How can we best help students? Cultivate their love for learning. | John Hardin

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I still didn’t get the answer for the question HOW can we help? He just repeated that we have to help the kids which is obvious. I get frustrated with these types of people


How about not indoctrinating them with social justice BS.


How you ask???
Make college and university tuition AFFORDABLE!!! 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫


you know what the #1 step is in order to accomplish this??? -> ACTUALLY GET TO KNOW YOUR STUDENTS! then you can relate the information to them in a way that interests them


whats up with the bright backgrounds? stop ruining our eyes.


How to help students? I'll tell you:

1. Don't overcharge them and leave them with crippling debt.
2. Don't have many, if any at all, classes with mandatory attendance.
3. Have as little as possible mandatory classes, but have a big pool of elective classes to fill out semestrial credit requirements.
4. Have an economy, or rather a mentality in you culture, where part-time jobs are plentiful. (To clarify, there are some countries with strong economies out there who do not have part-time jobs whatsoever, solely because it is just not in their mentality, their culture. This must change.)


this is BS. He's a neoliberal who immediately assumes "you and I" underwent the same schooling system


I really love to study history of art and I like to do some research on leonardo da vincci. I think studying makes the life worth living rather than consuming stuff.


Kids are by default lovers of learning. Babies will watch clips of gravity defying balls 3x more often than normal gravity obeying balls. They are curious. So it’s basically how can we not destroy their love for learning.


Steiner Schools pursue an individual approach to each and every human being.. Love the pedagogy!


A question I am trying to find the answer for is how to lead people of all ages to love learning things that are good and good for all. For it is this love of learning that is the best use of our existence


I am a teacher from Colombia (a country with little resources for public education), I think that everybody can criticize the education system, however if you wanted to find solutions, it would be difficult. The message of the video is a general solution, it isn´t very specific.


It's nothing to do with "delivering... and ...transferring information" it is everything to do with successive experience for the learner in interpreting information. For how long are we going to ASSUME that teachers have it wrong when we are flat out facing a cultural collapse that is outside the sterility and confines of a traditional school facility and philosophical / cultural structure?


The question for me is what failure will look like. You could put a bunch of passionate kids in one room and produce epic results where they feed off each other. But in the next class, the kids might not have a clue what they want or be passionate about something with zero prospects. Half the kids I went to school with just selected the easiest subjects. Their singular passion was raiding their parents liqueur cabinets over the weekend.


Easy.. instead of every student taking classes that they don't need we should have education that is more specific toward each individual's goal. Students approval for university is decided by the grades that they got in classes that have nothing to do with their career goal... it makes no sense


the passion stopped when institutionalized learning became PC mind screws, complete turn off - now we simply seek out smaller niche educational forums that don't apply narratives - we pay for a specific subject matter expertise and expect professors/teachers to keep their "opinions" to themselves (right or left) / you can't give 'every' student the same opportunities and quality of study beyond about the sixth grade ... interests vary, intelligence vary, personal application varies, and resources vary from community to community - stop trying to take from the masses to produce a socialist state that actually lessons the effectiveness of learning at the top - it's become a national environment of little more than "crab-pot" institutions (crab mentality)


How to cultivate the love of learning? Allowing the curiosity and helping the construction of knowledge. That's seems pretty obvious, but it's not. That implicates a non elitizing education system; education is a social issue, we can't denie that.


Ahhh, so the question raised didn't yield sufficient results maybe? So it's important to not just educate, but to cultivate a love of learning, and I must add, a love of learning for what is good! Knowing what question we answer is very important in our world, we know this. Anyways, with this question and the proper use of technology that we currently have, the possibility of us reforming education is very near


I agree about how daunting it can be the uniform teaching of how everything should be taught to kids the same way, regardless of who they are or what their interests are. I think to tackle this there needs to be some diversity of subjects or electives in schools to branch out of the ordinary core subjects that everyone needs to know and just give the students some freedom to choose which classes they want. Not to say that the students shouldn't learn maths, sciences, etc. But add in some flavour into the learn with a variety of courses that may intrigue some students, and not just make core subjects the only thing to learn in school. I don't know about every high school today but I am certain that many of them has this option.


He talked a lot but offered nothing novel, original, or helpful.
