I was sent a Chanel Jumbo Classic Flap Replica!!! BEWARE OF SUPER FAKES!!!

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Many people have asked for the seller or link of where they can purchase this bag but unfortunately I do not have that information. I was sent this bag to review by a company who contacted me through WhatsApp and their account has since disappeared.
*** PLEASE READ *** This is not a video I'd ever planned to post but I was sent this bag for free, so I thought it would be interesting to see what a super fake replica bag looks like and how close it is to the real thing. I thought it would be useful to share this video so it can give you an idea of what to look out for when buying a bag from a third party seller. Many sellers try to pass these bags off as the real thing. Do not let yourself be fooled!
There is no doubt that this is an extremely controversial subject. I used to buy replica handbags myself and I know that any people still do but it’s when people try to pass these bags off as genuine that the real problems happen. Thankfully I now have genuine designer bags and I would personally never purchase a replica bag again as I don't feel the need to. I enjoy the process of saving up for my luxury bags and you can't beat the feeling of owning the real thing but I understand that some people don't have that option or just chose not to buy genuine designer due to the high prices. Each to their own.... No judgement here.
A Chanel Jumbo is my absolute dream bag and I desperately hope to own one one day but unfortunately they are waaaaaay out of my price range right now. So when this company contacted me offering to send me a bag, I thought it would at least be a great way for me to try the bag out and see it it would work for me. I would personally never go out looking for a replica bag, but as it was free, I thought I'd give it a try.
Although the bag was decent quality and very pretty in it's own right, I didn't personally feel comfortable wearing it so I have passed it on to my Mum who is absolutely thrilled to bits with it.
When there are bags like this that are so close to the real thing, it shows just how crucial it is that you get items authenticated when you're buying from third-party sellers. It's all very well purchasing a replica bag when you know that's what it is but there are some terribly dishonest people out there that would try to pass it off as the real thing. Please protect your money and don't let yourself be scammed.
The service I recommend and personally use for authentication is Most authentications only cost £5 and that's such a small price to pay for your peace mind.
I hope the video has been useful and that you're not mad with me for giving in to the offer of a free bag, even though it was a replica 🙈
Lots of love,
Regan x
*** PLEASE READ *** This is not a video I'd ever planned to post but I was sent this bag for free, so I thought it would be interesting to see what a super fake replica bag looks like and how close it is to the real thing. I thought it would be useful to share this video so it can give you an idea of what to look out for when buying a bag from a third party seller. Many sellers try to pass these bags off as the real thing. Do not let yourself be fooled!
There is no doubt that this is an extremely controversial subject. I used to buy replica handbags myself and I know that any people still do but it’s when people try to pass these bags off as genuine that the real problems happen. Thankfully I now have genuine designer bags and I would personally never purchase a replica bag again as I don't feel the need to. I enjoy the process of saving up for my luxury bags and you can't beat the feeling of owning the real thing but I understand that some people don't have that option or just chose not to buy genuine designer due to the high prices. Each to their own.... No judgement here.
A Chanel Jumbo is my absolute dream bag and I desperately hope to own one one day but unfortunately they are waaaaaay out of my price range right now. So when this company contacted me offering to send me a bag, I thought it would at least be a great way for me to try the bag out and see it it would work for me. I would personally never go out looking for a replica bag, but as it was free, I thought I'd give it a try.
Although the bag was decent quality and very pretty in it's own right, I didn't personally feel comfortable wearing it so I have passed it on to my Mum who is absolutely thrilled to bits with it.
When there are bags like this that are so close to the real thing, it shows just how crucial it is that you get items authenticated when you're buying from third-party sellers. It's all very well purchasing a replica bag when you know that's what it is but there are some terribly dishonest people out there that would try to pass it off as the real thing. Please protect your money and don't let yourself be scammed.
The service I recommend and personally use for authentication is Most authentications only cost £5 and that's such a small price to pay for your peace mind.
I hope the video has been useful and that you're not mad with me for giving in to the offer of a free bag, even though it was a replica 🙈
Lots of love,
Regan x