Find current date is a weekend or weekday PostgreSQL pgadmin tutorials #postgresql

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Find current date is a weekend or weekday PostgreSQL pgadmin tutorials

To determine if the current date is a weekend or weekday in PostgreSQL using PGAdmin, follow these steps. Open PGAdmin, connect to your database, and select a new query. Then, execute the query: `SELECT current_date`. This will display the current date. To find if it's a weekend or weekday, use the `EXTRACT` function. If the value returned is 0 or 6, it's a weekend; otherwise, it's a weekday. This process doesn't involve coding but provides the information needed to identify whether the current date falls on a weekend or weekday.

Here is the another related video tutorial PostgreSQL PGAdmin Insert Into Multiple Tables Using Stored Procedure. To insert data into multiple PostgreSQL tables using PGAdmin, create a stored procedure with the necessary SQL statements to insert data into each table, then execute the procedure.
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