20 Travel Security Tips

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Planning ahead with Security in mind will make your travel much safer and get you and your family home. #Travel #Security #Travelplans

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As a woman traveling alone frequently on business, when booking a hotel room, I book it for 2 people (it's the same price as for one person). When checking in, ask for 2 keys, and say that my traveling companion hasn't arrived yet, or is parking the car. While the hotel personnel might be honest and honorable, you never know who is listening...the person behind you in line or the one sitting in the hotel lobby. In the elevator, stand near the control panel (not in a corner) so emergency button can be pressed, if needed. Always be aware of who is around you. Don't open your hotel room door to enter if there are other people passing by. Let them pass. Same for getting into your vehicle. Trust your instincts. You can never be too careful. Be prepared, not scared.


Go to your local truck stop for Preppers gold mine of items that are useful for bugging out.
Many cooking appliances that plug into cigarette lighter, billy club/flashlight combo. Thermal gloves, socks, hats, maps, cb radio, car and truck needs, bandanas, and a place to shower.


When asking for directions, don't do it in the street on the open, everybody will know that you are lost.
If possible enter in to any store and ask.


We used our phones to photo our vehicles with license tags. We have our kids' car tag photos, also. Now we have all info about vehicles, instantly accessible, if needed. When u r upset, u don't think clearly. A picture is worth 1, 000 words.


“Walking with purpose” has benefited me in a multitude of areas.


Thanks! A lot of good tips here. Another tip: If at all possible, do not travel alone! This also applies when going out to eat/entertainment/etc.


Excellent advice as always! Maybe it is obvious but worth to highlight, that never post that you are on vacation or away from home at the moment on social media.


If you have to go to another city make sure your state reciprocates with the state you are in for CCW !


I'm in far Western North Carolina and I avoid the big cities as much as possible. I live roughly 2 hours away from Atlanta, Knoxville, Asheville and Chattanooga. Small town life is what I am all about especially since the world is going to crap. Great advice 👍. Thanks


I visited California, so I begged for change and relieved myself on the sidewalk. I blended right in.


1. You can use google earth to look at parts of town where your hotel is before you get there in street view. Note vehicles (new or expensive, or junk vehicles) what do the shops and street look like?
2. You can use glasses built up as a pyramid behind the door as an alarm.
3. You can use hand or fingers to set up objects on a desk to see if they move.( 3 fingers from your laptop is a pencil)


Thank you very much. GOD Bless All American Patriots. Rise Patriots and Never Ever Give Up.


How would you check that an area is safe before booking a hotel?
I gre up in Germany and have seen the downfall of my neighborhood to an absolute no-go-zone. Officially it was always safe, but I have been threatened multiple times by weapons and saw some really bad things. A neighbor was beaten to a cripple. Another one was slaughtered. The state did try its best to cover it all up.


I was trying to leave Manhattan with my friend. It was night and the traffic was hardly moving. I took a side street then another which was empty of traffic. I speeded up in order to cover ground and maybe find another way to the GW Bridge. "This is great, " I said." Suddenly, up ahead, three menacing characters ran into the middle of the road causing me to slow down. Then about ten more blocked our way. They started screaming and gesturing wildly with their arms and hands. They came close. Their faces showed that they were angry. We were both very frightened. I couldn't actually hear what it was that they were saying so before I backed up to get away, I rolled my window down a bit to hear them. "It's a one way street you idiot! You're going the wrong way!" They were actually trying to save our lives.


#21? ALWAYS carry a personal security Sootch in Your luggage! LOL 😉


Not to sound like a pesimist, but i, personally, do not think it is wise to travel outside of the country at this time. Its a new world now...


Clint Emerson’ book 100 deadly skills has some excellent tips on travel security.


I have a cross-body pocketbook (handbag, purse) that has wire in the strap(s) as well as in the bag itself, along with RFID pockets. A thief can't cut your bag off of you. Highly recommend.


Thank you so much for these tips. Very good to think about. Me, I keep my head on a swivel at all times when out of the house.


Shut part of do not disturb sign in door to know if someone has been in your room. Place certain objects in a place alligned with something in your room to know if your stuff was potentaly messed with. Take pics of your stuff before leaving
