Your highest potential comes from something you cannot choose.

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Your highest potential comes from something you cannot choose - it comes from what is chosen for you. So here we are facing a time when the very thing we valued so much - choice - has been taken away from us. We are all in situations we have not chosen. And now you're going to discover your highest potential. Now you're going to see. How are going to respond?
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I woke this morning to a storm with high winds and rain. I was frightened and found peace here.


Thanks Caroline. Love and blessings to you xxx


Your parents were the “silent generation” I believe. Don’t talk about anything emotional or real


Yes! Some of us...many of us are old souls. We've been around for eons. And many of us have issues of not being good enuff, lack of self worth, unworthy. Thank you for giving us your time in the morning. This is deep. I feel it's so important to let go of resistance and allow flow in our life. The last 10 years have been tough...I believe preparing for now. It's so good to be here with all of you. I feel safe. I appreciate you.💜🌈


God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, and the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference, so when my tribe said they didn't give me a chance, I attempted to give myself chances regardless of the tribe. It opened up an appetite for nursing, for writing, for drawing, for taking pictures, if I climbed a mountain If I sailed an ocean, and now they know what that means, and who was I to tell them anything? What God gave us to it, we can grow through this. Thanks, Carolyn, sending you peace.


I LOOVE YOU ?… THANK YOU … you have been a parent/teacher I’ve never had


Thank you!💖💖💖
13:07 Our highest potential has to do with something we cannot choose, but is chosen for you


Thank you for your incredible depth of understanding and for sharing it with such precision and honesty. ❤️


I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your postings during this difficult time. I lost my sister to the virus last Saturday, and your messages have been keeping me going as I search for meaning. I have long been a fan, but now that word seems frivolous as things become real. Just as you have always said. Thank you, Carolyn.


‘This is my 15th year as you as my teacher. So blessed and grateful for all your words of wisdom.


This video kept popping up so it seems like I'm meant to watch it.


Thank you Caroline ❤️these small gifts that you provide us with are priceless. Perhaps you can continue to enlighten us when we are finally able to share our love with one another physically! Your insight is so appreciated.


Funny how in my life.. I had been on a hold pattern for a few years no place I was going... and now I see I’m all of it inside 🤗 Just being ✨🙏🏻


These videos are so needed at this time. Thank you for using your energy and your wisdom to articulate the spiritual nature of everything going on right now.


Thanks for this video, Caroline. Something I would like to share with you. As I was listening to you and finding myself in an equivalent situation as you are when you asked God, "When is this going to end?" and you got the reply, "Not yet", I suddenly saw the light! What I realized was that, as long as we communicate with God - Source as a separate entity, then we continue in a 3D world of Duality and Separation, where our true power has been taken away from us.Then, if you ask when something will end, the real answer is, "not yet because you are not ready!"

In 5D, Unity Consciousness, we don't ask God anything, because Unity Consciousness means that we and God are one. If we are God, which we are, why would God ask Itself a question? In Neil Donald Walch's books, "Conversations with God", God tells Neil, "I am the Magnificent Everything, and I am experiencing my magnificence through the choices I make." So, my understanding of this now is that we must take back our power by transfering our sense-of-identity to God, and then, instead of asking or waiting and waiting, we make a magnificent choice in what we desire. We have each been given free will to choose and decide freely what we want ... no exceptions. Just as Jesus, in a boat out at sea in a storm, didn't ask God, "when is the storm going to end?".He reclaimed The power of God and commanded the waters to be calm. Then the "miracle" happened and the waters became calm.

I have known my own private mission in life since 2004, yet, as you said, at first it was an ego affair. As the years have gone by and I stuck at it, the ego slowly became afraid because what I am going to do is, in its eyes, totally impossible or crazy. Listening to you today made me realize that we, individually and only when we feel ready, must stand in our true God-Power and demand and command that, whatever it is we choose, happens NOW! In a way, it's a sort-of instantaneous intention or decision, which requires that we both know Who We "Really Are" and BE IT. This also means that your highest potential ONLY will come from something YOU choose. As long as we wait for God to take action, we remain waiting in 3D. If however we want miracles, that are our birthright, then we have to start doing as Jesus did and commanding the waters to be calm now ... or whatever else is our mission.

Also want to add that, where we place our attention, our energy goes. So as long as we give one bit of our power away to the Matrix, then we have one bit of power less to create what WE want. We have the potential to turn our backs on todays corrupt and dishonest leadership right NOW and manifest a miraculous Heaven-on-Earth for all of Humanity. But first, we have to stand up in the boat and demand and command in the name of the I AM that I AM.

Sorry for rambling on so much, but your video helped me to finally "get it" and I suddenly got the urge also to share this with you. Much love and blessings for all the good work you are doing.


Much love, respect, and light to all of you from


Been looking forward to this all morning


Thank you Caroline, that was magnificent!


Thank you! You have such a brilliant way of articulating. I'm thrilled that I have found you.... you will bring out the best in me, ,, through your teachings. Digging deep within 🙏


What an amazing synopsis of the past fifty years. And explanation of Highest Potential Thank you!
