Leather Pants Review: Cheap Affordable Leathercult Leather Pants 1 Year Update/Review: Regrets?

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I started wearing leather pants in 2020. Late 30s. Married with kids. I love the attention in them dont give a crap what people say. Just style with right shoes / shirt etc. Its rock and roll. Lifes short; live


I have three pairs from Leathercult , including a tourquise blue jogging pants T shirt and a hoddie all custom made . I am 78 . UK oap


I own black leather trousers made from lamb leather which feel very smooth and very comfortable and smell great too. I do have another pair of black leather trousers I bought many years ago which are nice too but a bit heavier in weight than lamb leather trousers. I would love to buy another pair of black leather trousers/jeans, but more of a darker black leather as lamb has a shine to them. Premium napa or sheepskin leather is great quality and comfortable.


wow mister talk magnificent video I actually bought a pair from leathercult they are very will put together and the price is very cheap. i love my pants leathercult have great customer service I wonder what happened to your first video I really miss that video I hope you can bring it back to YouTube again in future because your red leather pants is so iconic!


I have leather pants that span the price range. I have 2k dollar pants and I have pants from leathercult. Leathercult does a great job at that price point! I love their color options


wow! they look amazing!!!! hope to see more leather looks from you!


They look great! I love my leather and I'll have to try these. Can't ever have enough leather 😉😉🖤🖤


I bought one of the jackets from Leather Cult. I'm really pleased with the quality and uniqueness, I did not anticipate it to come with a reverse zip though. I prefer a right handed zip, typical American boy I know. Now that I know I'd inquire if they can do right handed zip vs left handed. Keep this in mind if you are considering a jacket purchase from them.


Some things I didn't mention:
MOST if not ALL of their photos are not how they actually look. They are inconsistent about that. ALSO, the back pockets on my partners leather cult pants are unflattering. AND MANY PEOPLE have had BAD experiences with their jackets.

That being said, the leather is very nice quality and I think these particular jeans came out great. If you order them, get them TIGHT! :) and stick to their regular jeans design.

Also, yes, I live in a place with squeaky floors.

If you like what you see, feel free to join the club at patreon.com/mistertalks for more posts and to help support the channel. Thanks again!


I have a pair of them as well. They fit me well. They are comfortable and they have held up. They are not motorcycle pants.


Hello dear people on this forum. I started wearing leathers at age 23. I'm almost 48 now and people start to say I'm getting old for wearing them. Not that I care, but what are you thinking? I have a size 34/36.


I've got some of their gear. It's actually not too bad at all!


Great video. Not enough men wear leather pants that's quite obvious. I've had and still own cheap leather jeans and I have to say quality is incredible variable. Some have been amazing, some terrible - and it's always the lining and pockets that fail on them.


i just came across your youtube page by accident i guess on my tv. leather gear collector myself. i'm just now lookin at the leathercult site, and i have to say that i'm very picky about lots of clothing, leather especially. your pants are really awesome. the shine, the fit and style. i was curious though, if you could tell me WHICH pair you got? i see several that range from $144 to $209... if you could let me know exactly which style you got, than i can go from there and get them... be easier anyway. please get back. the price is definately worth it. like i said, i really like the ones you bought... and i would really appreciate it.... i guess i am to leather as women are to shoes. heh... hope to hear back man... btw, nothing weird, just wanna say that you wear them very well.. perfect customization.. merry xmas and happy new year.... Eddie.


Four and a half months since you did this video. Still liking the pants? Was going to order some stuff from them. Just wondering if you're still happy with the quality, etc. ...


Those pants look amazing and you wear them so well. Good job! I hope to see more videos. Do you also wear leather jackets?


nice jeans bro
Do you have any leather shorts reviews?
Im looking for some loose fit leather shorts that are not like basketball shorts long, but not skintight either and I am having a tough time finding any or reviews think you could help?
thanks cheers!


I like those leather pants and I am a new subscriber 👍


Is there such a thing as good leather pants at a reasonable price and where one might find red leather pants at. Thank you kindly


QUESTION: what style of leather pants did your order? There are lots of options on their website.
