Charlie Kirk destroys student complaining about white privilege

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Charlie Kirk destroys student complaining about white privilege
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The look on his face was a clear indication that he has never been put in his place before with facts.


Following his four year degree, my nephew was forced to sit out a year before he could be accepted to Univ. of Mich. med school because the available slots had already been filled by foreign nationals and minorities due to affirmative action.


My "white privilege" is having to get up 6 days a week to work, I work so I can support those that can't or WON'T work.... What a wonderful privilege most of us have to be able to do that.


First, "You don't know about my struggle", and then, "I'm never going to call myself a victim."
Apparently this kid doesn't see the contradiction between those two statements.


I’m white (and 1/3 Native American), but to look at me, I am all white. In my 32 years at an extremely large employer in my state, I was passed over and over time & time again for promotions, raises, project leads, etc., all because I am white. I am so sick of hearing about this so-called ‘white privilege’. If white privilege means I am held up to a higher standard and being held accountable to pay my bills on time, earn my GPA to get into college, earn my way into better positions at any given job, then so be it. NOTHING was ever given to me at all based on the color of my skin. This child is definitely claiming & playing the victim in spite of what he says.


I love people like this kid. Clueless. Absolutely clueless!


That kid is so angry and I bet he has never had an actual adverse moment in his rich little life


The nicest shut down ever.. Thanks Charlie.. always classy


Why is it so hard to explain this to anyone? They refuse to accept it.


Im so tired of people who is hiding behind their skincolour.


I am a 53 yr old and a white man, I am still waiting for my " white privilage " I had to mortgage my home to start my business when brown people from other countries can get interest free loans and not have to pay taxes for 10 yrs before they put there business in there nephews name after 10 ten years and then dont have to pay for another 10 yrs and it just keeps going from one family member to another.


Copy paste but solid points:

What is Privilege?
1) Privilege is wearing $200 sneakers when you’ve never had a job.
2) Privilege is wearing $300 Beats headphones while living on public assistance.
3) Privilege is having a Smartphone with a Data plan, which you receive no bill for.
4) Privilege is living in public subsidized housing where you don’t have a utility or phone bill and where rising property taxes, rents and energy costs have absolutely no effect on the amount of food you can put on your table, which is largely covered by Government Food Stamps.
5) Privilege is having free health insurance for you and your family that's paid for by working taxpayers who often can't afford proper health coverage for their own families.
6) Privilege is having multiple national organizations promoting and protecting just your race alone -- that are subsidized by federal tax dollars.
7) Privilege is having access to a national college fund that supports only one race.
8) Privilege is having a television network that supports only one race.
9) Privilege is having most of the media news networks refuse to cover incidents wherein one race (one-eighth of the population) commits 50% of the crimes.
10) Privilege is the ability to go march against, and protest against anything that triggers you, without worrying about calling off from work and the consequences that accompany such.
11) Privilege is having as many children as you want, regardless of your employment status, and be able to send them off to daycare or pre-school you don’t pay for.
12) Privilege is being able to vote in many states without showing a driver's license, voter ID card or other credentials -- just because your race claims they should be exempt from such requirements.
13) Privilege is being able to riot, loot, commit arson and tear down historic monuments without consequences -- just because you don't like folks such as Grant or even Lincoln.
14) Privilege is being able to get into almost any college of your choosing based on your race, not your grades or merit. Now you can apply without even taking the SATs.
15) Privilege is having most of your life paid for by the working men and women who DO HAVE TO DEAL WITH RISING TAXES AND COSTS! you know, the people you call “PRIVILEGED.”


I don’t think he’s been pulled over at all, he wants to claim victim status.


Charlie is 100 percent correct. In 1988, I applied with the Los Angeles Police Dept to be a police officer. It took me 17 months before I was hired. I had to take 3 oral interviews and get a score ABOVE 90 to get hired. Females and minorities were hired with scores of 70.


1/3 of my pay check is taken away to support the 'unprivileged', I don't see a cent of that and they still try to force me into medical procedures I don't want, nor will I take.


This kid's incredibly ignorant. He says he's not going to be a "victim", but he's saying everything he can to show he DOES think he's a victim.


If a white person moves to a brown country and start driving around, he’d be asked to prove his citizenship just as much. How is this privilege?


The look on that guys face, at the end when Charlie pointed out his "Latino privilege", is priceless!


I was a 64 year old white woman in a rural city in the south who called the police over a squabble with a neighbor and was asked to see my driver's license and I wasn't driving. I asked him why because I thought that it was odd, but he informed me that he wanted to verify who I was and basically if I belonged in the area.

This young man just believes it is his skin color. And just like Charlie will never know what it is like to walk in that young man's shoes, neither will the young man know what Charlie lives through. It's all how he wants to perceive things.


Poor guy, that last 15 seconds or so of the video was absolutely brutal for him. You can tell by that hanging of his head and that scolded puppy look that the argument was ended decisively right then and there, because there was absolutely no coming back from that argument at that point. He couldn't have added one single thing to strengthen his argument at the end.
