Consciousness: Crash Course Psychology #8

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What exactly is consciousness? Well... that's kind of a gray area. In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank gives you the basic ideas of what consciousness is, how our attention works, and why we shouldn't text and drive... ever... no, really, NEVER!
Introduction: What is Consciousness? 00:00
States of Consciousness 1:51
Cognitive Neuroscience & Neuroimaging 2:16
Dual Processing 3:33
Selective Attention 4:23
Inattentional Blindness 6:13
How Magicians Use Psychology 7:08
Review & Credits 8:38
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Introduction: What is Consciousness? 00:00
States of Consciousness 1:51
Cognitive Neuroscience & Neuroimaging 2:16
Dual Processing 3:33
Selective Attention 4:23
Inattentional Blindness 6:13
How Magicians Use Psychology 7:08
Review & Credits 8:38
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