TOP 10 Wobble Board Exercises for Balance & Strength

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How's your balance? Is it something you EVER think about or pay attention to in your training? You better because AGE can steal away our confidence and ability to feel GROUNDED!

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The wobble board or balance board may not be a sexy strength tool but it absolutely is something you should implement from time to time in your workouts. There are many exercises you can perform using this simple round disc.

Exercises that target the legs, the core and even the upper body. This video shows you just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to getting familiar with this little device. Try these in bare feet as well if you're looking for a more GROUNDED feeling. Bare foot training is highly recommended for anyone seeking a more balanced, more sure footed feeling.

TOP 10 Wobble Board Exercises for Balance & Strength

1. Standing Balance
2. Squat Hold
3. Squats
4. High Plank (hands on board)
5. Low Plank (elbows on board)
6. Side to Side Rock
7. Push Up (hands on board)
8. Push Up (feet on board)
9. Single Leg Balance
10. Wall Sit

Doing just this mix of 10 exercises will strengthen your entire body and help you form a better mind to muscle connection. The balance board has a great way of getting you to FOCUS on the working muscles simply because you're working that much harder to do basic movement patterns.

Start using this tool today and you can even add in some light dumbbells for some of these to make them more challenging.

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Thank you for watching the CriticalBench YouTube channel. Please leave us some comments or questions regarding this video or any fitness & health topics, we are happy to engage with you!!


Straight to the point and no messin about, thanks.


Just purchased my first wobble/balance board. Excited to start using it!


I use one of these for my son for his therapy (he has autism) and we throw a ball back and forth while both balancing.

I'm glad to see that there are other options for me to use it in my workout regime 🤩 I just wish there was a voice over on this video as not all these things are self explanatory for how to do them with correct posture, etc.


Oh my word THIS IS GREAT! I just came across this video and I just got a wobble board from the Ballet coach, she has you put 1 foot in the middle of the board as you lift the other leg balancing with just one on the Board to help strengthen ankles. I am new to ballet (take for exercise not to be a dancer)and didn’t know there were other exercises for this contraption 😂.


Would help if you described technique and muscle groups you’re working out


I'm using one at Physical Therapy and omg does it burn your muscles! If you're only watching this and want to kick up your exercises a couple notches, buy one of these. Quick way to tone up.


Thx so much ! Got one in pandemic & misplaced directions! U r amazing!!


I got one for myself and then my 9 year old grand daughter saw it and wanted to take it home. I ordered one for her and sent it to her house with a gift note challenging her to a balancing contest. Its best out of ten who ever stays on the longest with out touching the floor wins the bout. I'm 65. Can she beat me ? I originally got it because soon our 20 ft sailboat will be in the water. This is a head start on some sea legs and preparing our core for the beatings it will take on choppy days.


Good video but would have been a great video if it had commentary about technique and what each exercise is good for.


Great video, very informative, thank you!!!


For the last month, I have used the balance board as a morning routine but never looked up how it should be used until now. So I was just trying to stand straight with the arms to my side as long as possible for 12 minutes the beginning and this week I have done it for 18-20 minutes of cures I will lose my upright position many times through that period and the board will touch the floor. But what I don't get then is if I'm doing too much or doing it wrong. Because I feel my ankles working, but am I overdoing it? Am I being too one-sided?

Well, I am a gym rat and I train jiu-jitsu also.


Heyo Coach Chris!! Good vid, wait...there are more than 10 exercises?? Lol...I like wobble boards n upturned bosu...need to improve my balance and I enjoy the challenge...😁


Hi coach Chris-would these help with ankle sprains?


How do you do the squats? Is there a trick to it?


What’s the name of the music? It’s fire!


I'm curious, after a chest + arms day, driving my car w/ no power steering killed my chest muscles all over again. So, would holding a plank and twisting the board like a steering wheel work those muscles?


Do you prefer this or cushion board (wobble like that blue thing with spikes)


Is there any advantage to buying a wobble board that has a pair of open slots for use as a handle or for use as pushup grips?


Whats the exercise to do on the wobble and balance board for basketball 🏀
