12 'First Times Ever' You Need to Know!

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In this video:

1. The First Completed Pass ever thrown by Brett Favre (note to Simon- pronounced “Farv”) was to himself… In his first official play in the NFL during the second game of the 1992 season, Favre threw the ball only to have a defender deflect it back. Favre caught the ball and was tackled for a loss of 7 yards.
2. The First Cell Phone weighed 2.4 pounds and was 9x5x1.75 inches in size. It also had only 20 minutes of battery life when talking, but as Motorolla employee Martin Cooper stated “that wasn’t really a big problem because you couldn’t hold that phone up for that long.” Once the phone battery was drained, it took approximately 10 hours to charge back up fully.
3. The First UPC Barcode was a pack of Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit gum, first scanned in Marsh’s supermarket in Troy, Ohio in June of 1974.
4. The First Known Female Doctor was Merit Ptah who lived in Egypt around 2700 B.C. According to her son who was a High Priest, she wasn’t just any doctor, but “the Chief Physician”.
5. The First Recognized “Baby Boomer” was Kathleen Casey-Kirschling of Philadelphia. She was the first known baby to be born on January 1, 1946, born in St. Agnes Hospital.
6. The First Name In “Baskin-Robbins” was decided by a coin-flip, with Burt Baskin winning the toss against his brother-in-law, Irv Robbins.
7. Man First Set Foot On The Moon at the “Sea of Tranquility”. The second landing site was called “The Ocean of Storms”.
8. The First Punishment that will be leveled against you if you’re convicted in the Sudan of armed robbery where you also killed someone during the robbery (under Article 168 of the Sudanese Penal Code), is that you will be hanged. Next, you will be crucified. The last such death sentence was carried out on May 6, 2013.
9. Famed writer and Soviet spy Whittaker Chambers was the First To Translate Bambi: A life in the Woods, into English. Disney would later, of course, base a movie off this work.
10. The First Man To Go Over Niagara Falls in a barrel and survive, Bobby Leach, 15 years later died as a result of slipping on either an orange peel or a banana peel (different news reports from the event are contradictory on which). After the slip and subsequent injury, his leg became infected and had to be amputated. He died two months later from complications from the infection and the surgery.
11. Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu, widely known as “Volare,” was recorded by Italian singer Domenico Modugno, and was the First Non-English Number One hit in the history of the prestigious Billboard Hot 100 chart, when the song climbed to the top of the American charts on August 18, 1958. It also ultimately went on to sell over 22 million copies.
12. The Tower of the Winds in Athens, which lies right under the Acropolis, is thought to be the First Clock Tower in history, constructed sometime between the 2nd century BC to 50 BC. It contained eight sundials and a water clock, along with a wind vane.

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You guys are awesome and the dedication of posting every day thanks for helping me expand my mind. :)


On #3... for some reason I've known this one for quite some time. It wasn't just ONE pack of 'juicy fruit' gum that was the first UPC scanned item at a store in the U.S., it was actually a 10-pack bulk package of 'juicy fruit' packs of chewing gum. I guess somebody REALLY liked their gum, to stock up on it like that.

Oddly enough, despite searching for it off and on for many years, I have never been able to discover what was the SECOND item ever sold by scanning a UPC bar code... ;)


The Baskin-Robins coin flip reminded me of how Portland, OR got its name. It was founded by 2 men, one from Portland, ME & one from Boston, MA. They flipped a coin to see whose home city the new place would be name after.


Hey, I love your videos, but I also have a criticism on this one - it seems to be animated differently than previous videos. I really don't think this style is the way to go, the way the images appear and dissolve from the screen is jarring, the animation is confusing, disorientating and unnecessary.
The choice and layout of the typography is not particularly great, either, and making the text blurry doesn't help.

I hope you do not take this as hate mail, but just as advice from a huge fan of your channel!


I love your channel, very interesting and informative. Keep it up! ;)


I am now firmly convinced that certain errors are intentionally included to see if we notice.... Volair? NO.... it is pronounced Vo-Lah-rey....


I love this channel, but I have a bit of a nitpick on this one.  The first non-English #1 is pronounced "Vole-Are-ay".  I would agree, however that it looks like how you pronounced it.  No harm done, after all.


All those people on YouTube that go "FIRST!" have nothing on these people :D


Brett Favre played for Atlanta Falcons when he thru his first pass.
