Leaving Religion: Cherry Picking the Scriptures

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Religion is famous for cherry picking scriptures to support their theology that's not made clear in the Bible
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That's the technique many preachers use to create their sermons; "Read this verse, now read that verse, now read this verse..."


Thank you so much for your efforts to point out these most important things! I was a minister's wife for 19 years in the church of christ. This denomination ( a term they do not acknowledge about themselves--but they ARE just another DENOMINATION!) is famous for cherry-picking scriptures and creating "rules" out of thin air, i.e. no instrumental music, answered prayers, inerrancy of the scriptures, definition of worship, etc etc.
After much research I have come to the conclusion (confidently, I might add!) that the God of the bible is just another myth to control people. I know something created us and this domain we live in (I am a non-spherical believer--I've done the math and used my common sense for this research as well). I am extremely happy that I was able to "wake up" to all the lies and deceit in religion. Ironically, it was a church and its members that got me disgruntled enough to open my mind up to the possibility that religion is nothing more than a pack of lies. (that in itself is amazing since I was raised to believe that if I consider anything "alternative" I would surely burn in hell). Your first video made reference to "god not talking or speaking" and that was something that always bothered me. But in my religious upbringing, you dare not question anything you don't understand. Just have faith! I always thought I had faith! What an eye-opener when I first discovered all the other "Jesus myths" in history. Wow! NO ONE EVER DARED TO TEACH ME THESE THINGS IN SUNDAY SCHOOL OR SEMINARY! (even if it would have been for the purpose of refutation!) It should have at least been addressed in all my 50+ years of bible study. When I found this out, it was akin to someone finding out they are "adopted!" I felt my whole life had been a lie and it made me upset and angry at first.
I have not fully "come-out" to my family and close friends about my deconversion. They are still stuck in the lies. I will, at some point, be able to share with them. But like me, each person has to come to a point where they have "room" in their brain for the TRUTH. Unless that room exists, I feel we waste our efforts to help them out of the lies and deceit. Until that time comes, I will continue to research. Your videos are ones I intend on using to help them out. Keep up the good work and I will subscribe and continue watching your channel!


This is very true and most christians today only understand scripture based on the way it was interpreted by their pastor. They've never actually read the verse and comprehended it for themselves


Another funny thing I noticed is that Christians claims there's one god, but the Bible mentions other gods.


Even two years later your words are not falling on deaf ears. You are doing GOOD work that will have lasting affects. Stay encouraged and keep going. Thank you sir


They use the Hebrew word (Elohim) Genesis 1:1 (God) meaning 3 person to justify the trinity concept


Mr. Jones, someone commented on another video about possible playlists on your channel. I totally agree that this would be good. It would make it very beneficial in showing others and helping them to THINK! And it would be great for those of us who want to just hit 'play" and hear you speak. Keep up the good work!!!


Topical sermons is another good example of cherry picking scripture


Speak the truth. I can make Peter pan seem like a god if I cherry pick from his book


Nice video. BTW, Council of Nicea was 325 AD, not BC.


My one friend and her mom was good at cherry picking. I should have asked my friend if she was reading it cover to cover?


I use to 🍒 cherry pick the scriptures in any way I could trying to make the puzzle pieces fit and I was good at it except it was always out of context…I’d only read a few sentences instead of reading the whole couple of chapters.


Good evening! Like always love the videos but I have a question. Have you ever listened to Bill Donohue break down the Bible? I hv never heard a pastor break it down like that ever! And he will tell you none of the characters are real! He’s a teacher and will tell you that the Bible can’t be taught literally and that’s what preachers do! People still think ( amen ) means agreement or so be it but go to revelations 3:14! Holla bk!


Thank you!!! I never heard someone put this truth to life ! I'm still catholic I was always taught read and apply it through faith.


Most Christians don't know the Bible itself originally never had chapter and verse division that was added years later


William I love you videos I think your smart


William i mean no disrespect with this question. I always wondered how African American christians as well as native people can follow the religion of the oppressor. I know I'm late in this comment section just interested to know your thoughts on this. I also agree about cherry picking. It happens all the time.


Btw. Ive been around, etc. Working on my Master In Theology, and never thought about it the way you presented it. Thanks!


Cherry picking, the most popular and profusely developed skill among bible believers :))


I grew up thinking Noah preached the word of God and people mock him before the flood...THAT NEVER HAPPENED!

God said "you're the only holy man so I'm gonna save you and your family so prepare yourself" and straight up killed everybody. Like bro, of course noah was the only holy man YOU ONLY COMMUNICATED WITH HIM!
