Caroline Myss - The greatest thing you can do is decide…

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The greatest thing you can do is decide:

“You know what, I'm going to focus my attention, not on acquiring stuff and getting all worked up about controlling other people and all my wounds that happened in this place called the past, but rather on managing my soul so I don’t hemorrhage ever again. So that I stay in my consciousness. So that I stay in present time, and I live by the higher truths. That there’s a law of balance, and I choose to stay in balance, and I live my life so that I can sense when I make a choice that throws me off balance. I become conscious of the mystical laws because those are the laws that determine how my physical world is.”


This journey right here is the journey you’re going to have to take with yourself, which is to determine whether or not you’re strong enough to give up that part of you that participates in illusion, and the permission illusion gives you to abuse other people, to manipulate, to use your wounds.

This is a lot of work.

I believe that every person’s life is only a journey of empowerment. And this journey is not an easy one. We have to learn and re-learn our life lessons constantly. But few truths are as profound and life-changing as realizing how powerful every one of your choices are, even – if not especially – the silent choices we make to ourselves. You have the power to shift the quality of your life with one choice.

This workshop is an exploration into our relationship with the dynamic forces of creation and what it means to understand your life as a participant in a collective – and personal – sacred contract with the creative laws of the universe.


About Caroline Myss:
Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. Caroline established her own educational institute in 2003, CMED (Caroline Myss Education), which offers a diverse array of programs devoted to personal development and draws students from all over the world. In addition to her written work, Caroline maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule and has produced more than eighty audio/visual products on subjects that include healing, spirituality, personal development, and the study of archetypes.

© Copyright 2024 CMED LLC. All rights reserved
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I am 59 and I can remember the exact moment as a small child when I realized that I was me and that only I had the power of being me. It was like my ego consciousness switched on, I've never forgotten it, every detail.


I was meditating last night and I saw so clearly how I saw everything in the world as coming toward me, then enveloping me, and how that was causing me so much distress. And as I meditated on that, I reversed it in my mind and taught myself how I could see energy flowing out of me instead, and how that would create so much less frustration and sadness for me. Today I click on this video and within the first two minutes, you literally said exactly what I realized last night. This world is so amazing. I'm sitting here just shocked. We are all so much more connected than we realize.


Thankyou for your space and time..for sharing your knowledge. Infinite Blessings. Eternally grateful.


"I want to reward myself for suffering, so I will choose to suffer over heal." This talk shook me - powerful words!


In gratitude for your words and wisdom. I feel the world is starting to wake up and see our true journey. In Love & Light! Thank you.


Dear Caroline Myss,
I truly loved and enjoyed your teachings for the last 20(+) years. I understand your concern, but we are healers, not judges. We deliver the message, they have to make the choice. The nature of God is too vast, to be expressed nor explained in a few hours. Blessings ❤


She’s a Boddhisattva, she here so you can swing the pendulum back to your silent center ❤


Thank you Lord. You are setting the captives free


Enlightening to see that Caroline thinks a mask can stop a virus … even believes in virology … at this stage of the game, that looks like the first floor again


Our Bodies - our soma - keeps the score of our life ; as well as guides us perfectly step by step if we can listen, see & hear the signs - on our destined journeys …
Creator does Bless us, Everyone …


Just came across Caroline in the last week. I'm 65 and so much of what's going on in my life had led me to her message. Thank you. Listening from Montana


Rejection is Protection. Love that ❤💛 💚


As a speech-language pathologist for over 40 years, 30 of which have been on the Blackfeet Reservation in NW Montana, all my work consisted of empowering children, their families and the community. I feel I planted many seeds- but the work was exhausting and wore me out. I had to retire because I became ill (lots of issues) and had to quit working in a tough environment to work on healing.


Food comforting and addiction are real. Swallowing down any suffering like we think it will just go away with the distraction of pleasure in our mouths. I pray for the grace to know what to fuel my body with so I'm able to think without fog and hear divine guidance. ✨️ 🙏


She spends so much of her time spreading her love all teachers are angels at her level...


Every time I come across Caroline Myss’s teaching I heard something so resonated, it like these are just what I need to hear at this moment.. I am so thankful for her’s teachings. They are should made into school curriculums ❤


“We are all walking through the archetypal journey, the journey to empowerment. The blockage that becomes some type of addiction, “I still want to reward myself for suffering”. Which means I will choose to suffer over healing.”


Thanks so much for making this available on YouTube! So many light bulb moments in this hour of my life! Blessings 🙌


Caroline might benefit from meeting a few full blown lighworkers. They have no issues empowering / lifting up other souls. I have no issues with another soul being MORE successful than ME !!!!


Caroline Myss, what do you think about Mauro Biglino? It's really very interesting his translations of the Bible.
