I feel bad for conservative Christian parents

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Originally posted: 5/4/2023
I feel bad for fundamentalist parents 🤷‍♀️

#parenting #christianity
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You know when I don't feel bad for them? When they go to the voting booth and try to dictate what other people can and can't do based on their interpretation of a holy book.


It's a good point and something that I have thought of the past year as well, like regardless of what someone believes they should still be kind to others, but understanding why someone does sth does help being kinder to them. We have to realise that as much as we are convinced our beliefs are right, or most likely right, and that we are good people, by far most people think this about themselves.
Especially regarding religion it's helped me understand why people who are anti-abortion can be so loud, because though I don't agree, they truly do believe that abortion is just the killing of people and if you truly believe that of course you would do anything possible to stop it.

I guess the point of my blabbering is that most of the time we won't change anyone's opinion, but if we approach with an open mind and willing to listen, we can at least understand each other and be kinder.


You make a good point. Of course, those parents might have a slightly different opinion if they ever read the book they claim to uphold. Just saying.


None of us get to choose what we think is real?


Some of them actually don't care. Speaking from a similar experience, raising children and forcing religion onto them is for "good points" not out of love and worry


What is the Fear of God and how do you combine it with Loving Him above all else?
It’s to be in awe of that one who is really in control and to not let anything else influence you enough to disregard Him.
As for loving Him in a contradictory way, this is where the terror comes along. Do you pretend to Love Him because the alternative is worse or do you Love Him because of who He is and what He means to you?


I feel bad for my parents because they were sold a bill of goods in their early 20’s and have existed in the same echo chamber for the past 50 years. They raised me and my sisters in the same echo chamber because people they trusted told them that was what they were supposed to do. 🤦🏼‍♂️

Fortunately I see the snake oil salesmen for what they are and I’m trying to raise my kids differently.


Buy my horse.
It rebelled against those 4 famous ones.


I was raised very conservative/fundamentalist. On reflection, my children are likely one of the reasons i deconverted.

I couldn't square what i knew about the Bible and Christianity and how i was raised with how i wanted my children raised and exposed to the Bible and Christianity.

I surprised myself when i 'came out' to my parents. I didn't give them an opportunity to respond. I'm pretty sure my mother has me on all sorts of prayer lists and has cried herself to sleep over my deconversion.


It blows my mind that there's adults that believe this


I remember your father saying this. I'm glad you overcame him


Even if you think you've actually heard the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is very unlikely since your father is a Calvinist who distorts it, I do think your rejection of Jesus Christ is the most heartbreaking of all. Salvation is a need of mankind, and that need doesn't change based on unbelief and rejection of that salvation. The Gospel is good news, it's also a command, not a strong suggestion.


Conservative christian parents have to pay a price for the comfort of believing in an eternal paradise.


Unfortunately for us, this reverse thinking, showing them, and this compassion is what will turn most people.. it's exhausting. but it's honest work and it needs doing.


I'm a conservative Christian parent. I don't think you feel bad for me. I think you are mocking people like mel. Both of my children are absolutely fantastic and I am so fortunate to have them. One of my kids is severely disabled. He loves the Lord with all his heart. My other child loves the Lord with all her heart às well. It is you who are pitiful. And I love you no matter what.


I'd feel bad for them but.... These are the same people the believe in an omnibenevolent god. How a god that is literally the essence of good can condemn people to eternal torture is beyond me. But not just me. It's beyond reason. Sure, these people were conditioned to believe this. I get it. But at some point the constant cognitive dissidence HAS to set in. And yet they still go on.
I have some sympathy for them. Just not a lot.


They could also let common sense be their guide!


All parents will be judged for how they raised their children and how their children ultimately turned out because of their parenting. That includes non-believers. That includes your own father.

Luke 17:2 KJV - It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.


I feel bad for his hairdresser.
Probably chatters away non stop when he is in the chair.
