, thank you and thank you!

Now to find my husband and present what I found on youtube. Here I was just looking to put some holes into a junk fire pit to make it smokeless until we moved then I found this.

Have a great night man!


Yeah, more airflow equals better combustion. It's incomplete combustion that causes a good deal of the smoke. It's not even a disputable fact. Nice job!




Your creativity is excellent, and I will apply what I learned from was done with this build. We all can tweak our own fire-pits to fit what we are looking for so I am grateful for you taking time and sharing the hard work you did...


Ignore the haters. Experimenting is what improves designs. Thanks for posting.


I have a Solo Stove and love it for taking it camping. Looks like you nailed a bigger concept design. You are spot on about the initial smoke, our Solo Stove does the same thing. It's not until that fire really gets going in 5 to 10 minutes that the smoke minimizes. Will definitely mirror your design if I rebuild a large burn pit. Thanks for sharing!


I built one almost exactly like yours and we used it for the first time last night. It works just as you have described. Thank you for this awesome idea and party on 😊


I took a 54” x 12” tractor rim, dug down about 4”, put the rim in the hole and stacked some rocks around it, then I dug about a 4” tunnel under one side, no smoke, works better than any fire pit I’ve ever seen


Thanks for doing this. I told my wife I was going to build one in October, so I'm going to use your strategy. Let's smoke the better...


Thanks for sharing ! Great up dated project (draft pipe)


yours is a great pit !! the proof is in the video, at 9:20 there is NO SMOKE, and it's burning really nice. I built one similar to yours after watching a couple yt vids (including yours). in January I got a steal deal on a 28" ring at tractor supply on clearance for $27 marked down from $90. it's thick, heavy steel. drilled 1" holes around the top. works great. like you said, clean up is easy. usually nothing but ash left, and the little bits of charcoal are burned up in the next fire.
p.s. metal shower drain grate for $7 at H.D. to put over the air flow pipe.
thanks for the videos


Great idea man, the whole dealing with comments is crazy nice of you. I'd want to tell them to do their fire pit youtube video however they want. Also cans don't even melt on a fire so who ever said that has no idea how heat works. It's probably under 100 degrees where the pipe is. Heat rises guys...


great work on the 1st vid and followup! can't wait to see the next one!


I really admire you dealing with negative comments or any comments even to the point of digging up the air intake which I think is genius in itself I'm seriously thinking about making one of those for this winter and the spot where I put my pool thanks for great content
I'm going to have to do some research into your brick breaking method so for now I may have to go with the handheld Sledge and chisel. 🙃


Haters r gonna hate. Great video and I can't wait to build myself one.


8:04 You're just in the pocket of Big Fire Pit!! I KNEW IT


Good job and very informative videos. I've pretty mech watched these from the beginning and like the amount of experimentation. I'm basing my design on your work but using a circular tub from tractor supply cause that's what I have. I'll try the smaller holes to start with because it's easier to drill them out than fill them in. Thanks!


don't vindicate the trolls - they don't deserve a minute of your time. my son and i built a fire pit patterned off your initial version of this. after many, many fires it works great! the only time we get smoke is when we throw something that is not seasoned into it. generally if the fire is hot enough that is not even an issue.


I don’t understand how people can’t get their heads around the science of why this works. It’s the same as fanning a fire or a carburetor for an engine and also a damper control on a wood stove.
Adding more oxygen to fuel increases efficiency. Great video and now I’m inspired to rework my fire pit !
